• In this assignment, you will implement a fault-tolerant keyvalue storage system.
• A partial implementation of the key-value service and a full
implementation of the client are provided in the starter code
• Your goal is to add primary-backup replication to the keyvalue service using Apache ZooKeeper for coordination.
• ZooKeeper will be used to solve two problems:
1. determining which replica is the primary
2. detecting when the primary crashes
• This assignment is worth 12% of your final course grade.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of the assignment, you should
know how to:
• interact with ZooKeeper using the Curator client
• create nodes in the ZooKeeper tree, including ephemeral
and sequence nodes
• list the children of a node
• query the data attached to a node
• use watches to monitor changes in a node
• analyze linearizability in a storage system that supports get
and put operations
Step 1: set up ZooKeeper
• You do not need to set up your own ZooKeeper service since one
is provided for you on on the default TCP
port (2181). Therefore, you may skip ahead to step 2.
• You are welcome to set up ZooKeeper yourself. It is easiest to
configure the service in standalone mode, meaning that only one
ZK server is used. A production ZK cluster would use 3+ servers.
• Before launching ZK, modify the configuration file zookeeper3.4.9/conf/zoo.cfg, particularly the dataDir and clientPort
properties. Set dataDir to a subdirectory of your home directory.
Also modify the clientPort to avoid conflicts with classmates.
• You may start and stop the standalone ZooKeeper by running
zookeeper-3.4.9/bin/ [start|stop]
Step 2: create a parent znode
• You will need to create a ZooKeeper node manually before
you can run your A3 code.
• If you set up ZooKeeper yourself then update the
script with the correct ZooKeeper connection string.
• Create your znode using the provided script:
• All the scripts are configured to use the same znode name,
which defaults to $USER (i.e., your Nexus ID, which is stored
in the environment variable $USER on ecelinux hosts).
• The Java programs accept the znode name as a command
line parameter. Do not hardcode the znode name!
Step 3: study the client code
• The starter code includes a client in the file
• The client determines the primary replica by listing the
children of the designated znode. This is the same znode
you created in Step 2.
• The client sorts the returned list of children in ascending
lexicographical order, and identifies the smallest child as the
znode denoting the primary replica. The client then parses
the data from this node to extract the hostname and port
number of the primary, and sets a watch.
• If the primary fails, the client receives a notification and
executes the above procedure again to determine the new
Step 4: write the server bootstrap
• On startup, each server process must contact ZooKeeper and
create a child node under a parent znode specified on the
command line. This parent znode must be the same as the
one queried by the client to determine the address of the
• The newly created child znode must have both the
EPHEMERAL and SEQUENCE flags set. Furthermore, the
child znode must store as its data payload a host:port string
denoting the address of the server process.
• The server whose child znode has the smallest name in the
lexicographic order is the primary. The other server (if one
exists) is the secondary or backup.
Step 5: add replication
• At this point, the key-value service is able to execute get and
put operations, but there is no primary-backup replication.
• To implement replication, it is critical that each server
process knows whether it is the primary or backup. This can
be done by querying ZooKeeper, similarly to the client code.
• The primary server process must implement concurrency
control above and beyond the synchronization provided
internally by the ConcurrentHashMap.
• If in doubt, use a Java lock for concurrency control. Do not
implement locking using a ZooKeeper recipe as that will
make the code unnecessarily slow! Also do not store all the
key-value pairs in ZooKeeper.
Step 6: implement recovery from
• If the primary server process crashes, the backup server
process must detect automatically that the ephemeral
znode created by the primary has disappeared.
• At this point, the backup must become the new primary, and
begin accepting get and put requests from clients. The
provided client code will automatically re-direct connections
to the new primary.
• The new primary may execute without a backup for some
period of time immediately after a crash failure until a new
backup is started.
• When the new backup is started, it must copy all the keyvalue pairs over from the new primary to avoid data loss in
the event that the new primary fails as well.
Step 7: test thoroughly
To test your code, run an experiment similar to the following:
1. Ensure that ZooKeeper is running, and create the parent znode.
2. Start primary and backup server processes.
3. Launch the provided client and begin executing a long
4. Wait two or more seconds, and kill the primary or the backup.
5. Wait two or more seconds, and start a new backup server.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for several iterations.
The key-value service should continue to process get and put
operations after each failure, including between steps 4 and 5 when
the new primary is running temporarily without a backup. The
client may throw exceptions in step 4, but there should be no
linearizability violations.
Packaging and submission
• All your Java classes must be in the default package.
• You may use multiple Java files but do not change the name of the
client (A3Client) or the server (StorageNode) programs, or their
command line arguments.
• Do not change the implementation of the client at all.
• You must modify the server code to complete its implementation.
• You may add new procedures to a3.thrift, but do not add services.
• Use the provided script to create a tarball for
electronic submission, and upload it to the appropriate LEARN
dropbox before the deadline.
• The list of group members should be provided in a text file called
group.txt, as in earlier assignments.
Grading scheme
Evaluation structure:
Correctness of outputs (linearizability): 60%
Performance (throughput): 40%
Penalties will apply in the following cases:
• solution uses oneway RPCs, and hence assumes that the
network is reliable
• solution cannot be compiled or throws an exception during
testing despite receiving valid input
• solution produces incorrect outputs (i.e., non-linearizable
• solution is improperly packaged
• you submitted the starter code instead of your solution
Hints and tips for success
1. Throughput of more than 100,000 ops/s is achievable on
ecelinux with sufficiently many client threads.
2. Test with both small data sets (e.g., 1000 key-value pairs)
and larger data sets (e.g., 1M key-value pairs), and spread
your processes across multiple ecelinux hosts. Do not run
everything on one machine!
3. Be prepared to handle frequent failures (e.g., one failure
every two seconds). Each failure event may terminate
either the primary or the backup.
4. Failures will be simulated on linux using kill -9.
5. Be prepared to handle port reuse (e.g., primary fails, and
is restarted as a backup on the same host with the same
RPC port).