CSPB 3155: Assignment 2 solved


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Topics covered: recursion and inductive definitions.


Note: Please first run the TEST HELPER cell that defines the passed function below. Failing to run this cell will make it hard for you to check your work.

def passed(points: Int) {
    require(points >=0)
    if (points == 1) print(s"\n*** Tests Passed (1 point) ***\n")
    else print(s"\n*** Tests Passed ($points points) ***\n")

Problem 1 (10 points total)

A (5 points) Recursive logTen

Given a positive integer nn, we wish to compute floor(log10(n))floor(log10⁡(n)). Recall floor of a real number is the smallest integer that is less than or equal to it. Write a recursive function logTen(n: Int): Int that does the same. Ensure that your precondition restricts the inputs to n>0n>0.

def logTen(n: Int): Int = {
    require( n >= 1) // If this is violated, you will get a "requirement failed message"
    ??? // YOUR CODE HERE
assert(logTen(1) == 0, "logTen(1) must be 0")
assert(logTen(10) == 1, "logTen(10) must be 1")
assert(logTen(11) == 1, "logTen(11) must be 1")
assert(logTen(4100) == 3, "logTen(4100) must be 3")
assert(logTen(30108100) == 7, "logTen(30108100) must be 7")

B (5 points) Tail Recursive logTen

Now, write a tail recursive version of the logTen function, called logTenTail. You should implement the helper function as a tail recursive function.

import scala.annotation.tailrec

def logTenHelper(n: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
    require(n >= 1)
    ??? // YOUR CODE HERE

def logTenTail(n: Int): Int = { 
    ??? // YOUR CODE HERE
assert(logTenTail(1) == 0, "logTen(1) must be 0")
assert(logTenTail(218) == 2, "logTen(218) must be 2")
assert(logTenTail(3) == 0, "logTen(3) must be 0")
assert(logTenTail(159) == 2, "logTen(159) must be 2")
assert(logTenTail(121349) == 5, "logTen(121349) must be 5")

Problem 2 (15 points)

We define a function shuffleString(s: String): String that, given an input string s, does the following:

  • If the string s is empty or length 1, the result is the same as input string s.
  • Let n be the length of s.
  • Recursively call shuffleString on the substring s(n/2)... s(n-1). Let s1 be the result
  • Concatenate s1 to the first half s(0)..s(n/2-1) to the result of the call.

Here is an implementation of this function and some examples, for your reference.

def shuffleString(s: String): String = {
    val n = s.length()
    if (n <= 1) { s }
    else {
        val secondHalf = s.substring(n/2, n)
        val shuffledHalf = shuffleString(secondHalf)
        val firstHalf = s.substring(0, n/2)
        return  shuffledHalf +  firstHalf 

val f0 = shuffleString("1234")
val f1 = shuffleString("12345")
val f2 = shuffleString("123456")
val f3 = shuffleString("1234567")
val f4 = shuffleString("12345678")
val f5 = shuffleString("123456789")

Implement a tail recursive version of shuffleString using an accumulator variable. It will help to carefully examine how different parts of the string get rearranged to design this function or even first try to write a simple while loop that mimics shuffleString.

def tailRecursiveShuffleString(s: String, acc: String = ""): String = {
    ??? // YOUR CODE HERE
assert(shuffleString("1") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("1"), "Failed test 1")
assert(shuffleString("12") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("12"), "Failed test 12")
assert(shuffleString("123") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("123"), "Failed test 123")
assert(shuffleString("1234") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("1234"), "Failed test 1234")
assert(shuffleString("12345") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("12345"), "Failed test 12345")
assert(shuffleString("123456") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("123456"), "Failed test 123456")
assert(shuffleString("1234567") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("1234567"), "Failed test 1234567")
assert(shuffleString("12345678") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("12345678"), "Failed test 12345678")
assert(shuffleString("123456789") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("123456789"), "Failed test 123456789")
assert(shuffleString("1234567890") == tailRecursiveShuffleString("1234567890"), "Failed test 1234567890")

Problem 3 (20 points)

Convert the following inductive definition for regular expressions into a grammar first and then into a set of scala classes.

A regular expression is defined inductively as follows:

  • Any string s is an “atomic” regular expression.
  • If r1r1r2r2 are regular expressions then so are
    • The concatenation r1;r2r1;r2,
    • The disjunction r1|r2r1|r2, and
    • The conjunction r1&r2r1&r2.
  • If rr is a regular expression, then its Kleene star rr∗ is also a regular expression.

Use the constructor symbols:

  • Atom(s)Atom(s) to denote an atomic regular expression,
  • Concat(r1,r2)Concat(r1,r2) for the “;” operator,
  • Or(r1,r2)Or(r1,r2) for the “|” operator,
  • And(r1,r2)And(r1,r2) for the “&” operator and
  • Star(r)Star(r) for the Kleene-star operator.

You may use the nonterminal stringstring without definition to denote a string of characters.

A (7 point)

Write the grammar using constructor symbols for the inductive definition above. Tip: you can examine the notebooks with inductive definitions to see how we typeset the grammar. There are no tests for this because it will be manualy graded.


B (7 points)

Define the structure as a set of case class in scala.

sealed trait Regex
// Use constructors: Atom, Concat, Or, And and Star
val v1 = Atom("Hello")
val v2 = Concat(v1, v1)
val v3 = Or(v1, v2)
val v4 = Star(v3)
val v5 = Or(v1, v4)

C (6 points)

Write down the representation of the regular expression in Scala. Your cell must define a term that should be called finalAnswerC.

val finalAnswerC = {
    ??? // YOUR CODE HERE
def munge(r: Regex): String = r match {
    case Atom(st) => "$A$"+st
    case Concat(r1, r2) => munge(r1)+"$C$"+munge(r2)
    case Star(r) => "$K$"+munge(r)+"$S$"
    case Or(r1, r2) => munge(r1)+"_O_"+munge(r2)
    case And(r1,r2) => munge(r1)+"/\\"+ munge(r2)

assert(munge(finalAnswerC) == "$K$$A$hello$S$$C$$K$$A$scala$C$$A$best$S$", "Test failed: you should seek help from the course staff to help you debug this problem, please")