In this project, you will design and implement the security aspects of a password storage/retrieval web application. For each user, passwords for different sites are stored and
protected by a “master password” (i.e., that is required for the user to log in).
The system must feature client-side encryption so that it is resilient to database theft (or
even unauthorized access by a system administrator, law enforcement subpoenas requesting
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ECE 458 Password Safe Web Application
access to a user or users passwords, etc.). The user has their “master password” that is
used for logging into the system, and that same master password is used to encrypt the
information stored in the server’s database. Log in details such as site names and site users
do not need to be encrypted with the master password, only the site passwords must be.
You should consider all forms of remote attack discussed in the course. Although the
application uses a browser-based front end, you should not assume attacks can only originate
from the browser. You may assume that the attacker does not control the web server, but
you should assume that an attacker may gain access to your source files and database.
The system consists of the following pages which you will implement:
(1) A sign up page — The user chooses a username (which must be unique) and a password, and provides a valid email and their full name. The application may assume
that the email address is valid as long as it is formatted correctly. The application also
does not need to support user management, such as password update and recovery.
(2) A login page — The user submits a username and password; upon successful authentication, the system initiates a session and displays the dashboard with a personalized
welcome message.
(3) An add password page — Once logged in, users can add passwords that they want to
store to the safe. The page takes three parameters: the site or app for which this
password applies, the username (optional), and the password (notice that the client
needs to encrypt the password before sending so that the server will never have access
to any of the passwords). Only the password field needs to be encrypted!
This same page may be used for data other than passwords like security questions
and answers (e.g., the user may enter, in the “site” field: Bank of Waterloo – security question – favourite movie, leave username field empty, and the answer to that
question may be given as the password field).
(4) A retrieve password page — The user selects the site from a list, and the application
looks up the entry and transmits the encrypted password to the browser. Once at the
browser, the client must decrypt it before displaying it.
3 Implementation
Much of the web application has been implemented for you. You are not allowed to modify
the HTML or the database schema, and significant boilerplate has been provided for both
the client JavaScript and the server PHP. You will be responsible for designing and writing
the missing parts.
You are not allowed to use any external libraries, such as CryptoJS, jQuery, or a database
ORM. This means you will need to use provided PRNG, hash, ecryption, and decryption
functions in the boilerplate. This also means you must write your own SQL to interact
with database. You should assume that the web browser used to access the site is Firefox
75 on Linux. You should assume the version of PHP used for the server is PHP 7.4.5.
For hashing you should use SHA2-256 and for encryption you should use AES-256 in CBC
mode. These are the algorithms used in the provided functions.
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ECE 458 Password Safe Web Application
A few compromises must be made due to our desire to avoid running full-featured web
servers. One such compromise is that the application will not use SSL/TLS, while this
would be a requirement in a real setting. Another compromise is that there is no layer
of security on the database because we are using SQLite3 and it does not support any
permissions apart from filesystem permissions.
(i) Boilerplate
The provided boilerplate is a functioning web application, but it doesn’t do anything. You
will need to implement certain functions to complete the assignment. There are two files
that must be modified: student.js and student.php. You are encouraged to explore the
boilerplate code to make sure you understand how it works before proceeding with your
implementation. However, students are not allowed to modify other files in the
While the boilerplate does implement any of the functionality of the application, it
does do all of the network communication that is needed. A good idea to get started on
your implementation is to start the server (./ and load the application in your
browser (http://localhost:8000/). Open the developer console and look at the network
connections while also watching the shell where the start script was run. Try clicking around
the site and filling in form fields.
Files in the boilerplate:
• api.php – Contains APIs that you must use to complete the assignment. Look in
this file, but don’t modify it!
• client.js – Contains functionality and APIs for the client portion of the application.
Look in this file, but don’t modify it!
• dropdb.sql – A SQL script to drop all the tables and indexes in the database. To use
this script, run sqlite3 passwordsafe.db < dropdb.sql.
• favicon.ico – A terrible favicon file. This is what the browser will display in the tab
when you visit the site.
• index.html – The HTML for the application. This file must not be modified.
You can load this file in your web browser by first running and then visiting
• initdb.sql – A SQL script to create all the tables and indexes in the database. To use
this script, run sqlite3 passwordsafe.db < initdb.sql. Look in this file, but
don’t modify it!
• passwordsafe.db – The sqlite3 database used by the application. This file should exist
and have the tables initialized by the initdb.sql script before the application will work.
• server.php – Contains functionality for the server portion of the application. This
file must not be modified.
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ECE 458 Password Safe Web Application
• – A shell script that will start the PHP server in the current directory on port
8000. Run it as ./ and then direct your web browser to http://localhost:8000/.
• styles.css – The stylesheets for index.html. You can play around with this if you want
things to look prettier during your testing.
• student.js – Contains the client functions that you must implement to complete the
assignment. This file must be modified!
• student.php – Contains the server functions that you must implement to complete the
assignment. This file must be modified!
(ii) Workflows
The site is implemented as a single-page-application, which means that there is only one
HTML file that is never reloaded during a web session. Instead of loading new HTML files,
content on the site is updated by JavaScript that communicates with a server via HTTP
requests with JSON ( bodies.
This diagram shows network communication flow for a session. In this visit, the client
creates a new account, then uses the account to log in and create a new site, and finally
logs out.
Client Begin Server
200 OK
201 Created
200 OK
200 OK
Client Cont. Server
200 OK
200 OK
200 OK
200 OK
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ECE 458 Password Safe Web Application
This diagram shows network communication flow for a session. In this visit, the client
fails to log in, then successfully logs in and then loads two site passwords and logs out.
Client Begin Server
200 OK
200 OK
400 Bad Request
200 OK
200 OK
Client Cont. Server
200 OK
200 OK
200 OK
200 OK
4 Deliverables
You will submit the modified student files as well as a short written report. It must be
possible to run the application by copying the two submitted files into the boilerplate! All
of the files must be in a single zip or tar.gz archive. The source files and the report should
be at the top level of the archive. The report should be plain text. Your solutions should
be submitted through both LEARN and Crowdmark by the specified due date.
• alice-a2.tar.gz:
– report.txt
– student.js
– student.php
(i) Report
Please write a one-page report about the assignment explaining your design decisions. The
report should be submitted to Crowdmark. This report should include the reasoning behind
your choices as well as your opinions of possible deficiencies in the final work. Please make
sure the report contains your name and student ID and is written in plain text. A good
idea is to write the design part of the report first, before you implement anything.
(ii) Marking
Marking will focus primarily on the security aspects of the assignment. However, the
application must also work! The best way to approach the assignment is to design the
application with security in mind from the beginning. Follow the recommendations given
in lectures and be careful with how encryption is used.
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ECE 458 Password Safe Web Application
5 Frequently Asked Questions
(i) Should I be concerned with eavesdropping on the HTTP connection
because it is unencrypted?
No. You should pretend that the HTTP connections are encrypted with SSL/TLS, even
though they are not.
(ii) Should I use RSA to encrypt the log in password since it is sent over
an unencrypted connection?
No. See Question (i). You should pretend the connection is encrypted.
(iii) How can I get the boilerplate to work under Ubuntu?
Install the following packages (using sudo apt-get install packagename):
• php
• php-sqlite3
• sqlite3
After those are installed you can run from a bash shell.
(iv) How can I get the boilerplate to work under Windows?
Use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to install Ubuntu:
Then follow the instructions from Question (iii).
(v) Should I modify api.php?
No! You must not modify any source files except for student.js and student.php! If your
code relies on modifications to other files, your application won’t work when it is marked
and you will receive a poor grade.
(vi) Can I modify other files, like server.php?
No. See Question (v). You must only modify student.js and student.php.
(vii) Can I use a method to connect to the database other than the passed
PDO connection object?
No! You must use the passed PDO connection.
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ECE 458 Password Safe Web Application
(viii) I’m worried that if the attacker obtains the database they will have
enough information to log in. Is this a problem?
This is fine. The important thing is that an attacker who obtains the database will not have
enough information to decrypt the secret data. Consider this: if the attacker has the entire
database, what will they gain from logging into the site? Note: if there was a security layer
on the database this would be more of a concern, since someone who accesses the user table
might not be able to read the user_safe table.
(ix) How can I save the master password on the client when the user logs
You can just store it in a global JavaScript variable, or you can use sessionStorage if you
want to get fancy. The web site is what is called a single-page app, so the JavaScript memory
space persists during the life of the site visit.
(x) Should I send the log-in password in plaintext?
You should not give the server enough information to decrypt site passwords.
(xi) I’m unclear about the use of column X in table Y . What is it for?
The database schema is there so you don’t have to write one yourself. It should be considered
a tool to use to achieve your design. You should not try to reverse engineer the database
schema to determine your design.
(xii) Where should I start
1. Load up the boilerplate and watch the network requests in your browser’s developer
console as you interact with the site. Compare to what you are seeing printed in the
console where you ran You can start to play around with this by adding
more logging to see what is going on.
2. Read the documentation. The assignment has some but there is much more in the
source files.
3. Use a pen and paper to write out what should happen for each action on the site.
This should help you consider what data needs to be encrypted, hashed, or stored.
(xiii) Should my teammate and I submit one or two solutions?
You should submit only one solution to LEARN and Crowdmark including codes and report
if you work in pairs. .
(xiv) Why PHP?
In short, because it is a popular and easy-to-use language for building web sites:
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