Problem 1. (20 points) Consider a situation where hash join is applied to relations R and S.
Assume that (1) relation R contains 109 disk blocks, (2) relation S contains 108 disk blocks, (3) the
size of each disk block is 1KB, (4) the hash join partitions S into 15 buckets in a manner where
each bucket fits into the main memory, and (5) 16GB of main memory is used for buffering (one
buffer is used for each file being read or written and all of the buffers have the same size). Answer
each of the following questions:
(a) (10 points) Calculate the number of block transfers and the number of disk seeks during the
partitioning phase of the hash join. Justify your answer. To simplify cost analysis, assume
that (i) the last block of each bucket from R and S is completely filled and (ii) when the end
of each bucket is saved, the buffer for the bucket is completely filled.
(b) (10 points) Calculate the number of block transfers and the number of disk seeks during the
build and probe phases of the hash join. Justify your answer.
Problem 2. (20 points) Consider a situation where external sort-merge is applied to relation R in
Problem 1. Note that the size of the main memory is 16GB and thus the main memory can keep
up to 16 × 106 disk blocks. Answer each of the following questions:
(a) (10 points) Explain how many initial runs will be created. Also, describe how many block
transfers and disk seeks will be needed to create all of these initial runs.
(b) (10 points) After the initial runs are created as explained above, external sort-merge repeatedly
merges a number of runs into a bigger run until only one final run remains. Assume that each
merge pass uses 8 input buffers and 1 output buffer. Explain how many merge passes are
needed to obtain one final run. Also, calculate the total number of block transfers during
these merge passes (assume that the final run is not actually written to disk and consumed in
memory, for example, by a selection or a join operator). Justify your answer.
Problem 3. (20 points) Consider a situation where merge join is applied to relations R and S
described in Problem 1. Answer each of the following questions:
(a) (10 points) Assume relations R and S are already sorted by the join column(s). Explain how
many block transfers and disk seeks this join requires when it uses, for R and S, two buffers
of the same size in the 16GB of the main memory.
(b) (10 points) Explain whether it is more advantageous to use hash join or merge join when only S
is already sorted by the join column(s) and thus R needs to be sorted (only for merge join, not
hash join) as in Problem 2. Justify your answer by considering the number of block transfers
(and ignoring the number of disk seeks) for each of these join scenarios.
Problem 4. (10 points) Consider relations R(A, B, C), S(C, D, E) and T(E, F, G). Find a relational expression which (1) is equivalent to ΠA,G(R ✶ S ✶ T) and (2) applies projection to each of
R, S and T on the smallest number of attributes.
Problem 5. (20 points) Determine whether or not each of the following statements is true for any
arbitrary relations R(A, B) and S(A, B). If a statement is true, prove it. Otherwise, give a relevant
(a) (10 points) ΠA(R ∩ S) = ΠA(R) ∩ ΠA(S)
(b) (10 points) σθ(R ∪ S) = σθ(R) ∪ σθ(S)
Problem 6. (10 points) Consider four relations R(A, Z), S(B, A), T(C, B) and U(D, C) (the
primary keys are underlined). Assume that (1) A in S is a foreign key to R, (2) B in T is a foreign
key to S, (3) C in U is a foreign key to T, (4) these relations do not contain any null value, and
(5) the size (i.e., the number of rows) of each relation is as follows:
rR = 4000, rS = 3000, rT = 2000, rU = 1000.
Also, assume that all attributes of the relations are of the same length and we use hash join, so the
cost of joining X ∈ {R, S, T, U} and Y ∈ {R, S, T, U} can be expressed as:
k(rX · cX + rY · cY )
where k is a constant, rX and cX denote the number of rows and the number of columns of X,
respectively, and rY and cY denote the number of rows and the number of columns of Y (we ignore
the cost of producing the output relation).
Under the above assumptions, find the lowest cost plan for computing R ✶ S ✶ T ✶ U using
dynamic programming and left-deep join trees. You need to complete the following table while
finding the best plans (e.g., in the form of ((✷ ✶ ✷) ✶ ✷) ✶ ✷ in the last line) and associated costs.
Subquery Size Cost BestPlan
R ✶ S 3000 14000k [= (4000 · 2 + 3000 · 2)k] R ✶ S
R ✶ T
R ✶ U
S ✶ T
S ✶ U
T ✶ U
R ✶ S ✶ T
R ✶ S ✶ U
R ✶ T ✶ U
S ✶ T ✶ U
R ✶ S ✶ T ✶ U
After solving the above problems, please state the amount of time spent for this assignment.
Feel free to add comments or suggestions if any.