ECE 356 Project Option (ii): A Simple Social Network


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The course project is a database-design exercise. You are required to create an appropriate database design
for the problem space and implement a prototype of the design.

There are two possible problem spaces
you may select from:
1. a un*x file system
2. a social network

Additional details for the specific problem space will be presented below.

There are three steps required in the design and prototype process:
1. Create an Entity-Relationship Model of the problem space

2. Translate the ER model to a relational model, writing the necessary SQL to create the tables, primary
keys, foreign keys, and any additional indexes and/or other constraints

3. Create the prototype client (in the programming language of your choice), as required by the specific
problem space

You will submit a deliverable for each of the three items. In the case of the first, a PDF with the ER model
in diagram plus description as necessary (should not be more than a couple of pages). In the case of the
second, the .sql code. In the case of the third, whatever code is necessary, together with a README so
that the evaluator knows what is necessary for the purpose of executing your code.

Option (i): The Un*x File System
The standard un*x file system is very inefficient for a number of reasons. However, the basic directory
structure is well understood by users and developers alike, as are the various file-system utilities (cd, ls,
find, grep, etc.). Using a relational database as a file system should be much more efficient, though only if
we do so in a non-standard way. The standard method is to implement the various filesystem system calls
(open, close, read, write, lseek, etc.) for the new filesystem and then nothing else needs to change for the
user (existing utilities and shell remain unaltered). The problem with this is that would essentially negate
any advantage that the use of a relational database would bring. Instead of doing this, it is necessary to
rewrite the standard utilities so as to provide the standard “look-and-feel” of that utility, but doing so on
top of a relational database.

For this option, you are required to do the following:
1. Create an entity-relationship model for this un*x file-system. Your diagram may follow any of the
notational conventions described in the lecture notes, in class, or the course textbook, but should
be consistent in its usage. Include all relevant entities, attributes and relationships, cardinality constraints, and participation constraints. Indicate primary keys of entities by underlining them.

have all of the standard un*x file-system properties: name, permission bits, size, type, etc., as well
as the file contents (you may choose to add additional properties if you wish (e.g., a user-level type
(C source, C++ source, text, executable, etc.), applicable programs for the given user-level type,
etc.) though it is not required). In addition, directories have to be maintained in the standard un*x
manner with subdirectories as created, and types per the standard un*x permissions. Also, links,
both hard and symbolic, should be supported by your design.

2. Create the necessary relational database form of your ER model. It should be appropriately normalized. For file contents, you should use the type BLOB (Binary Large OBject) or TEXT types, as
appropropriate. SQL to create all necessary tables, keys, etc. is the required deliverable for this part.
You should also include a small sample of data (some files in some directory structure).

3. Create the following client utilities to run on top of your database:
(a) ls: you should be able to accept the “-l” argument or just plain usage
(b) find: accept the directory and (partial) name of the file being found; output the “ls -l” results
for all matches

(c) cd; pwd: since ls requires a directory, and you are not implementing a shell, you should include
a table with a single attribute and a single row that contains the present working directory; you
should also implement the utility cd to change the value of the present working directory.

(If you have time and enjoy doing thissort of thing, as a bonus, implement grep: accept the (partial)
name of the file and seek the relevant pattern in the matchin file(s). Output the line number and line
for the matching lines.

Option (ii): A Simple Social Network

Broadly speaking, all social networks are centered around “people” posting “things” about “topics” and
commenting on those posts. People have various attributes that may be genetic (e.g., birthdate, sex, etc. or
chosen (e.g., vocation, religion, etc.). People are part of one or more groups (reciprocal) or follow one or
more other people (non-reciprocal).

Topics are ideally self-organized by the people in the social network, but you can think of things like:
politics, sports, business, finance, news, … and then sub-topics of these (Canadian politics, oil business,
etc.), which in turn can be composed of sub-sub-topics (Toronto politics, Alberta oil business, …). The
hierarchy may be explict or implicit in the nature of the topic names.

Things posted are either some initial post, comprising text, image(s), and link(s) by a person on a topic/topics.

Those who follow that topic or posting person will be notified of the posting, and may choose to respond
to the post, either simply with a thumbs up/down or by posting their own test, image(s) and link(s) in
response, which in turn may generate responses.

Likewise, a person or topic may be searched, and the
person receiving the results may choose to respond to those results. If a person has read a post, the system
should know this, although “read” may simply mean “the client has presented it to the user.”

For this option, you are required to do the following:
1. Create an entity-relationship model for this social network. Your diagram may follow any of the
notational conventions described in the lecture notes, in class, or the course textbook, but should
be consistent in its usage. Include all relevant entities, attributes and relationships, cardinality constraints, and participation constraints.

Indicate primary keys of entities by underlining them. People
should have appropriate attributes (name, birthdate, others of your choosing), and connections with
other people, again of your own choosing (e.g., you might want a social network that limited the
number of “friends” you had, so that it was plausible that it actually represented friends). Postings
will have to be defined in terms of text, image(s), link(s), as you see fit, and the connection between
the post and (a) other posts (is it a response?) (b) topics (is there a limit on the number of topics?).

A simple thumbs up/thumbs down needs to be supported for posts, in addition to responses. You
may choose to have more such simple responses (e.g., Yelp! has “useful” and “funny”). Topics are,
in some ways, the most flexible, but you need to create a design for that and explain your choices.

2. Create the necessary relational database form of your ER model. It should be appropriately normalized. SQL to create all necessary tables, keys, etc. is the required deliverable for this part. You
should also include a small sample of data (some people posting on some topic and some responses).

3. Create the social-network client to run on top of your database:
(a) A person should be able to initial a post on a topic
(b) A person should be able to follow/join a group with another person
(c) A person should be able to follow a topic

(d) A person should be able to determine what posts have been added by people and/or topics that
they are following since they last read from those people/topics
(e) A person should be able to respond to a post with thumbs up/down and/or a response post.

Given the limited time, although your ER design should support images and links, it is sufficient if you
just supoort text. Further, it is strongly recommended that you use a very simple command-line interface
for your client. While your deliverable for the client code is the code, you will need to submit a brief
README to explain its usage.