ECE582 Project: Product Machine and State Enumeration


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1) Draw your sequential circuit S1.
2) Create the next state function table for S1.
3) From an initial state (you decide), explore the entire state space and draw the state
transition graph.
Problem 2: Get a copy of S1 and name it as S2.
a) Except the inputs, please add the index 1 to all the wire names of S1, while adding
the index 2 to all the wire names of S2.
b) To use the shared input product machine model, please make sure that the
corresponding inputs have the same variable names.
c) Build the product machine with the shared input P=S1S2 (as defined in class).
1) From an initial global state of P where S1 and S2 are in the same individual state,
explore the entire state space of P and draw the state transition graph.
2) Equivalence checking by state enumeration: checking the outputs at each global
state to draw a conclusion.
3) Equivalence checking by symbolic simulation: Perform the symbolic simulation for
the product machine for n>4 cycles. Create a table to keep all the symbolic
expressions on the output for simulation cycles. Use the Boolean algebra to
demonstrate the equivalence of the corresponding outputs for each simulation cycle.
4) Modify one gate in S2, so that S1 is not the same as S2. Perform both 2) and 3) to
disprove the equivalence of S1 and S2.