1 True/False Questions (30 pts)
For each question, please provide a short explanation to support your judgment. Note that for questions
regarding BERT and GPT, the answers are not fully contained in the lecture. You may need to go thorugh
the original paper to find the solutions.
Problem 1.1 (3 pts) In the self-attention layer of Transformer models, we compute three core variables—
key, value and query.
Problem 1.2 (3 pts) In the self-attention layer of Transformer models, the attention is denoted by the
cosine similarity between the key and query.
Problem 1.3 (3 pts) In the self-attention layer of Transformer models, after obtaining the attention
matrix, we need to further apply a normalization on it (e.g., layer normalization or batch normalization).
Problem 1.4 (3 pts) The encoder of Transformer learns auto-regressively.
Problem 1.5 (3 pts) Both BERT’s and GPT’s architecture are Transformer decoder.
Problem 1.6 (3 pts) BERT’s pre-training objectives include (a) masked token prediction (masked language modeling) and (b) next sentence prediction.
Problem 1.7 (3 pts) Both GPT and BERT are zero-shot learner (can be transferred to unseen domain
and tasks).
Problem 1.8 (3 pts) Gradient clipping can be used to alleviate gradient vanishing problem.
Problem 1.9 (3 pts) Word embeddings can contain positive or negative values.
Problem 1.10 (3 pts) The memory cell of an LSTM is computed by a weighted average of previous
memory state and current memory state where the sum of weights is 1.
2 Lab 1: Recurrent Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis (45 pts)
Google colab is a useful tool for modeling training. In order to run ipynb document, you need to
upload your jupyter notebook document to google drive. Then double click the file in the google
drive, which will lead you to google colab. Moreover, it’d be more efficient to use GPU to train your
LSTM and Transformer models in this assignment. To use GPU, please check Runtime > Change
run-time type, and select GPU as the hardware accelerator. You may click on side bar document
icon to upload your dataset and python file there.
In this lab, you will learn to implement an LSTM model for sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis [1, 2]
is a classification task to identify the sentiment of language. It usually classifies data into two to three
labels: positive, negative or/and neutral. IMDB [3] is one of the most widely used dataset for binary
sentiment classification. It uses only positive and negative labels. IMDB contains 50,000 movie review data
collected from popular movie rating service IMDB. You may find more details at https://www.kaggle.
To start this assignment, please open the provided Jupyter Notebook LabRNN.ipynb. We have provided implementation for the training recipe, including optimizers, learning rate schedulers, and weight
initialization. You may NOT change any of the hyperparameter settings (i.e., the object HyperParams) in
this lab.
Grading Instructions. For this part, we mainly grade on the logic and conciseness of the code. If a mistake
is found in this part that lead to erroneous conclusions for questions in the later part (e.g., Lab 2), we will
consider this and provide partial/full credit for the later part, to avoid applying the same penalty twice.
Note that TA and Professors have the final discretion to adjust grade according to the given submission.
(a) (5 pts) Implement your own data loader function. First, read the data from the dataset file on the
local disk. Then split the dataset into three sets: train, validation, and test by 7 : 1 : 2 ratio. Finally
return x_train, x_valid, x_test, y_train, y_valid and y_test, where x represents reviews and y
represent labels.
(b) (5 pts) Implement the build_vocab function to build a vocabulary based on the training corpus. You
should first compute the frequency of all the words in the training corpus. Remove the words that
are in the STOP_WORDS. Then filter the words by their frequency (≥ min_freq) and finally generate a
corpus variable that contains a list of words.
(c) (5 pts) Implement the tokenization function. For each word, find its index in the vocabulary. Return
a list of integers that represents the indices of words in the example.
(d) (5 pts) Implement the __getitem__ function in the IMDB class. Given an index i, you should return
the i-th review and label. The review is originally a string. Please tokenize it into a sequence of
token indices. Use the max_length paramete r to truncate the sequence so that it contains at most
max_length tokens. Convert the label string (‘positive’ / ‘negative’) to a binary index, such as ‘positive’
is 1 and ‘negative’ is 0. Return a dictionary containing three keys: ‘ids’, ‘length’, ‘label’ which
represent the list of token ids, the length of the sequence, the binary label.
(e) (10 pts) Implement the LSTM model for sentiment analysis.
(a) (5 pts) In __init__, a LSTM model contains an embedding layer, an lstm cell, a linear layer, and
a dropout layer. You can call functions from Pytorch’s nn library. For example, nn.Embedding,
nn.LSTM, nn.Linear.
(b) (5 pts) In forward, decide where to apply dropout. The sequences in the batch have different
lengths. Write/call a function to pad the sequences into the same length. Apply a fully-connected
(fc) layer to the output of the LSTM layer. Return the output features which is of size [batch size,
output dim].
(f) (5 pts) As a sanity check, train the LSTM model for 5 epochs with SGD optimizer. Do you observe
a steady and consistent decrease of the loss value as training progresses? Report your observation on
the learning dynamics of training loss, and validation loss on the IMDB dataset. Do they meet your
expectations and why? (Hint: trust what you have observed and report as is.)
(g) (10 pts) Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is a simplified version of LSTM that performs good on language
tasks. Implement the GRU model similar instructions as (e), as follows:
(a) (5 pts) In __init__, a GRU model includes an embedding layer, an gated recurrent unit, a
linear layer, and a dropout layer. You can call functions from torch.nn library. For example,
nn.Embedding, nn.GRU, nn.Linear.
(b) (5 pts) In forward, decide where to apply dropout. The sequences in the batch have different
lengths. Write/call a function to pad the sequences into the same length. Apply a Fully-Connected
(FC) layer to the output of the GRU layer. Return the output features which is of size [batch size,
output dim].
(h) (Bonus, 5 pts) Repeat (f) for GRU model and report your observations on the training curve. What do
you hypothesize is the issue that results in the current training curve? (Hint: Check slides of Lecture
9 for the recommendations on training RNNs.)
Please do NOT run more than 5 epochs as several epochs suffices to achieve the expected results. You are
required to carry the completed part to Lab 2.
3 Lab 2: Training and Improving Recurrent Neural Network(25 pts)
In this lab, you will explore the training of RNN models on IMDB dataset, and propose some design
improvements over the existing implementation. you should continue to work on LabRNN.ipynb with
your implementation of the IMDB dataloaders, transformations, RNNs (LSTM and GRU). You will start
playing with the hyperparameter settings to improve the training on IMDB sentiment analysis tasks, and
study better design choices that crafts a better recurrent neural network.
For question (a) and (b), you may follow the hint to properly set the learning rate for your optimizers. Despite that, you may NOT change any hyperparameters defined in LabRNN.ipynb, including the
HyperParams object, RNN model configurations, and optimizer configurations.
(a) (5 pts) We start to look at the optimizers in training RNN models. As SGD might not be good enough,
we switch to advanced optimizers (i.e., Adagrad, RMSprop, and Adam) with adaptive learning rate
schedule. We start with exploring these optimizers on training a LSTM. You are asked to employ
each of the optimizer on LSTM and report your observations. Which optimizer gives the best training
results, and why?
(b) (5 pts) Repeat (a) on training your GRU model, and provide an analysis on the performance of different
optimizers on a GRU model. How does a GRU compare with a LSTM, in terms of model performance
and model efficiency?
Up to this stage, you should expect at least 84% accuracy on IMDB dataset. You may find that optimizers
solve most of the existing dilemmas in RNN training. Next, we will start playing with the structures of
RNN models and see if we can design a better RNN model. Starting here, you may change any of the
hyperparameters except random seed. Yet, our recommendation of hyperparameter change is limited to
learning rate, number of layers in RNN models, and the dimension of embedding/hidden units.
(c) (5 pts) Try to make your RNN model deeper by changing the number of layers. Is your RNN model
achieving a better accuracy on IDMB classification? You may use LSTM as an example. (Hint: you do
not need to explore more than 4 recurrent layers in a RNN model.).
(d) (5 pts) Try to make your RNN model wider by changing the number of hidden units. Is your RNN
model achieving a better accuracy on IDMB classification? You may use LSTM as an example. (Hint:
you do not need to explore a hidden dimension of more than 320 on IMDB).
(e) (5 pts) Embedding tables contain rich information of the input words and help build a more powerful
representation with word vectors. Try to increase the dimension of embeddings. Is your RNN model
achieving a better accuracy on IMDB classification? You may use LSTM as an example. (Hint: you do
not need to explore an embedding dimension of larger than 256).
(f) (Bonus, 5 pts) A better way to scale up RNN models is simultaneously scaling up the number of
hidden units, number of layers, and embedding dimension. This is called compound scaling, which
is widely adopted in emerging ML research. You are asked to make no more than 50 trials to perform
a compound scaling on your implemented RNN models. Is the model crafted via compound scaling
performing better than the models you obtain in (d), (e), and (f)? You may use LSTM as an example.
(Hint: You may use the accuracy-parameter trade-off as a criterion.)
(g) (Bonus, 5 pts) RNNs can be bidirectional. Use the best model discovered in (f) and make it bidirectional. Do you observe better accuracy on IMDB dataset and why?
Please do NOT run more than 5 epochs as several epochs suffices to achieve the expected results. Completing (a) ∼ (e) and (g) should give an accuracy of 84∼86%, and completing (f) should give an accuracy
of 86∼88%. Yet, you are only required to achieve 84% to successfully complete Lab 2. You are required
to submit the completed version of LabRNN.ipynb for Lab 2.
Info: Additional requirements:
• DO NOT copy code directly online or from other classmates. We will check it! The result can
be severe if your codes fail to pass our check.
As this assignment requires much computing power of GPUs, we suggest:
• Plan your work in advance and start early. We will NOT extend the deadline because of the
unavailability of computing resources.
• Be considerate and kill Jupyter Notebook instances when you do not need them.
• DO NOT run your program forever. Please follow the recommended/maximum training budget
in each lab.
• Please do not train any models for more than 5 epochs, especially when you are doing (f) and
(g) in Lab 2.
[1] P. D. Turney, “Thumbs up or thumbs down? semantic orientation applied to unsupervised classification
of reviews,” arXiv preprint cs/0212032, 2002.
[2] B. Pang and L. Lee, “A sentimental education: Sentiment analysis using subjectivity summarization
based on minimum cuts,” arXiv preprint cs/0409058, 2004.
[3] S. Dooms, T. De Pessemier, and L. Martens, “Movietweetings: a movie rating dataset collected from
twitter,” in Workshop on Crowdsourcing and human computation for recommender systems, CrowdRec
at RecSys, vol. 2013, p. 43, 2013.