1. Goals
• Introduction to Verilog modular code design.
• Introduction to structural Verilog.
• Designing simple combinational circuits.
2. Overview
In this lab, you will use structural Verilog to design a 4-bit binary adder-subtractor.
3. Objective
Write the HDL gate level (structural) hierarchical description for 4-bit binary adder-subtractor.
3.1. I/O Specifications
The adder-subtractor must have 4-bit inputs A and B (signed radix), and 1-bit input M as control bit.
The circuit must output 4-bit S, representing the the result of the selected operation. The circuit must
also output the 1-bit signal C for carry (or borrow) out and a 1-bit signal V for overflow. When M is
0, S is result of A plus B; when M is 1, S is the result of A minus B. Overflow bit V indicates whether
4-bit signed radix is enough to represent the correct answer S. V=1 means 4-bit signed radix does
not have enough bits to accurately represent S. V=0 means 4 bits are enough, and that S correctly
represents output of the operation.
3.2. Methodology
1. Design a 1-bit half adder circuit and write it in structural code. Simulate your design with a test
bench to ensure it is correct.
2. Design a 1-bit full adder by instantiating the half adder one or more times. Simulate your design
with a test bench to ensure it is correct.
3. Make a 4-bit adder by instantiating the 1-bit full adder one or more times. Simulate your design
with a test bench to ensure it is correct.
4. Make a 4-bit adder-subtractor following the figure below (taken from page 142 of the Mano,
Ciletti textbook). Note here vector B will need to have a controlled complementor proceeding
its input to the adder bits. (xor primitive). Simulate your design with a test bench to ensure it is
Fall2018 / EC311 / Lab1
4. Deliverables
You need to show your design hierarchy (under Design → Implementation window), your Verilog
code, and top module simulation of the half adder, full adder and 4-bit adder-subtractor to TA. You
don’t have to implement your code on the FPGA board for this lab.
Your design has to abide by the following requirements. Failure to follow the instructions will result in a grade reduction.
1. Use multi-bit vector/bus/array (just different ways of naming) instead of 1-bit signals for A, B,
and S.
2. Follow the input/output specifications.
3. For each test bench, you need to have complete test cases. This means you need to cover all the
possible combinations of input values to prove your logic is right.
4. Be hierarchical (consisting of other sub modules), use separate file for each module. Test each
module. Demonstrate that the half adder and the full adder bit work as standalone units. Your
4-bit adder will fail if the submodules don’t work. It’s generally good engineering practice to
test submodules before going to the next level. You must turn in a test bench for each module.
You must turn in a lab report describing what you did in this lab, how you did it and what happened
when you did it. The lab report should be broken up into these sections: Objective, Methodology,
Observation (can include screenshots timing diagrams, schematics, etc.) and Conclusion. Your report
should contain enough detail such that any other engineer can replicate your experiments after reading
your lab report. Please include all the required details in your lab report.
You must submit two PDFs to TurnItIn. The first PDF is your lab report. The second PDF is all
of your Verilog code. You will have to copy and paste your Verilog code into an editor that can output
PDF documents.
Fall2018 / EC311 / Lab1
5. Testing Tips
In previous schematic labs, you have practiced serial assignment of test cases (or stimulus), such as
i n i t i a l b e gin
A = 0 ; B = 0 ; / / s e t AB = 00 a t ti m e 0
#10 A = 0 ; B = 1 ; / / s e t AB = 01 a t ti m e 10
#10 A = 1 ; B = 0 ; / / s e t AB = 10 a t ti m e 20
/ / ( 1 0 a f t e r p r e v i o u s ti m e st am p )
#10 A = 1 ; B = 1 ; / / s e t AB = 11 a t ti m e 30 ( 1 0 a f t e r 2 0 )
There is another way to assign stimulus in parallel by using ‘fork – join’. The equivalent code as
previous example is below. Here all of the #(delays) are referenced to time=0.
i n i t i a l f o r k
A = 0 ; B = 0 ; / / s e t AB = 00 a t ti m e 0
#10 A = 0 ; B = 1 ; / / s e t AB = 01 a t ti m e 10
#20 A = 1 ; B = 0 ; / / s e t AB = 10 a t ti m e 20
#30 A = 1 ; B = 1 ; / / s e t AB = 11 a t ti m e 30
j o i n
Given that in our adder-subtractor design there are 9 bits of input in total, the total number of test
cases will be 29 = 512. It is unreasonable to manually assign all these stimulus. You can follow the
code example below and then formulate your own test bench for the 4-bit adder-subtractor design.
i n i t i a l b e gin
A = 0 ; B = 0 ; / / a s s i g n i n i t i a l v a l u e s
alw a y s b e gin
#10 {A, B} = {A, B} + 1 ’ b1 ;
Here, {} means concatenation. You are adding the 1 bit (1’) binary number (b) ‘1’to {A,B} every 10
ns. When all bits become 1’s, the value will overflow and start over at all 0’s again. This will continue
forever, unless you specify an ending time using $finish or $stop as seen below.
i n i t i a l b e gin
A = 0 ; B = 0 ;
#10 A = 0 ; B = 1 ;
#10 A = 1 ; B = 0 ;
#10 A = 1 ; B = 1 ;
#10 $ s t o p ;
You can follow the directions in Lab A and the Schematic Capture Tutorial to generate waveforms
for observe the outputs of your simulations. After you generate the waveforms, you can use the
simulation tool to display the multi-bit binary signals as signed decimal numbers. This makes your
verification easier. To change the number system a signal is displayed with:
1. Select the signals and right click on them.
Fall2018 / EC311 / Lab1
2. Select Radix → Signed Decimal