Question 1: Most Likely Mutation Tree
This question is inspired by this research article: Spada et al. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Sep; 42(9): 4230–4236. and this episode of the erstwhile popular TV show Numb3rs (need a hulu subscription).
Viruses have RNA which mutate rapidly. Let us assume that the RNA of a viral species can be written as an ll letter string made up of A, C, T and G. While replicating, a virus can mutate through random changes in kk out of these ll positions with probability proportional to 2−k22−k2.
We collect viral samples starting from a single individual and after sequencing, we observe nn mutants A1,…,AnA1,…,An, but we do not know which individual mutated to another nor what the order of these mutations were. We wish to reconstruct the mutation tree that connects AiAi to AjAj if AiAi mutated into AjAj or vice-versa.
Assume that ll is large enough that the same RNA sequence cannot be obtained through two different sequences of mutations.
You are given a weighted undirected graph GG whose vertices are the RNA sequences A1,…,AnA1,…,An and there is an edge between any two nodes (Ai,Aj)(Ai,Aj) with weight 2−d(i,j)22−d(i,j)2, where d(i,j)d(i,j) is the the number of differences between AiAi and AjAj.
A spanning tree TT of GG then represents a possible history of mutations, the likelihood of which is given by the product of the edge weights of TT.
Show how to compute the most likely spanning tree TT in this graph.
Answer 1 (Expected Length: 6 lines)
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Question 2 (A): Distance Between Clusters
Let GG be a weighted undirected graph with vertices VV and edges EE.
Assume that all edge weights are unique and let TT be a MST for this graph.
Let us partition the vertices into two clusters V1V1 and V2V2. If an edge e:(u,v)e:(u,v) satisfies u∈V1u∈V1 and v∈V2v∈V2, we will call it partition crossing.
We define the distance between these clusters as the minimum weight among all partition crossing edges of the graph.
Show that the minimum weight partition crossing edge must belong to the MST TT.
Hint: Attempt a proof by contradiction.
Answer 2(A) ( Expected Length: 6 lines)
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Question 2 (B) : Distance Between Point Clusters
Let Q: {(x1,y1),…,(xn,yn)}Q: {(x1,y1),…,(xn,yn)} be the coordinates of nn points on a plane. Given a partition of QQ into two clusters Q1Q1 and Q2Q2, the distance between these clusters is defined as the smallest among the pairwise distances taking one point in Q1Q1 and one in Q2Q2:
Given such a partition of QQ, write an efficient algorithm to calculate the distance between them. In particular, we would like you to use the idea from 2(A) for this task. Also, what is the complexity of your method?
Answer 2 (B) (Expected Length: 8 lines)
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Question 2(C): Finding maximally separated clusters
Now you are given QQ as above (nn points scattered in the plane), but without a partition. Use the idea from 2(B) to partition the set QQ into maximally separated clusters Q1Q1 and Q2Q2. Ie, find Q1Q1 and Q2Q2 such that d(Q1,Q2)d(Q1,Q2) is maximized.
Answer 2(C) (Expected Size: 4 lines)
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Question 3: Circular dependencies
Jane Programmer (of the dreaded dynamic programming assignment) has been reviewing her school’s course catalog. Classes in her department are organized into 8 divisions — PBNJ-1000 through PBNJ-8999, with each division more difficult than the last. But Jane has noticed some issues — some upper division classes have lower division prerequisites, but the opposite is true as well. In fact, her current course, PBNJ-3104, requires PBNJ-2400 and PBNJ-2400 requires PBNJ-1300, but PBNJ-1300 requires PBNJ-3104!
She wants to report these circular dependencies to the dean of the department by finding two classes which depend on each other and have the largest difference in class number. In the example above, PBNJ-3104 and PBNJ-1300 depend on each other and have a difference of 3104 – 1300 = 1804.
Given a list of classes and their prerequisites, describe an algorithm that will help Jane find the pair of classes with maximum difference between their class numbers.
What is the running time of your algorithm in terms of number of classes and prereqs?
HINT: Your algorithm should involve the strongly connected components of a graph.