CSP554—Big Data Technologies Assignment #11


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NoSQL Distilled: Chapters 8 and 10
Starting HBase
To start HBase first establish ssh tunneling as usual. Then access the Ambari Hadoop admin console by pointing your browser to localhost:8080. Log on Ambari with username and password maria_dev. In the upper right you should see a selection ‘Services.’ Click on it and choose ‘HBase.’ Then, from the HBase page choose ‘Service Actions’ and select start. Then log on to maria_dev and enter ‘hbase shell.’
There are two documents about the HBase shell on the blackboard in the “Free Books and Chapters” section that will help with the assignment: HBase Shell, HBase Shell Commands.
Exercise 1)
Create an HBase table with the following characteristics
Table Name: csp554Tbl
First column family: cf1
Second column family: cf2
Then execute the DESCRIBE command on the table and return command you wrote and the output as the results of this exercise.

Exercise 2)
Put the following data into the table created in exercise 1:
Row Key Column Family Column (Qualifier) Value
Row1 cf1 name Sam
Row2 cf1 name Ahmed
Row1 cf2 job Pilot
Row2 cf2 job Doctor
Row1 cf2 level LZ3
Row2 cf2 level AR7

Execute the SCAN command on this table returning all rows, column families and columns as the result of the exercise.
Exercise 3)
Using the above table write command that will get the value associated with row (Row1), column family (cf1) and column/qualifier (level). Provide the command and its result as the output of this exercise.
Exercise 4)
Using the above table write command that will get the value associated with row (Row2), column family (cf1) and column/qualifier (name). Provide the command and its result as the output of this exercise.
Exercise 5)
Using the above table write a SCAN command that will return information about only one row using the LIMIT modifier. Provide the command and its result as the output of this exercise.