CSP554—Big Data Technologies Assignment #2


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1. Read from (TW)
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 4 (optional)
• Chapter 6 through page 179, no need to become expert in the details, just understand principles and refer back for later reference
• Chapter 7

2. MapReduce is a somewhat challenging topic to approach the first time. So, if you are not satisfied after reading Chapter 4 and 6 above have a look at the following on the “Backboard” portal in the “Free Books and Chapters” section
• Apache Hadoop 2.8 Map Reduce

3. Only if you have a PC:
• Go to: https://git-for-windows.github.io/
• Download and install the software
• Execute the “Git Bash” shell

4. Only if you have a MAC
• Open Finder.
• Select Applications. Then chose Utilities.
• Double click on Terminal.
• The terminal window will now be open

5. You need to create, if needed, and edit a “config” file in the subdirectory “.ssh”.
As a convenience I have created and uploaded the correct “config” file as another attachment for this assignment. All you need to do is download it and place it in the “.ssh” subdirectory of the top level directory you default to when you open a terminal or bash window. Note if it is not there just create it.
But below are instructions if you want to create the “config” file on your own, whatever you prefer.
Use your favorite editor and (create and) edit your “~/.ssh/config” file. For example:


Enter the following configuration, Note: Spacing and capitalization is important.

Host azureSandbox
Port 22
User csp554prof
LocalForward 8080
LocalForward 8088
LocalForward 8888
LocalForward 9995
LocalForward 9996
LocalForward 8886
LocalForward 10500
LocalForward 4200
LocalForward 2222

Save and close the file.

6. Now SSH into the hadoop cluster by using the command below. This will connect automatically using the IP address specified in the config file:

You might be asked a security question. If so answer ‘yes’
You’ll then be asked for a password. Enter:
You should always to this whenever you work with the Hadoop cluster for all follow on assignments. Just leave this terminal session alone once you have logged on.
7. Now open up another terminal or “bash” window while leaving the previous one open.
Into this new window enter the following:
ssh –p 2222 maria_dev@localhost
You might be asked a security question. If so answer ‘yes’
You’ll then be asked for a password. Enter:

8. The next part of the assignment requires you to perform some simple operations on a shared HDFS file system.
You will all be logging on to the same account on a temporary Hadoop instance I have set up on Azure for this one purpose. I will provide instructions in the near future about how to set up your own Hadoop sandbox. But, at any rate, please don’t play around with this instance outside of what you are asked to do in the following steps.
9. The Hadoop file system shell command reference is available online at
or on the “Blackboard” portal in the books section as “Apache Hadoop 2.8 Command Shell Commands”
Note, some of the following questions ask you to take a few screen snapshots. Please submit them in a word document (with your name) indicating the number of the assignment step with which these items are associated.
10. (1 point) Execute the following hdfs command and take a screen snapshot of the names of the files or directories that are listed (also indicating which is a file and which a directory):
hadoop fs –ls /

11. (1 point) Execute a command (you needed to figure out which one) to list the files and directories under the hdfs directory listed below:
Write down the command you executed and also take a screen snapshot of names of the files or directories that are listed.

12. (2 points) Execute a command to create the following directory:
Note: I created the hdfsdirectory “/user/csp554” for you already.
Record the command you executed and include it in your assignment submission.
13. (2 points) Execute a command that copies a given local file (that I already created for you) to the given hdfsdirectory :
Local file: /home/maria_dev/csp554doc.txt
HDFS directory: /user/csp554/
Record the command you executed and include it in your assignment submission.
14. (2 points) Copy the given file from one hdfs directory to another hdfs directory and write down the command
Source hdfs file: /user/csp554/csp554doc2.txt
Note, I created this file for you already
DestinationHDFS directory: /user/csp554/
Record the command you executed and include it in your assignment submission.
15. (2 points) This is to get you familiar with the approach to copy files from your MAC or PC to a local account on the Linux machine running the Hadoop Sandbox.
• Create a plain text file on your local machine (PC or MAC). Name it firstname_lastname.txt. The file should hold just one line and that line should hold your first and last name.
• Open a new terminal or bash window
• Copy the local file firstname_lastname.txt to the maria_dev account as follows:
o scp –P 2222 ./firstname_lastname.txtmaria_dev@localhost:/home/maria_dev
o When prompted for a password, enter
 maria_dev
o Note that the “ssh” command used a small p (-p) to specify the port, the scp command uses a capital P (-P) to do so.
• Now, from your hadoopmaria_dev account, execute a command that copies the firstname_lastname.txt file to the given hdfs directory :
Local file: /home/maria_dev/firstname_lastname.txt
HDFS directory: /user/csp554/
Record the command you executed and take a screenshot of all files in the directory “/user/csp554/”