1.(100 points) Objective: Realize a simplified RPC mechanism.
You are to exploit C programming language features to realize a simplified RPC mechanism. Specifically,
you should provide a server-stub and a client-stub so that an application programmer can make functions
available via the server-stub, and another application programmer can invoke functions via the client-stub.
The file ece454rpc types.h that is in this module on Learn contains the signatures of all the 3 functions
you to implement. The first three go into the server-stub and the last one goes into the client-stub.
Stuff you need to realize
Here are the three functions you need to realize. Functions (1)–(2) are for the server-stub. Function (3) is
for the client-stub.
1. bool register_procedure(const char *procedure_name,
const int nparams,
fp_type fnpointer);
The application programmer that uses your stuff for providing the functions that can be invoked
remotely first invokes register_procedure() to register his function with your server-stub.
That is, your server-stub maintains a simple database of all the functions that are registered with
it. The database is looked up by name, i.e., the argument procedure_name. Every function
that is registered has the same signature, which is indicated by the fp_type, which is defined in
ece454rpc types.h.
typedef return_type (*fp_type)(const int, arg_type *);
The “fp” in fp_type stands for “function pointer.” The way the server-stub can locate the application programmer’s function to be called is using the function pointer fnpointer. What
the above typedef says is that fp_type is a pointer to a function that takes as arguments a
const int and arg_type *, and returns something of type return_type. Both arg_type
and return_type are also defined in ece454rpc types.h.
The function register_procedure() returns true on success and false on failure.
2. void launch_server();
The call to launch_server() starts the server listening for requests for function calls, for functions that are registered with it via register_procedure(). It never returns. That is, all is does
is wait for a client request, service it, and then go back to waiting for more client requests. And it does
this forever.
IMPORTANT: the first thing a call to launch_server() should do is print out, to stdout (e.g.,
using printf()) the IP address/domain name and UDP port number on which the server runs. This
is so that a client can be informed as to how to reach the server.
Here is an example of the output we expect to see on stdout when launch_server() is invoked: 5764
Your printout should look exactly like this (except that you can print out an IP address instead of
domain name). That is, you should not embellish this printout in any way. Otherwise, our marking
script that looks for this will break, and you will get an automatic 0 for the assignment.
3. return_type make_remote_call(const char *servernameorip,
const int serverportnumber,
const char *procedure_name,
const int nparams,
This is used by the client application program to invoke a remote method. So you provide the implementation of make_remote_call() in the client-stub. It is a function that takes a variable number
of arguments, as indicated by the … at the end. The variable number of arguments correspond to
pairs of harg-size, argi, where arg-size is the size (in bytes) of the argument, and arg is the
argument, which must be of type void *. The number of pairs must be the value of the nparams
Sample server application
Following is a sample server that would use your implementation. This is available as part of this module in
#include <stdio.h>
#include “ece454rpc_types.h”
int ret_int;
return_type r;
return_type add(const int nparams, arg_type* a)
if(nparams != 2) {
/* Error! */
r.return_val = NULL;
r.return_size = 0;
return r;
if(a->arg_size != sizeof(int) ||
a->next->arg_size != sizeof(int)) {
/* Error! */
r.return_val = NULL;
r.return_size = 0;
return r;
int i = *(int *)(a->arg_val);
int j = *(int *)(a->next->arg_val);
ret_int = i+j;
r.return_val = (void *)(&ret_int);
r.return_size = sizeof(int);
return r;
int main() {
register_procedure(“addtwo”, 2, add);
/* should never get here, because
launch_server(); runs forever. */
return 0;
Sample client application
The following is a sample client application. This is available as part of this module in Learn.
#include <stdio.h>
#include “ece454rpc_types.h”
int main()
int a = -10, b = 20;
return_type ans = make_remote_call(“”,
“addtwo”, 2,
sizeof(int), (void *)(&a),
sizeof(int), (void *)(&b));
int i = *(int *)(ans.return_val);
printf(“client, got result: %d\n”, i);
return 0;
Obviously when the client app makes the make_remote_call(), you’ll need to translate the call to a
network message, and send it over the next to the server. Use UDP to do this. To use UDP, you need to use
the sock() API. Type “man 2 socket” and “man 7 ip” in ecelinux. There should also be tons of examples
online on how to use the socket API to create a datagram (UDP) socket, and use it to send packets back and
forth between a client and server. If you use one of these online sources, you should credit it appropriately
in the comments of your code.
If I were you, I would start by first getting this transport to work. Then, you should be able to build the
actual 3 functions that are required on top of it.
You must include a Makefile with your submission. It must have at least two targets: libstubs.a and clean.
The latter target should remove all object, archive (.a) and executable files from the folder. That is, only
source-code, the Makefile and the README must remain.
The target libstubs.a should build libstubs.a, which comprises all the 3 functions for the client and
server stubs. See the sample Makefile I have included. In my Makefile, we first compile the server and
client stubs to their respective object files, client_stub.o and server_stub.o respectively. We then
use the ar command to create an archive (library) called libstubs.a. The client and server application
programs can now link against libstubs.a to get access to the three functions you implement.
Coding Standard
Your code must follow a programming style that you can choose freely; but you have to explicitly specify
which one in comments in your code towards the start. It is important that the code is easy to read, with
meaningful variables names. Example coding conventions are at
Submission Instructions
• Your submission is made to the appropriate dropbox on Learn.
• It must be a single zip file. You can use the “-r” option to zip to recursively zip a folder.
• The name of your submission must be: Our script will look for this, and if it does
not find it for you, you get an automatic 0 (see marking scheme below).
• Unzipping your must result in a single folder called ece454a1, that has no subfolders. All your source-code, Makefile and README must be in that single folder.
• Include a README file with the names of your two group-members if you are in 454. If you are in
750T10, then of course you need to do this assignment on your own. Include your name only in the
Our grading scheme:
a) Marking script breaks, e.g., because submission not structured as per instructions, makefile does not
work, program crashes, etc. — automatic 0.
b) 5% if you implemented something meaningful that compiles and runs.
c) 30% if you implemented something meaningful that compiles and runs, and we are able to write simple
server and client applications, and everything works.
d) 90% everything works for our more complex tests. E.g., we try multiple function registrations.
e) 100% if, in addition to meeting the functional requirements, your code is pretty and well-documented.