ECE 657A Assignment 1: Data Cleaning and Classification


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Question 1: Data Exploration
1. [CM1] Data Cleaning: [TODO: this should go first] deal with any missing values in the data (use any of the methods discussed in class: dropping
data, interpolating, replacing with approximations,. . . ). You can also remove any noise from the data by applying smoothing on some features.
Report any changes you make and justify them. You can make
comparisons of any of these approaches have an impact on classification
performance using your validation set. Normalization: Normalize the
data using min-max and zscore and compare to unnormalized version of
the data. Explain any differences that you see. You may want to do some
of the visualization in [CM2] to see the impact of Data Cleaning on the
distribution of the data.
2. [CM2] To begin understanding the dataset, generate a “pairs plot” (also
called a scatter plot matrix, seaborn.pairplot is one method to do this)
of the data. Note that the pairs plot includes the scatter plots of every
dimension versus every other dimension. From the pair plot, identify the
subplots corresponding to the pairs of features where you see correlation.
• For Iris: Make a single pair plot of all the features and data.
• For Heart Disease: Use pair plots to explore different subsets of
features and their correlations, distribution, etc. You don’t need to
include this large pair plot in your report. Instead, choose your own
subset of 3-5 features for the plot which highlight some interesting
pattern. Show this smaller pair plot only and provide a short justification why you chose those features.
3. [CM3] Calculate and report the correlation coefficient for all pairs of
features. To what extent are the features correlated? Calculate and report
the mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis for all the variables in datasets for
which is makes sense. Do you find any interesting or significant relationships? Briefly explain your observations about the nature of data
and the relationships between the features of the dataset. Do you chosen
subset of features from Heart Disease have any particular pattern on any
of these statistics?
Question 2: KNN
Classify the data using a KNN classifier. You will tune the parameter of the
KNN classifier using sci-kit functions (see links at the end of the assignment),
plot the different validation accuracies against the values of the parameter, select
the best parameter to fit the model and report the resulting accuracy. Carry
out the following activities and reporting:
Basic Model: The intent for the steps 1-4 is to confirm your numerical
answer, so please follow the steps exactly.
1. Divide the data into a training set and a test set (80%, 20%) Note: set
the random seed for splitting, use random state=98 in the sci-kit learn
train test split function to get the same split every time you run the
2. [CM4] Train the model with the classifier’s default parameters. Use the
train set and test the model on the test set. Store the accuracy of the
model and report it.
3. Next, you need to find the best parameters, to “tune”, the classifier. In
this case it is k, the number of neighbours, used in KNN.
General Process: You need to test a range of values for the parameter k
using a validation set. You will try two different ways of doing this k-fold
cross validation and train-validate-test.
• For Iris: Since this is a very small dataset, we need to leverage as
much of the data as we can for parameter tuning. So you will use
5-fold cross validation on the training set to train the classifier
and produce accuracy scores.
• For Heart Disease: Instead of 5-fold cross validation, here you will
further divide the training set into an (90%,10%) split into train and
validate sets (you also, of course, still have your test set held out).
Fit the KNN classifier for a range of k values on the new training set
only, producing accuracy scores with the validation set.
For each dataset, using the corresponding validation method above, do the
following for a range of k values from at least k ∈ {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35}:
(a) Fit the model using the training set or fold.
(b) Score the trained model with the validation set or fold. Store the
accuracy or average across accuracies for all folds.
(c) [CM5] Using these scores, plot a figure of accuracy vs k. Report the
best k in terms of classification accuracy. For k-fold cross validation,
report the variance as well. Do you find any advantage to one form
of validation over the other?
(d) [CM6] Now, using the best found parameter, fit the model on the
entire training set and predict the target on the test set. Report
the accuracy, AUC, f-score of your kNN classifier. Explain
your results briefly and the following points: What was the effect of
changing k? Was the accuracy always affected the same way with an
increase of k? Why do you think this happened?
Your Improved Model: Try to improve your classification results using any
of the performance metrics we have discussed by exploring different ways to
improve using your validation set.
5. Weighted KNN: The KNeighborsClassifier class has an option for
weighted KNN where points that are nearby to the query point are more
important for the classification than others. Try using different weighting
schemes (default, manhatten, euclidean) to see the effect. You can also
define your own distance metric to try to improve performance further
(using a validation-testing approach of course).
6. Different NN Algorithms: Consider changing other parameters of
KNN, such as the algorithm selection, which effects accuracy but also
the speed of computation. Whatever improvement you explore, report
relevant statistics to show any differences which your initial experiments
7. [CM7] After making these improvements, compute your new classification
results on the test set and report the accuracy, AUC and f-score.
You might find the following links are useful to solve this assignment: