CSPB 3155: Assignment 8 solved


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Goals of this assignment include:

  • Developing a type system for references
  • Understanding the limitations of type systems using the division by zero example


def passed(points: Int) {
    require(points >=0)
    if (points == 1) print(s"\n*** Tests Passed (1 point) ***\n")
    else print(s"\n*** Tests Passed ($points points) ***\n")

Problem 1 (25 points)

In this problem, we will extend our type system for handling references. Here is a stripped down version of Lettuce that involves references.


We have a type system

Type|||NumTypeBoolTypeFunType(Type,Type)RefType(Type)written as  numwritten as  boolwritten as  t1t2written as  ref(t1)Type→NumType←written as  num|BoolType←written as  bool|FunType(Type,Type)←written as  t1⇒t2|RefType(Type)←written as  ref(t1)

A (5 points)

Fill out the missing type annotations labeled type1, type2, and type3 in the program below.

let x: type1 = 25 in 
 let y : type2 = NewRef( - x ) in 
  let f : type3 = NewRef(
                    function (z: ref(num)) DeRef(z) - x >= 45 
                   ) in 
   let z : ref(bool) = DeRef(f)(y) in 


B (10 points): Let us write some inference rules for working with ref types.

Recall from notes on “Types and Type Checking” that typeOf(e,α)typeOf(e,α) is the type of an expression ee under type environment αα. The type environment maps identifiers in the current scope to their annotated types.

Let us write a rule for NewRef.


It says that if ee receives type tt under type environment αα and it is not a type error, then NewRef(e)NewRef(e) must receive the type ref(t)ref(t) under αα.

(i) Complete the missing terms for the rule for DeRef OK rule.


(ii) Complete the missing terms for the rule for DeRef error.

typeOf(e,α)=t, t???2typeOf(DeRef(e),α)=typeerror(deref-nok)typeOf(e,α)=t, t≠???2typeOf(DeRef(e),α)=typeerror(deref-nok)

(iii) Complete the missing terms for AssignRef OK rule.

typeOf(e1,α)=???3,typeOf(e2,α)=ttypeOf(AssignRef(e1, e2),α)=???4(assignref-ok)typeOf(e1,α)=???3,typeOf(e2,α)=ttypeOf(AssignRef(e1, e2),α)=???4(assignref-ok)


C (10 points): Write the type checker with references by filling in the missing code.

sealed trait Type
case object NumType extends Type
case object BoolType extends Type
case class FunType(t1: Type, t2: Type) extends Type
// TODO: Write a new case class for RefType

sealed trait Program
sealed trait Expr

case class Const(f: Double) extends Expr
case class Ident(s: String) extends Expr
case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Minus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Geq(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class IfThenElse(e1: Expr, e2: Expr, e3: Expr) extends Expr
case class Let(x: String, xType: Type, e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class FunDef(id: String, idType: Type, e: Expr) extends Expr
case class FunCall(calledFun: Expr, argExpr: Expr) extends Expr
case class NewRef(e: Expr) extends Expr
case class DeRef(e: Expr) extends Expr
case class AssignRef(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class TopLevel(e: Expr) extends Program

def typeEquals(t1: Type, t2: Type): Boolean = t1 == t2
case class TypeErrorException(s: String) extends Exception
def typeOf(e: Expr, alpha: Map[String, Type]): Type = {
    def checkType(opName: String, e1: Expr, t1: Type, e2: Expr, t2: Type, resType: Type): Type = {
        val t1hat = typeOf(e1, alpha)
        if (! typeEquals(t1hat, t1)){
            throw new TypeErrorException(s"Type mismatch in arithmetic/comparison/bool op $opName, Expected type $t1, obtained $t1hat")
        val t2hat = typeOf(e2, alpha)
        if (! typeEquals(t2hat, t2)){
            throw new TypeErrorException(s"Type mismatch in arithmetic/comparison/bool op $opName, Expected type $t2, obtained $t2hat")
    e match {
        case Const(f) => NumType
        case Ident(s) => {if (alpha contains s)
                             throw TypeErrorException(s"Unknown identifier $s")}
        case Plus(e1, e2) =>  checkType("Plus", e1,  NumType, e2, NumType, NumType)
        case Minus(e1, e2) => checkType("Minus",e1,  NumType, e2, NumType, NumType)
        case Geq(e1, e2) => checkType("Geq", e1,  NumType, e2, NumType, BoolType)
        case IfThenElse(e, e1, e2) => {
            val t = typeOf(e, alpha)
            if (t == BoolType){
                val t1 = typeOf(e1, alpha)
                val t2 = typeOf(e2, alpha)
                if (typeEquals(t1, t2))
                    throw TypeErrorException(s"If then else returns unequal types $t1 and $t2")
            } else {
                throw TypeErrorException(s"If then else condition expression not boolean $t")

        case Let(x, t, e1, e2) => {
            val t1 = typeOf(e1, alpha)
            if (typeEquals(t1, t)){
                val newAlpha = alpha + (x -> t)
                typeOf(e2, newAlpha)
            } else {
                throw TypeErrorException(s"Let binding has type $t whereas it is bound to expression of type $t1")

        case FunDef(x, t1, e) => {
            val newAlpha = alpha + (x -> t1)
            val t2 = typeOf(e, newAlpha)
            FunType(t1, t2)

        case FunCall(e1, e2) => {
            val ftype = typeOf(e1, alpha)
            ftype match {
                case FunType(t1, t2) => {
                    val argType = typeOf(e2, alpha)
                    if (typeEquals(argType, t1)){
                    } else {
                        throw TypeErrorException(s"Call to function with incompatible argument type. Expected $t1, obtained $argType")
                case _ => { throw TypeErrorException(s"Call to function but with a non function type $ftype")}


        case NewRef(e) => {
            ??? // YOUR CODE HERE
        case AssignRef(e1, e2) => {
            ??? // YOUR CODE HERE
        case DeRef(e) => {
            ??? // YOUR CODE HERE

def typeOfProgram(p: Program) = p match {
    case TopLevel(e) => {
            val t = typeOf(e, Map())
            println(s"Program type computed successfully as $t")

let x : ref(num) = NewRef(10 ) in 
   let dummy: num = AssignRef(x, 30) in 

val p1 = Let("x", RefType(NumType), NewRef(Const(10)), Let("dummy", NumType, AssignRef(Ident("x"), Const(30) ), DeRef(Ident("x"))) )
val t1 = typeOfProgram(TopLevel(p1))
assert(t1 == NumType, "Test 1 failed: answer should be NumType")
let x : ref(num) = NewRef(function(z: num) z + 10) in 
   let dummy: num = AssignRef(x, 30) in 
val fdef = FunDef("z", NumType, Plus(Ident("z"), Const(10)))
val p2 = Let("x", RefType(NumType), NewRef(fdef), Let("dummy", NumType, AssignRef(Ident("x"), Const(30) ), DeRef(Ident("x"))) )
val t2 = try {
   assert(false, "The program should not receive a type")
} catch {
    case TypeErrorException(msg) => s"OK -- caught a type error exception: $msg"
    case e => print(e); assert(false, "Please throw TypeErrorException(message) when a type failure occurs")
let x : ref(num => num) = NewRef(function(z: num) z + 10) in 
   let dummy: num = AssignRef(x, 30) in 
val fdef = FunDef("z", NumType, Plus(Ident("z"), Const(10)))
val p3 = Let("x", RefType(FunType(NumType, NumType)), NewRef(fdef), Let("dummy", NumType, AssignRef(Ident("x"), Const(30) ), DeRef(Ident("x"))) )
val t3 = try {
   assert(false, "The program should not receive a type")
} catch {
    case TypeErrorException(msg) => s"OK -- caught a type error exception: $msg"
    case e => print(e); assert(false, "Please throw TypeErrorException(message) when a type failure occurs")
let x : ref(num => num) = NewRef(function(z: num) z + 10) in 
   let dummy: num = AssignRef(NewRef(35), 30) in 
val fdef = FunDef("z", NumType, Plus(Ident("z"), Const(10)))
val p4 = Let("x", RefType(FunType(NumType, NumType)), NewRef(fdef), Let("dummy", NumType, AssignRef(NewRef(Const(35)), Const(30) ), DeRef(Ident("x"))) )
val t4 =  typeOfProgram(TopLevel(p4))
assert(t4 == FunType(NumType, NumType), "Test failed")

val y = Ident("y")
val x = Ident("x")
val z = Ident("z")
val t1 = RefType(NumType)
val t2 = FunType(t1, NumType)
val t3 = RefType(t2)

val v1 = FunCall(DeRef(y), x)
val v2 = Let("z", RefType(BoolType), NewRef(Geq(DeRef(x), Const(25))), v1)
val fdef = FunDef("z", RefType(NumType), Plus(DeRef(z), DeRef(x)))
val v3 = Let("y", t3, NewRef(fdef), v2)
val v4 = Let("x", t1, NewRef(Const(10)), v3)

val p5 = TopLevel(v4)
assert(typeOfProgram(p5) == NumType, "Test failed")


Problem 2 (10 points): Attempted Type System for Division by Zero

In class, we mentioned that developing a static type system for catching run time errors is much harder. Let us try and see what happens.

Let us modify our type grammar to have two different types of numbers: zero and non-zero.


with the following subset of Lettuce just involving arithmetic and let bindings:


Goal: Guarantee that a numeric value that receives type ZeroNumType must be 00 and a numeric value that receives NonZeroNumType must always be non-zero.

Semantic Rules:

Constant: The new rule for constants are


Identifiers: The rule for identifiers remains unchanged (see notes).

Plus: The new rules for plus are

typeOf(e1,α)=ZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=ZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=ZeroNumType(plus-zero)typeOf(e1,α)=ZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=ZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=ZeroNumType(plus-zero)
typeOf(e1,α)=NonZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=ZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(plus-non-zero-1)typeOf(e1,α)=NonZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=ZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(plus-non-zero-1)
typeOf(e1,α)=ZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(plus-non-zero-2)typeOf(e1,α)=ZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(plus-non-zero-2)
typeOf(e1,α)=NonZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(plus-non-zero-3)typeOf(e1,α)=NonZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Plus(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(plus-non-zero-3)

Division: The rules for division are

typeOf(e1,α)=ZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Div(e1, e2),α)=ZeroNumType(div-zero)typeOf(e1,α)=ZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Div(e1, e2),α)=ZeroNumType(div-zero)
typeOf(e2,α)=ZeroNumTypetypeOf(Div(e1, e2),α)=typeerror(div-error)typeOf(e2,α)=ZeroNumTypetypeOf(Div(e1, e2),α)=typeerror(div-error)
typeOf(e1,α)=NonZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Div(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(div-ok)typeOf(e1,α)=NonZeroNumType, typeOf(e2,α)=NonZeroNumTypetypeOf(Div(e1, e2),α)=NonZeroNumType(div-ok)

Let Binding: Rules are unchanged (see notes).

We claim that if a Lettuce program is annotated with the types ZeroNumType and NonZeroNumType, and the type annotations are according to the rules above, then any attempt to divide a number by zero will result in typeerror rather than a runtime exception thrown when evaluating the program using an interpreter.

(A) Write a Lettuce program that has the correct type annotations (you should use the concrete syntax for your answer) but results in a division by zero that is not detected as a typeerror.

(B) Point out which rule among the ones provided is incorrect (techically an incorrect type rule is called unsound).