DBS211 Lab 05 – DDL solved


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The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the DDL set of statements in SQL.  By writing SQL to create tables, constraints, and views, you will have the tools needed to implement database designs that you will create later in the course.  By finishing this lab, the student will be able to:

  • create, modify, and drop tables based on design specifications provided,
  • inserting new data into tables, update data in tables, and delete data from tables while considering referential integrity,
  • enforce constraints on tables to ensure data integrity and consistency,
  • create a table using the structure and data from an existing table,
  • import data into a table from other tables.


Your submission will be a single WORD file with the solutions provided.

Your submission needs to include a comment header block and be commented to include the question and the solutions. Make sure every SQL statement terminates with a semicolon.


under the comment header and execute it

Consider the following table specifications:

Part A (DDL) :

  1. Create all the following tables and their given constraints:

MOVIES (movieid:int, title:varchar(35), releaseYear:int, director:int,score:decimal(3,2))





PK Not


Unique FK Default


movieid Int          
title varchar(35)          
releaseYear Int          
director Int          
score decimal(3,2)           < 10 and > 3





ACTORS (actorid:int, firstname:varchar(20), lastname:varchar(30))





PK Not


Unique FK Default


actorid Int          
firstName varchar(20)          
lastName Varchar(30)          


CASTINGS (movieid:int, actorid:int)





PK Not


Unique FK Default


movieid Int    


actorid int    




DIRECTORS(directorid:int, firstname:varchar(20), lastname:varchar(30))





PK Not


Unique FK Default


directorid Int          
firstname varchar(20)          
lastname varchar(30)          


  1. Modify the movies table to create a foreign key constraint that refers to table directors.
  2. Modify the movies table to create a new constraint so the uniqueness of the movie title is guaranteed.
  3. Write insert statements to add the following data to table directors and movies.



directorid First name Last name
1010 Rob Minkoff
1020 Bill Condon
1050 Josh Cooley
2010 Brad Bird
3020 Lake Bell





id title year director score
100 The Lion King 2019 3020 3.50
200 Beauty and the Beast 2017 1050 4.20
300 Toy Story 4 2019 1020 4.50
400 Mission Impossible 2018 2010 5.00
500 The Secret Life of Pets 2016 1010 3.90


  1. Write SQL statements to remove all above tables.
    Is the order of tables important when removing? Why?

Part B (More DML):

  1. Create a new empty table (that means the table will not have any data after creating) employeecopy the same as table Use a single statement to create the table and insert the data at the same time (Hint use a WHERE clause that is false like 1=2)
  2. Modify table employeecopy and add a new column username to this table. The value of this column is not required and does not have to be unique.
  3. Re-insert all data from the  table into your new table employeecopy using a single statement.
  4. In table employeecopy, generate the email address for column username for each student by concatenating the employeeid and the string “@seneca.ca”. For instance, the username of employee 123 will be “123@seneca.ca’.
  5. Delete all the employeecopy data and display the data in the table. Does employeecopy exist? If not how can you delete table employeecopy.

From Lab 03-PART2– SQL – Single Table Queries will be implemented in this lab


  1. Create a statement that will insert yourself as an RETAILEMPLOYEE of the company.
  • Use a unique RETAILEMPLOYEE number of your choice
  • Use your school email address and
  • Your job title will be “Cashier”
  • Office code will be 4
  • You will report to RETAILEMPLOYEE 1088
  1. Create a query that displays your, and only your, RETAILEMPLOYEE data
  2. Create a statement to update just your job title to “Head Cashier”
  3. Create a statement to insert another fictional RETAILEMPLOYEE into the database.  This RETAILEMPLOYEE will be a “Cashier” and will report to you.  Make up fake data for the other fields.
  4. Create a statement to Delete yourself from the database.  Did it work?  If not, why?
  5. Create a statement to delete the fake RETAILEMPLOYEE from the database and then rerun the statement to delete yourself.  Did it work?
  6. Create a singlestatement that will insert both yourself and the fake RETAILEMPLOYEE at the same time.  This time the fake RETAILEMPLOYEE will report to 1088 as well.
  7. Create a singlestatement to delete both yourself and the fake RETAILEMPLOYEE.
  8. Create a new order in RETAILORDER table with required date Sep 22nd,2021 and order date as Sep 17th,2021. Make up the reset of the fields and then display the only the new order that you have created just now.
  9. Insert a new product into product table with product name as “2020 Bugatti Veyron” and productcode as “S111_111” and make up the rest of the fields.