(1) Consider the following schema. It is a small database for a university course scheduling system,
providing details about courses, offerings, instructors, classrooms and departments. Neither primary keys
nor foreign keys have been specified in this description, and that is deliberate. The table name (relation)
is in bold.
Instructor (instID, instName, deptID, sessional)
Course (courseID, courseName, deptID, prereqID)
Offering (courseID, section, termCode, roomID, instID, enrollment)
Classroom (roomID, building, room, capacity)
Department (deptID, deptName, faculty)
• Instructor defines a unique instructor ID, his/her name, department and sessional status.
• Course defines a unique course ID, the course name, the department offering that offers the course,
and any prerequisites.
• Offering defines an actual offering of a course; the offering comprises the courseID being offered,
the section number (integers starting at 1), the term code (the standard UW 4-digit term code: the
first three digits define the year (add 1900 to get the year), and the fourth digit is the month in which
the course starts (1 (Jan), 5 (May), or 9 (Sept) for Winter, Spring, and Fall offerings, respectively),
the room where the section meets, the instructor, and the number of students enrolled.
• Classroom defines a unique room ID, together with the building, room number and room capacity.
• Department identifies a unique department ID and its name.
A subset of the data is as shown below:
instID instName deptID sessional
int char(10) char(4) bool
1 Nelson ECE false
3 Jimbo ECE false
4 Moe CS true
5 Lenny CS false
courseID courseName deptID prereqID
char(8) varchar(50) char(4) char(8)
ECE356 Database Systems ECE ECE250
ECE358 Computer Networks ECE ECE222
ECE390 Engineering Design ECE ECE290
MATH117 Calculus 1 MATH null
courseID section termCode roomID instID enrollment
char(8) int decimal(4) char(8) int int
ECE356 1 1191 E74417 1 64
ECE356 2 1191 E74417 3 123
ECE358 2 1191 E74417 1 123
ECE390 1 1191 E74053 1 102
MATH117 1 1189 RCH111 5 134
roomID Building Room Capacity
char(8) char(4) dec(4) int
E74417 E7 4417 138
E74053 E7 4053 144
RCH111 RCH 111 91
RCH101 RCH 101 250
deptID deptName faculty
char(8) varchar(50) varchar(50)
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering
CS Computer Science Math
MATH Math Math
C&O Combinatorics and Optimization Math
(a) What are plausible Primary Keys on each of the five relations?
(b) What are plausible Foreign Keys for the five relations?
(c) What additional constraints, if any, should be added?
(d) Knowing that each department is part of a faculty (deptID → faculty), that courses can have more than
one prerequisite, and desiring to be able to do queries based on term (Winter, Spring, Fall) without regard
to the particular year (e.g., what courses are offered in the fall term?), what modifications to the schema,
if any, are needed to ensure that it is either 3NF or BCNF (your choice)? If there are any new of changed
relations, identify them, including any changes or adjustments to primary keys and/or foreign keys, or any
other constraints. Explain your reasoning.
(e) Considering queries for the following purposes:
• Which instructors are sessionals?
• Which instructors have taught courses over a particular timeframe?
• How many courses are taught by sessionals?
• How many students are taught by sessionals?
• Any of the above, grouped by faculty
• Any of the above, as fractions of total instructors and/or courses, as relevant?
Using “explain” and/or your own reasoning, identify what indexes would be potentially useful to help in
these queries.
(f) Considering the specific query:
select count(courseID) from Course inner join Department using (deptID)
where prereqID is NULL and faculty=’Math’;
Assuming no indexes, what would the execution plan be and what would be the estimated execution time
for that plan if the tables are on disk, in contiguous blocks, the number of rows in Course is rc, the number
of blocks in Course is bc, the number of rows in Department is rd, the number of blocks in Department is
bd, the time to find a random block on disk is Ts and the time to transfer a block from disk is Tt? (g) For
the query above, identify any indexes over one or more attributes that might potentially improve the query
performance. For each index you identify, specify the type of index (B+-tree or Hash or either), whether
or not it is a primary or secondary index, if it is a secondary index identify if it is useful if it is an index
extension, and justify why the query might benefit from that index.
(2) In assigment 1 you had to compute several queries on the Sean Lahman baseball database. There
were no explicit indexes on that database, though you should have added primary and foreign keys. Using
explain on the queries you created for Lab 1, determine if any additional explicit indexes would help in
solving those queries.
(3) Likewise, you had to compute several queries on the Yelp database. Again, using explain on the queries
you created for Lab 1, determine what indexes would help in solving those queries.