1. (10 points) In class we derived the optimal linear predictor for scalar
data, and wrote down the optimal lnear predictor for vector data (without
proof). Here, let us derive a proof for the optimal linear predictor in the
vector case. Suppose that {x1, x2, . . . , xn} denote training data samples,
where each xi ∈ R
. Suppose {y1, y2, . . . , yn} denote corresponding (scalar)
a. Show that the mean squared-error loss function for multivariate linear
regression can be written in the following form:
MSE(w) = ky − Xwk
where X is an n × (d + 1) matrix and where the first column of X is
all-ones. What is the dimension of w and y? What do the coordinates
of w represent?
b. Theoretically prove that the optimal linear regression weights are
given by:
wˆ = (XT X)
What algebraic assumptions on X did you make in order to derive
the closed form?
2. (10 points) In class, we argue that convexity together with smoothness is
a sufficient condition for minimizing a loss function using gradient descent.
Is convexity also a necessary condition for gradient descent to successfully
train a model? Argue why or why not. You can intuitively explain your
answer in words and/or draw a figure in support of your explanation. (Hint:
What about f(x) = x
2 + 3 sin2 x?)
3. (20 points) The goal of this problem is to implement multivariate linear
regression from scratch using gradient descent and validate it.
a. Implement a function for learning the parameters of a linear model for
a given tranining data with user-specified learning rate η and number
of epochs T. Note: you cannot use existing libraries such as sklearn;
you need to write it out yourself.
b. Validate your algorithm on the glucose dataset discussed in Lecture 2.
Confirm that the model obtained by running your code gets similar
R2 values as the one produced by sklearn.
4. (10 points) In this lab, we will illustrate the use of multiple linear regression for calibrating robot control. The robot data for the lab is taken
from TU Dortmund’s Multiple Link Robot Arms Project. We will focus
on predicting the current drawn into one of the joints as a function of the
robot motion. Such models are essential in predicting the overall robot
power consumption.
a. Read in the data in the attached exp_train.csv file; check that the
data that you read actually corresponds to the data in the .csv file. In
Python, you can use the commands given at the end of this document.
b. Create the training data:
• Labels y: A vector of all the samples in the ‘I2’ column
• Data X: A matrix of the data with the columns: [‘q2’,‘dq2’,‘eps21’,
‘eps22’, ‘eps31’, ‘eps32’,‘ddq2’]
c. Fit a linear model between X and y (using sklearn, or any other
library of your choice). Report the MSE of your model.
d. Using the linear model that you trained above, report the MSE on
the test data contained in the attached exp_test.csv file.
5. (optional) How much time (in hours) did you spend working on this
import pandas as pd
names =[
‘t’, # Time (secs)
‘q1’, ‘q2’, ‘q3’, # Joint angle
‘dq1’, ‘dq2’, ‘dq3’, # Joint velocity
‘I1’, ‘I2’, ‘I3’, # Motor current (A)
‘eps21’, ‘eps22’, ‘eps31’, ‘eps32’, # Strain measurements
‘ddq1’, ‘ddq2’, ‘ddq3’ # Joint accelerations
df = pd.read_csv(‘exp_train.csv’, header=None,sep=’,’,
names=names, index_col=0)