DATA 201: Thinking with Data Assignment 4: Digital Visualizations


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Description [50 marks]
Use the dataset (DATA201W21A4-Dataset.csv) from D2L for this assignment.
For each point listed below, clearly state the question (in the format of a question) you want to
answer from the visualization (2 marks), explain what the visualization shows (4 marks), explain
why your visualization is a good visualization (2 marks), include a screenshot of the visualization
(it needs to have legend, title, axis, etc.) (2 marks). All interesting things must be different from
each other. Use at least three different chart types for the points below (20 marks will be
deducted if you use less than three chart types).
1. Create a visualization to show something interesting in the dataset using Excel.
2. Create a visualization to show something interesting in the dataset using Excel.
3. Create a visualization to show something interesting in the dataset using Tableau.
4. Create a visualization to show something interesting in the dataset using Tableau.
5. Create a visualization to show something interesting in the dataset using Excel or
Make sure all 5 points above are clearly explained and all screenshots are legible — no marks
will be given for illegible screenshots.
Note: The way you structure and organize your answers in assignments is a form of
presentation (an important part of the whole data analysis pipeline). It shows how well you can
convey your ideas to your audience (in this case, your TAs). You should make sure your answers
are easy to follow and understand. Up to 10 marks can be deducted for poor organization and
formatting of your document.
For Each Written Question
80% – 100%: Answers are excellent or only have minor mistakes. Detailed explanations are
provided. Analysis (if applicable or required) must be clear and well-expressed. Include
adequate visual aids if applicable.
60% – 79%: Answers are clear but with obvious mistakes. A decent job overall.
40% – 59%: Missing some important parts of the answers.
1% – 39%: Sloppy or incomplete.
0%: No answer.
You can find the mark breakdown on D2L (DATA201W21A2-Feedback.xlsx).
Submit the following using the Assignment 4 Dropbox in D2L:
1. PDF report named DATA201W21A4-Name.pdf. Ex. DATA201W21A4-jwhudson.pdf