CST8110 Assignment #1 – Arithmetic/Problem Solving


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Write a Java program to solve the following problem: Calculate your final mark based on
the weighting of the course outline. User interaction should resemble the following:
Sample Output #1: (blue indicates user entered information, red indicates display
from program)
Welcome to the CST8110 Final Mark Calculator
Enter your hybrid activity mark out of 5: 5
Enter your lab mark out of 10: 10
Enter your assignments mark out of 100: 90
Enter your test(s)/quiz mark out of 25: 17.5
Enter your lab test mark out of 5: 3
Enter your final exam mark out of 30: 25
Calculated final mark: 81.50
Sample Output #2:
Welcome to the CST8110 Final Mark Calculator
Enter your hybrid activity mark out of 5: 0
Enter your lab mark out of 10: 5
Enter your assignments mark out of 100: 51
Enter your test(s)/quiz mark out of 25: 12.5
Enter your lab test mark out of 5: 2.2
Enter your final exam mark out of 30: 15
Calculated final mark: 47.10
Submission Requirements:
• You must create a .zip file that contains ONLY the following:
o Your program code – named Assign1.java – (with your name, section, lab teacher,
purpose of program, assignment number and date listed in comments in the header of
the program) Note – to find the .java file – Using Windows Explorer – look in the
project folder (directory) in the workspace folder (directory) where you stored the
program. Right click on the .java file and select “Add to Archive”. Change the
name as indicated below – and then select OK.
o A document created with either Notepad, Wordpad or Word named Assign1.docx or
Assign1.txt with your test plan – note this should contain your name, section and
lab teacher listed at the top.
• The .zip file must have the following as its name
o Your last name, your first name, the word Assign and the assignment number.
Example: CraneLindaAssign1.zip
• Submit the .zip file through the Assignment feature which has been enabled in the
CST8110 Blackboard course. This should be directly under the Assignment description.
• You may upload as many assignment solutions as you wish, but only the last one will be
Assignment #1 – Problem Solving 1
• Marks will be given for correct submission (ie marks will be deducted for incorrect
Assignment #1 – Problem Solving 2