CST8132 Exercise 6 – Exceptions


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• Create a new project in Eclipse
• Add three classes:
1. FullNameException
2. Person
3. PersonTester
Class Details:
1. Class FullNameException
• This should inherit from class java.lang.Exception
• It should contain 4 overloaded constructors:
o No Parameter: use the super class constructor to set the message to “Full name not correct
o String Parameter: use the super class constructor to set the message passed in via the
o String and Throwable parameters: use the super class constructor to set the message and
throwable passed in via the parameters
o Throwable Parameter: use the super class constructor to set the throwable that was passed
via the parameter
2. Class Person
• One field: fullName as String
• A getter and setter for fullName
• A constructor that sets fullName to “unknown”
• A private method called validateData that takes one parameter a String
• Inside the validateData method throw a FullNameException with an appropriate message for the
following rules:
o The String cannot be null
o The String cannot have a length of zero
o The String cannot consist of only white space
 Tip: think about using trim() and length() on your String object
o The String cannot have a length exceeding 20 characters
o The String cannot contain a comma
 Tip: there might be a method within String you can use, check the API
• “might” meaning at least two methods that can be used**
• You will need to add throws FullNameException to two of your methods.
3. PersonTester
• Use the code provided to test your other classes.
** Bonus of 2 marks if you figure out two methods of class String that can locate a comma, and
demonstrate them in your program.
Person Tester:
public class PersonTester {

public static void main(String[] args){

Person p = new Person(); // name set to “Unknown” by default
// as you test each call, which triggers an exception,
// comment it out and re-run the program to test the
// next case.
p.setFullName(null); // null
p.setFullName(“”); // empty String
p.setFullName(” “); // white space
p.setFullName(“12345678901234567890tuna”); // length > 20
p.setFullName(“fish, tuna”); // contains comma
catch(FullNameException ex){
Grading Guide (Total Score 10):
FullNameException coded correctly? 3
Person class has requested field, methods and constructor? 3
Person class members are marked with throws FullNameException where appropriate? 2
Program produces correct output 2
Bonus? 2
Expected Total 10
Sample Program Output
Test run 1: null
Full name cannot be empty or null
Test run 2: empty String
Full name cannot be empty or null
Test run 3: whitespace only
Full name cannot be empty or null
Test run 4: length > 20
Full name cannot exceed 50 characters
Test run 5: containing comma
Full name cannot contain a comma