ECE36800 Programming Assignment #2


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This assignment covers learning objective 1: An understanding of basic data structures, including stacks,
queues, and trees; learning objective 3: An ability to apply appropriate sorting and search algorithms for a
given application; learning objective 5: An ability to design and implement appropriate data structures and
algorithms for engineering applications.
This assignment is to be completed on your own. The description is mainly taken from Professor Vijay
Raghunathan. It deals with file compression and file decompression (similar to zip and unzip). They are
based on the widely used algorithmic technique of Huffman coding, which is used in JPEG compression as
well as in MP3 audio compression. In particular, you will utilize your knowledge about lists/arrays, trees
and/or other necessary data structures learned in ECE26400 to design program to “decompress” (decode)
a file that has been compressed (coded or encoded) using “Huffman coding.”
You may have learned about Huffman coding earlier in ECE26400. Your instructor may have provided you structures/functions that are relevant for this assignment. However, you are not allowed
to use those structures/functions as your own work in this assignment. You should write your own
structures/functions to replace those structures/functions for this assignment.
For this assignment, you will decode a file that has been coded using a coding tree, similar to how a
file is coded (or compressed) using a Huffman coding tree. Your program will have to decide whether the
coding tree is a Huffman coding tree, i.e., whether the coding has been constructed optimally. We shall first
present the concept of Huffman coding, which is essential for your development of a method to determine
whether a given file has been coded optimally.
Although the description is based on Huffman coding tree, it can be applied to any coding tree that is a
strictly binary tree (with ASCII characters as the leaf nodes). A strictly binary tree is a binary tree where a
node has either 0 or 2 child nodes. A node with 0 child nodes is a leaf node and a node with 2 child nodes
is an internal (non-leaf) node.
ASCII coding (and extended ASCII coding)
In (extended) ASCII coding, every character is encoded (represented) with the same number of bits
(8-bits) per character. Since there are 256 different values that can be represented with 8-bits, there are
potentially 256 different characters in the ASCII character set, as shown in the ASCII character table (and
extended ASCII character table) available at
Character ASCII value 8-bit binary value
Space ’ ’ 32 00100000
’e’ 101 01100101
’g’ 103 01100111
’h’ 104 01101000
’o’ 111 01101111
’p’ 112 01110000
’r’ 114 01110010
’s’ 115 01110011
Using ASCII encoding (8 bits per character) the 13-
character string “go go gophers” requires 13 × 8 =
104 bits. The table to the right shows how the coding
works. From left to right, the binary bits for each
character are ordered from the most significant position to the least significant position.
The given string would be written in a file as 13
bytes, represented by the following stream of bits:
01100111 01101111 00100000 01100111 01101111 00100000 01100111 01101111 01110000
01101000 01100101 01110010 01110011
A more efficient coding
There is a more efficient coding scheme that uses fewer bits. As there are only 8 different characters in
“go go gophers”, we can use 3 bits to encode each of the 8 different characters. We may, for example,
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c Cheng-Kok Koh
use the coding shown in the following table (other 3-bit encodings are also possible). Again, we assume
that from left to right, the 3 bits for each character is ordered from the most significant position to the
least significant position.
Character Code value 3-bit binary value
’g’ 0 000
’o’ 1 001
’p’ 2 010
’h’ 3 011
’e’ 4 100
’r’ 5 101
’s’ 6 110
Space ’ ’ 7 111
Note that we assume that for each byte in this bit stream,
we have the most significant bit on the left and the least
significant bit on the right. In other words, the least significant bit in this bit stream is a 1-bit. Now the string “go go
gophers” would be encoded using a total of 39 bits instead
of 104 bits. We can store that as five 8-bit bytes in a file as
follows (in each byte, left to right is most significant to
least significant):
11001000 10010001 00100011 00011010 01101011.
The first byte contains the 3 bits of ’g’ at the least significant positions, the 3 bits of ’o’ in the middle,
and the less significant 2 bits of Space. The least significant bit of the second byte contains the most
significant bit of Space. In positions of increasing significance, the second byte also contains ’g’, ’o’, and
the least significant bit of Space. As five bytes contains 40 bits altogether, the most significant position of
the last byte in the file is not used. In this assignment, all unused bits should be assigned the value of 0.
However, even in this improved coding scheme, we used the same number of bits to represent each
character, regardless of how often the character appears in our string. Even more bits can be saved if we
use fewer than three bits to encode characters like ’g’, ’o’, and Space that occur frequently and more
than three bits to encode characters like ’e’, ’h’, ’p’, ’r’, and ’s’ that occur less frequently in “go go
gophers”. This is the basic idea behind Huffman coding: use fewer bits for characters that occur more
frequently. We’ll see how this is done using a strictly binary tree that stores the characters as its leaf nodes,
and whose root-to-leaf paths provide the bit sequences used to encode the characters.
Again, although the description is based on Huffman coding tree, it can be applied to any coding tree
that is a strictly binary tree with the leaf nodes storing ASCII characters. The main difference is in the the
number of bits required to represent (code/encode/compress) a given file.
Character Huffman code
’g’ 00
’o’ 01
’s’ 100
Space ’ ’ 101
’e’ 1100
’h’ 1101
’p’ 1110
’r’ 1111
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’
’s’ ’ ’
’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1
1 2
3 3
2 2
3 4
6 7
13 0 1
A coding tree
Using a strictly binary tree for coding,
all characters are stored at the leaf nodes
of a tree. A left-edge is numbered 0 and
a right-edge is numbered 1. The code for
any character/leaf node is obtained by following the root-to-leaf path and concatenating the 0’s and 1’s. The specific structure of the tree determines the coding of
any leaf node using the 0/1 edge convention described. As an example, the tree to the right yields the coding shown in the table. Unlike before,
from left to right, the binary bits for each character in the table are ordered from the least significant
position to the most significant position.
Using this coding, “go go gophers” can be encoded with 37 bits, two bits fewer than the 3-bit coding
scheme. From the least significant position to the most significant position, the bit stream from left to
right is as follows:
00 01 101 00 01 101 00 01 1110 1101 1100 1111 100.
Of course, we still have to use 5 bytes to store the 37 bits in a file. To show the bytes stored in the file,
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we insert | to delimit every 8 bits as follows:
00 01 101 0|0 01 101 00| 01 1110 11|01 1100 11|11 100.
Then, we write in the convention of the least significant bit appearing on the right for each byte as
01011000 00101100 11011110 11001110 00000111.
In this case, the three most significant bits of the last byte in the file are unused and they are
assigned the value of 0.
To decode a non-empty stream (from the least significant position to the most) that has been coded by
the given tree, start at the root of the tree, and follow a left-branch if the next bit in the stream is a 0, and a
right branch if the next bit in the stream is a 1. When you reach a leaf, write the character stored at the leaf,
and start again at the top of the tree.
Huffman coding tree
The coding tree in this example was constructed using an algorithm invented by David A. Huffman in
1952 when he was a Ph.D. student at MIT. We shall discuss how to construct the coding tree using Huffman’s
algorithm. We assume that associated with each character is a weight that is equal to the number of times
the character occurs in a file. For example, in the string “go go gophers”, the characters ’g’ and ’o’
have weight 3, the Space has weight 2, and the other characters have weight 1.
When compressing a file, we first read the file and calculate these weights. Assume that all the character
weights have been calculated. Huffman’s algorithm assumes that we are building a single tree from a group
(or forest) of trees. Initially, all the trees have a single node containing a character and the character’s weight.
Iteratively, a new tree is formed by picking two trees and making a new tree whose child nodes are the roots
of the two trees. The weight of the new tree is the sum of the weights of the two sub-trees. This decreases the
number of trees by one in each iteration. The process iterates until there is only one tree left. The algorithm
is as follows:
1. Begin with a forest of trees. All trees have just one node, with the weight of the tree equal to the
weight of the character in the node. Characters that occur most frequently have the highest weights.
Characters that occur least frequently have the smallest weights.
2. Repeat this step until there is only one tree:
• Choose two trees with the smallest weights; call these trees T1 and T2.
• Create a new tree whose root has a weight equal to the sum of the weights of T1 and T2, and
whose left sub-tree is T1 and whose right sub-tree is T2.
3. The single tree left after the previous step is a Huffman coding tree.
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’ ’s’ ’ ’ ’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3
For the string “go go gophers”, we initially have the forest shown to the right. The nodes are shown with a weight that
represents the number of times the node’s character occurs in the given input string/file.
’e’ ’h’
’p’ ’r’ ’s’ ’ ’ ’g’ ’o’
1 1
1 1 1 2 3 3 2
We pick two minimal nodes. There are five nodes with the minimal weight of 1. In this implementation, we maintain a priority queue
with items arranged according to their weights, i.e., the items are
sorted. When two items have the same weight, a leaf node (i.e., a
node associated with an ASCII character) is always ordered first. If both nodes are leaf nodes, they are
ordered according to their ASCII coding. If both nodes are non-leaf nodes, they are ordered according to
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the creation times of the nodes. We always pick the first two items in the priority queue, namely, nodes for
characters ’e’ and ’h’. We create a new tree whose root is weighted by the sum of the weights chosen.
The order of the nodes in the priority queue also determines the left and right child nodes of the new root.
We now have a forest of seven trees as shown here. Although the newly created node has the same weight
as Space, it is ordered after Space in the priority queue because Space is an ASCII character.
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’
’s’ ’ ’ ’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1
1 2 3 3 2 2
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’ ’s’ ’ ’
’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1 1 2
2 2 3 3 3
Choosing the first two (minimal) nodes in the priority queue
yields another tree with weight 2 as shown here. There are now six
trees in the forest of trees that will eventually build an encoding tree.
Again we must choose the first two (minimal) nodes in the priority queue. The lowest weight is the ’e’-node/tree with weight equal
to 1. There are three trees with weight 2; the one chosen corresponds
to an ASCII character because of the way we order the nodes in the
priority queue. The new tree has a weight of 3, which will be placed
last in the priority queue according to our ordering strategy.
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’
’s’ ’ ’
’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1
1 2
3 3
2 2
3 4
Now there are two trees with weight equal to 2. These are joined
into a new tree whose weight is 4. There are four trees left, one whose
weight is 4 and three with a weight of 3.
The first two minimal (weight 3) trees in the priority queue are
joined into a tree whose weight is 6 (see the left figure below). There
are three trees left. Now, the minimal trees have weights of 3 and 4;
these are joined into a tree with weight 7 (see the right figure below).
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’
’s’ ’ ’ ’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1
1 2 2 2 3 3
3 4 6
’e’ ’h’ ’p’ ’r’
’s’ ’ ’
’g’ ’o’
1 1 1 1
1 2
3 3
2 2
3 4
6 7
Finally, the last two trees are joined into a final tree whose weight is 13, the sum of the two weights
6 and 7 (see page 2). Note that you can easily come up with an alternative tree by using a different
ordering strategy to order trees of the same weights. In that case, the bit patterns for each character
are different, but the total number of bits used to encode “go go gophers” is the same.
Implementing Huffman coding and decoding
Now, we will present the basic steps in Huffman coding and decoding.
Coding or compression
To compress a file (sequence of characters) you need a table of bit encodings, i.e., a table giving a
sequence of bits used to encode each character. This table is constructed from a coding tree using root-toleaf paths to generate the bit sequence that encodes each character. A compressed file is obtained using the
following top-level steps:
1. Build a Huffman coding tree based on the number of occurrences of each ASCII character in the file.
2. Build a table of Huffman codes for all ASCII characters that appear in the file.
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3. Read the file to be compressed (the plain file) and process one character at a time. To process each
character find the bit sequence that encodes the character using the table built in the previous step and
write this bit sequence to the compressed file.
The main challenge here is that when you encode an ASCII character read from the file, the Huffman
code is typically shorter than 8 bits. However, most systems allow you to write to a file a byte or 8 bits at a
time. It becomes necessary for you to accumulate the Huffman codes for a few ASCII characters before you
write an 8-bit byte to the output file.
To compress the string “go go gophers” for example, we read from the string one character at a time.
The Huffman code for ’g’ is 00 (for Huffman code, left to right is least significant to most significant),
we cannot write to the file yet. We read the next character ’o’, whose Huffman code is 01. Again, we
cannot write to the output file because the total number of bits is only 4. Now, we read the next character
Space, whose Huffman code is 101. We have now accumulated 7 bits. Now, we read ’g’ again. The least
significant bit of the Huffman code of ’g’ (0) is used to complete the byte, and we can now print a byte of
bit pattern 01011000 (in the conventional notation that the left most bit is most significant) to the output
The most significant bit of the Huffman code of ’g’ (0) is the least significant bit of the next byte in the
file. This byte will also contain the bits of the next three characters ’o’ (01), Space (101), and ’g’ (00),
and the 8-bit pattern written to the file is 00101100.
The following byte contains bits of ’o’ (01) and ’p’ (1110), and the two least significant bits of ’h’
(11) for a bit pattern of 11011110. The two most significant bits of ’h’ (01), the bits of ’e’ (1100), and
the two least significant bits of ’r’ (11) form the next byte of bit pattern 11001110.
The last byte in the file contains only 5 useful bits: the two most significant bits of ’r’ (11) are in the
least significant positions of this byte and the 3 bits of ’s’ (100). As unused bits, the 3 most significant bits
of the last byte are 0. The bit pattern is 00000111.
(Of course, we could code (compress) a file based on any strictly binary coding tree that is not constructed with Huffman’s algorithm. In other words, we could have constructed a non-Huffman strictly
binary coding tree based on the ASCII characters that appear in the file in step 1. We could still build a
table of codes for all ASCII characters that appear in the file and the strictly binary coding tree in step 2,
and use the codes to build a coded file in step 3. It is likely that such a coded file will use more bits than a
Huffman-coded file. Moreover, such an approach does not guarantee that the coded file will represent the
original file with fewer bits.)
Header Information
The compression program must also store some header information in the compressed file that will be
used by the decompression program. At the beginning of the compressed file, there are three long integers:
• The total number of bytes in the compressed (or coded) file, as a long integer.
• The total number of bytes storing the topology of the Huffman coding tree, as a long integer.
• The total number of bytes in the original uncompressed file, as a long integer.
Following the three long integers, we store the topology of the Huffman coding tree, followed by the
encoding of the original text using Huffman codes. We have described the encoding of the original text in
the earlier sections. Now, we focus on how the topology of a coding tree is stored.
To store the tree at the beginning of the file (after the three long integers), we use a pre-order traversal,
writing each node visited as follows: when you encounter a leaf node, you write a 1 followed by the ASCII
character of the leaf node. When you encounter a non-leaf node, you write a 0.
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For our example, the topology information is stored as “001g1o001s1 001e1h01p1r”, based on preorder traversal. In this example, we use characters ’0’ and ’1’ to distinguish between non-leaf and leaf
nodes. As there are eight leaf nodes, there are eight ’1’ characters and seven ’0’ characters for non-leaf
nodes. This approach used a total of 23 bytes.
The representation of a Huffman coding tree can be made more economical if we use bits 0 and 1 to
distinguish between non-leaf and leaf nodes. In this example, there will be a total of 79 bits (64 bits for the
ASCII codes of the eight leaf nodes, 8 1-bits for the leaf nodes, and 7 0-bits for the non-leaf nodes). The
challenge here is that both the compression and decompression programs would have to handle bits instead
of characters.
For example, in the bit-based approach, the first 16 bits (or the first 2 bytes in the convention that left
to right is most significant to least significant) describing the topology of the Huffman tree constructed
for encoding the string “go go gophers” are 00111100 11111011
The least significant two bits of the first bytes are 0-bits (for non-leaf nodes). The next bit is a 1-bit
(for a leaf node). It is followed by the ASCII code for ’g’, which has a bit pattern of 01100111. The 5
least significant bits (00111) are in this byte. The 3 most significant bits (011) are in the least significant
position of the next byte. This is followed by another 1-bit, followed by 1111, the 4 least significant bits of
the ASCII code for ’o’, which has a bit pattern of 01101111.
Note that ASCII code for ’g’ straddles two bytes. Similarly, the ASCII code for ’o’ straddles two bytes.
In the bit-based representation of the Huffman coding tree, the last byte may not contain 8 bits. In this
case, the most significant unused bits of the last byte should be assigned 0.
(If we use a non-Huffman strictly binary coding tree, the second long integer of the coded file would
correspond to the total number of bytes storing the topology of the corresponding coding tree.)
Decoding or decompression
Given a compressed (or coded) file, which contains the header information, followed by a bit stream
corresponding to the encoding of the original file, the decompression program should perform the following
1. Build a Huffman coding tree based on the header information. You would probably need the second
long integer stored at the beginning of the compressed file to help with the construction.
2. To decode the file, we use the bit stream starting at the location after the header information. The
decoding terminates when the number of characters decoded matches the number of characters stored
as the third long integer at the beginning of the compressed file. We must initially start from the root
node of the Huffman coding tree. When we are at a leaf node, we print the corresponding ASCII
character to the output file and re-start from the root node again. When we are at a non-leaf node, we
have to use a bit from the compressed file to decide how to traverse the Huffman coding tree (0 for
left and 1 for right).
(If the coded file was “compressed” using a non-Huffman strictly binary coding tree, step 1 would
reconstruct a strictly binary coding tree, and step 2 would use the strictly binary coding tree for decoding.)
Byte to bits and bits to byte
A challenge is in the reading of a bit from or writing a bit to a compressed file. Recall that the smallest
unit that you can read from/write to a file is a byte. It is important that we use the same order to read a
bit from/write a bit to a byte for a pair of compression/decompression programs to work correctly. For this
assignment, the order in which you read a bit from a byte or write a bit to a byte should be from the
least significant position to the most significant position.
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A strategy to read a bit or to write a bit to a file is to always read a byte from or write a byte to the
file. You should maintain an index to indicate where you are in that byte. For example, when you first read
in a byte, the index should be pointing to the least significant position. After you have read in one bit, the
index should be updated to point to the next more significant position. When the index is beyond the most
significant position, you have exhausted the entire byte, and the next bit should be from the least significant
position of the next byte read.
Similarly, for writing, you should have an “empty” byte to begin with, with the index initially pointing
to the least significant position. After you have written in one bit, the index should be updated to point to
the next more significant position. When the index is beyond the most significant position, you have filled
in a byte, and you should write the filled byte to the file and use an new “empty” byte for the next bit.
You also have to write an 8-bit ASCII character that straddles two bytes to a compressed file to represent
the Huffman coding tree. For decompression, you have to read an 8-bit ASCII character that straddles two
bytes in the compressed file when you want to re-construct the Huffman coding tree (for decoding later).
Here are some bit-wise operations that may be useful for your program. Assume that you have two
integers a and b.
b = a >> 5;
This statement takes the bits stored in a (in the convention that left to right is most significant to least
significant), shifts them right by 5 bits, and stores the results in b. Bits shifted out of the least significant
position are dropped. The most significant bit of a is replicated and shifted right.
b = a << 5; This statement takes the bits stored in a, shifts them left by 5 bits, and stores the results in b. Bits shifted out of the most significant position are dropped. 0’s are shifted into the least significant bit. If you are not dealing with unsigned integers, the left shift may turn a positive number into a negative number (and vice versa). If you are dealing with unsigned integers, the right shift operation will shift 0’s into the most significant bit. To extract the most significant 3 bits of an ASCII character that is stored in an integer a, and store the 3 bits at the least significant positions of b, we can use shift operations. b = a >> 5;
You may want to extract the second most significant bit and the third most significant bit of an ASCII
character that is stored in an integer a. Moreover, you want to keep the two extracted in integer b at the same
significant positions in a. You can use a mask to achieve that. (Note that I may not be showing you the most
efficient way to do it. I am trying to illustrate different bit-wise operations that may be useful to you.)
int mask = (0xFF >> 6) << 5; b = a & mask; 0xFF corresponds to a bit pattern of 11111111. The right shift operation keeps two 1’s at the least significant positions. The left shift operation moves the two 1’s to the correct positions. The bit-wise AND operation gives us the correct two bits in a and stores them in b. Now, assume that a and b are integers storing two ASCII characters; Now suppose you want to combine the 3 most significant bits of ASCII character in a and the 5 least significant bits of ASCII character in b to ECE36800 Purdue University 7 c Cheng-Kok Koh form a new 8-bit pattern to be stored in an integer c. Moreover, you want the 3 bits from a to occupy the less significant positions and the 5 bits from b to occupy the more significant positions. We can use the bit-wise OR operation as follows: int mask = 0xFF >> 3;
c = (b & mask) << 3; c = c | (a >> 5);
What your program should do
You will write a main function that takes in 6 arguments, which are names of input/output files. The
argument argv[1] should be the name of the input (compressed/coded) file to be decoded. This input file
will have the format as described earlier: three long integers, the topology of the coding tree stored using
bit-based representation under pre-order traversal (with perhaps padding 0-bits at the last incomplete byte),
encoding of the original file using the codes derived from the coding tree (with perhaps padding 0-bits at the
last incomplete byte). Note that the coding tree in the given input file may or may not be a Huffman coding
tree of the original text. If it is a Huffman coding tree, the encoding would be optimal in that it uses fewest
number of bits for encoding.
Your program should re-construct the coding tree stored in the input file, and store the topology information of the tree using character-based representation under pre-order traversal in an output file specified
in the argument argv[2].
Using the re-constructed coding tree, your program should decode the input file and store the decoded
file in an output file specified in the argument argv[3]. The decoded file should be an exact replica of the
original file.
To decide whether the provided coding tree is a Huffman coding tree, it is easier to construct a Huffman
coding tree of the original file (or decoded file) and determine the number of bits you would need to encode
the original file. This number should not be larger than the number of bits required in the input file argv[1].
These intermediate steps are captured by the next two output files produced by your program.
argv[4] specifies the name of the output file that should contain the frequencies of occurrences of all
256 ASCII characters of the decoded file. The number of bytes in this file should be 256×sizeof(long).
Every sizeof(long) bytes correspond to the count of an ASCII value in the decoded file. The counts are
ordered from ASCII value 0 to ASCII value 255. While it is fine to read from the decoded file specified in
argv[3] to perform the counting, that is not necessary. You may also count as you decode the input file
argv[5] specifies the name of the output file that should contain the topology information of the constructed Huffman coding trees using the character-based representation. Essentially, your program should
construct a Huffman coding tree based on the frequencies of occurrences of ASCII characters in the decoded
file and output the topology information to the file specified by argv[5].
With the coding tree in the input file specified by argv[1] and the Huffman coding tree you have
constructed, you will write four numbers to the file specified by argv[6]. The first pair of numbers together
specify the number of bits required by the coding tree in the input file to encode the original file. The
second pair of numbers together specify the number of bits required by the Huffman coding tree to encode
the original file. Each pair of numbers is represented by a long integer long and an integer int. The long
integer stores the number of full bytes required by the encoding bits, and the integer stores the number of
encoding bits in the incomplete byte. For example, for the original file/string “go go gophers”, 37 encoding
bits required by Huffman coding, the long integer would store b37/8c = 4 and the integer would store
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37 mod 8 = 5. You should use fwrite to write the first pair of numbers (long integer long and integer int)
and second pair of numbers to the output file specified by argv[6].
Assuming that the input file gophers huff.hbt resides in folder encoded, we can call your program
pa2 as follows:
./pa2 encoded/gophers huff.hbt gophers.tree gophers.ori gophers.count gophers.htree
The output stored in gophers.tree should be a character-based representation of the coding tree that has
been stored in the input file encoded/gophers huff.hbt using a bit-based representation. The decoded
file is stored in gophers.ori. The frequencies of occurrences of ASCII characters in the original file
(decoded file) are stored in gophers.count, and the Huffman coding tree constructed by your program is
stored in gophers.htree. The numbers specifying the numbers of encoded bits required to encode the
original file (decoded file) by the coding tree in the input file and the constructed Huffman coding tree are
stored in gophers.eval.
The returned value of the main function should be EXIT SUCCESS if the program is able to produce all
required output files. Otherwise, the returned value should be EXIT FAILURE if the number of arguments is
incorrect, the input file does not exist, the program runs out of memory, a file cannot be opened for output,
etc. Although you should technically check whether a read operation or a write operation is successful, you
may assume for this assignment that if a file can be opened successfully, all reasonable file operations will
be successful.
You may also assume that every input file, if it can be opened, is in a valid format. We will not use an
input file that is of an invalid format to test your program. (Of course, as a competent programmer, you
should check for that. However, that is not a requirement of the assignment.)
Evaluation of your program
You program will be evaluated based on the five output files produced for a number of test cases. The
test cases altogether account for 100% for the assignment. The first output files of all test cases account for
30%, the second output files account for 30%, the third output files account for 5%, the fourth output files
account for 30%, and the fifth output files account for 5%.
Up to 5 points will be deducted if your main function does not return the correct value. 50 points will
be deducted if your program has memory issues (as reported by valgrind).
Be aware that we set a time-limit for each test case based on the size of the test case. If your program
does not complete its execution before the time limit for a test case, it is deemed to have failed the test case.
What you are given
Some samples are given. The folder decoded contains 5 original (and decoded) files (4 text files,
namely, gophers, lorum, stone, and woods, and 1 binary file, binary1).
The folder encoded contains two versions of the encoded files of the files in the folder decoded. For
example, the file gopher has two encoded versions, gophers huff.hbt has been encoded using a Huffman
coding tree and gophers nonhuff.hbt has been encoded using an arbitrary, but valid coding tree. In each
of these encoded files, the topology of the coding tree (Huffman or non-Huffman) is stored using the bitbased representation.
The corresponding character-based representations of the coding trees stored in the encoded files in the
folder encoded are stored in the folder tree. For example, the character-based representation of the coding
tree in gophers nonhuff.hbt is stored in gophers nonhuff.tree and the character-based representation
of the Huffman coding tree in gophers huff.hbt is stored in gophers huff.tree. If there are n > 0
ECE36800 Purdue University 9
c Cheng-Kok Koh
distinct ASCII characters in an original file (or a decoded file), there should be exactly 3n − 1 characters
in the corresponding file in the folder tree. For an empty coding tree, the corresponding file to store its
character-based representation should be an empty file.
Each file in the folder count contains the frequencies of occurrences of all 256 ASCII characters of the
corresponding file in the folder decoded.
Each binary file in the folder eval contains information that gives us the numbers of encoding bits in
the corresponding file in the encoded folder. For example, the file gophers nonhuff.eval corresponds to
the encoded file gophers nonhuff.hbt and the file gophers huff.eval corresponds to the encoded file
gophers huff.hbt. In the file gophers huff.eval, the first pair of numbers should match the second
pair of numbers.
Consider the following command:
./pa2 encoded/gophers huff.hbt gophers.tree gophers.ori gophers.count gophers.htree
The output file gophers.tree should match the provided file tree/gophers huff.tree; gophers.ori
should match decoded/gophers; gophers.count should match count/gophers.count; gophers.eval
should match eval/gophers huff.eval. Recall that there may be multiple Huffman coding trees. gophers.htree
would match tree/gophers huff.tree only if you construct the Huffman coding tree exactly the way we
outlined earlier.
Consider the following command:
./pa2 encoded/gophers nonhuff.hbt gophers.tree gophers.ori gophers.count gophers.htree
The output file gophers.tree should match the provided file tree/gophers nonhuff.tree; gophers.ori
should match decoded/gophers; gophers.count should match count/gophers.count; gophers.eval
should match eval/gophers nonhuff.eval. Again, gophers.htree would match tree/gophers huff.tree
only if you construct the Huffman coding tree exactly the way we outlined earlier.
What you should turn in
You should turn in all the .c and .h files that you have created for this assignment. For example, I
can imagine that you have a pa2.c file that contains the main function, a huffman.c file that contains all
other important functions, and a huffman.h file that defines the structures and declares the functions in
huffman.c. You should create a zip file called that contains the .c and .h files. Your zip file
should not contain a folder (that contains the source files).
zip *.c *.h
You should submit to Brightspace.
If you want to use a makefile for your assignment, please include the makefile in the zip file. If the
zip file that you submit contains a makefile, we use that file to make your executable (by typing “make
pa2” at the command line to create the executable called pa2).
Without a makefile, we will use the following command to compile your submission:
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wshadow -Wvla -pedantic -O3 *.c -o pa2
ECE36800 Purdue University 10
c Cheng-Kok Koh
Only .c files, .h files, and makefile will be used to generate an executable. Other files in the
submitted zip file will not be made available for compilation. If your program does not compile, you do
not get any credit for the assignment. Code that contains memory problems (as reported by valgrind) will
be subject to a penalty of 50% of the total possible points.
ECE36800 Purdue University 11
c Cheng-Kok Koh