ECE 657A Assignment 2: Classification using Naive Bayes, decision tree, random forest, XGBoost


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Specific objectives:
• Load the dataset and perform some data cleaning and exploratory plots
to understand the dataset.
• Study how to apply some of the methods discussed in class and gain
experience on the use of classification algorithms: Naive Bayes, decision
tree, random forests, XGBoost.
Tools: You can use libraries available in python. You need to mention which
libraries you are using, any blogs or papers you used to figure out how to carry
out your calculations.
Dataset – DKMA-Covid19-Jan-States
This dataset uses statistics on COVID-19 cases in US states in January of 2021.
The original data comes from the following two sources:
• John Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19:
• US 2020 Census
The datapoints describe various information about the population and Covid
pandemic situation in 50 US States and over each day of the month of January 2021. Each record gives Covid information for that day and demographic
data for the whole state as well. Note the demographic data is duplicated for
each state since for all days since it doesn’t change that quickly and is based
on data from the last census. Also note that the data was combined together
from multiple sources and not processed for uniform number formats and was
not normalized. As far as we are aware there is no missing data, but there are
certainly some states which more extreme values than others, so consideration
of outliers is reasonable. All of this will be initial pre-processing you will need
to carry out.
File Descriptions:
• dkmacovid train.csv – main training data with input features and three
binary labels.
• dkmacovid kaggletest features.csv – feature for a test set, with ”Id”
column for Kaggle competition.
• dkmacovid kaggletest labels.csv – labels for the kaggle test set…oh,
you don’t get that one 🙂
Fields Descriptions:
• Day: Date in January 2021 ranging from Jan 2 to Jan 31.
• State ID: Arbitrary ID number for each state, based on alphabetical
order. Note there are 51 states since the District of Columbia is also
• State: Name of the US State.
• Lat: Latitude for the geographic centre of the state.
• Long : Longitude for the geographic centre of the state.
• Active: Number of active, tracked COVID-19 cases that day in that state.
• Incident Rate: see original data source
• Total Test Results: see original data source
• Case Fatality Ratio: see original data source
• Testing Rate: see original data source
• Resident Population 2021 Census: see original data source
• Population Density 2021 Census: see original data source
• Density Rank 2021 Census: see original data source
• SexRatio: see original data source
Label Description:
Each row of this data dataset represents a particular day in January, 2021 in a
particular US State and has three binary labels which are:
• True if is the corresponding count went up from the previous day.
• False if is the corresponding count went down from the previous day.
The three binary labels are:
• Confirmed: Was there a daily increase in the confirmed total cases of
COVID-19 in that state on that day?
• Deaths: Was there a daily increase in the number of deaths from
COVID-19 in that state on that day?
• Recovered: Was there a daily increase in the number of people recovered from COVID-19 in that state on that day?
Note that the labels are fairly unbalanced, so there are quite a few more True
cases than there are False cases. Recovered is the most balanced, so it should
be easier to train. Deaths is next and Confirmed is the least balanced.
1 Data Pre-processing and Preparation
[CM1] Report a short summary of the pre-processing steps you applied to the
data to make it usable for analysis. This should at a minimum include discussion
of outliers and normalization (which features, what kind of normalization, if any,
is needed and appropriate?). What do you do with ”Day”, ”State” and ”State
2 Representation Learning
[CM2] Apply PCA and LDA onto the dataset, on an appropriate subset of the
features. For LDA use each of the labels individually to train it.
• Use a scree-plot to look at the cumulative variance represented by the PCA
eigenvectors, give advice on the best number number of reduced features
to use to represent the data.
• Plot the datapoints, or a useful subset of them (select out one day per
state? or use color by State?) on the first two PCA and LDA feature
• Does the LDA method provide better results for one label more than the
For the remaining questions: you can try using both the original
dataset and a new hybrid dataset which you construct which replaces (some
or all) of the numeric value features with a subset of PCA or LDA features. You
must report results for both for Random Forests and Gradient Tree Boosting.
3 Decision Trees Classifier
[CM3] Classify the data using Decision Trees Tune the hyper-parameters of the
classifier using k-fold cross validation and sklearn functions. Evaluate the best
value for the number of trees and maximum depth of trees. You can choose k
yourself based on need. For decision trees try a range of parameters at least
including the following:
• max depth: {3, 5, 10, None}
• None: (grow until leaf contains 2 datapoints)
For this, plot the mean accuracy versus the maximum depth. Also, examine the
final resulting splitting rules used for the trees. Do they indicate any interesting
patterns that explain the data? Use the original feature space only for this, not
the extracted features from PCA or LDA.
4 Random Forest Classifier
[CM4] Classify the data using Decision Trees Tune the hyper-parameters of the
classifier using k-fold cross validation and sklearn functions. Evaluate the best
value for the number of trees and maximum depth of trees. You can choose k
yourself based on need.
For random forest try a range of parameters at least including the following:
• number of trees: {5, 10, 50, 150, 200}
• max depth: {3, 5, 10, None}
For this, the plot should be a heat plot. You should have (5 * 4) mean accuracies for different values of number of trees and maximum depth. Report results
using original features and using PCA or LDA features, see Part 2.
5 Gradient Tree Boosting
[CM5] Classify the data using Decision Trees Tune the hyper-parameters of the
classifier using k-fold cross validation and sklearn functions. Evaluate the best
value for the number of trees and maximum depth of trees. You can choose k
yourself based on need.
For Gradient Tree Boosting (on sklearn it is GradientBoostingClassifier):
• number of estimators: {5, 10, 50, 150, 200}
For this, plot the mean accuracy versus the number of estimators.
Note: the number of ‘trees’ grown by GBT is n classes × n estimators but
this is handled automatically. You can leave the other parameters as default in
sklearn. Report results using original features and using PCA or LDA features,
see Part 2.
6 Naive Bayes Classifier
[CM6] Classify the data using the Naive Bayes Classifier. You can use GaussianNB in sklearn. Tune the hyper-parameters of the classifier using 10-fold
cross validation and sklearn functions. Use the original feature space only for
this, not the extracted features from PCA or LDA.
Evaluate the best value for the var smoothing among the values {1e-10, 1e9, 1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-1} and report the results using any performance measures you
choose. Can you explain the impact of the smoothing parameter?
7 Interpretability
[CM7] Explain the performance of NB compared to the decision tree approaches
in Question 1. Use the original feature space only for this, not the extracted
features from PCA or LDA. Can you use the learned parameters of NB to make
an interpretation about the data and compare this to the single Decision Tree
8 Kaggle
[CM8] Instructions will be posted on LEARN about the related Kaggle competition for this assignment once it is set up. You can use any method from
the assignment to produce your answer submission. The description on Kaggle
will tell you which label(s) you need to predict and the format. Data from five
states Washington, Tennessee, Iowa, Texas, Illinois has been held out from the
train set and will be used for testing your trained algorithms on Kaggle and is
available on LEARN (or Kaggle) as dkmacovidkaggletestfeatures.csv. In
this part of your report on Crowdmark simply enter your group name and url
on kaggle, so we can find your results. You can also report your results from
your last submission to kaggle here. (We will see another score using held out
data you do not have access to).
You might find the following links are useful to solve this assignment: