Most digital cameras provide captured images as JPEG files. However, DSLR and mirrorless cameras and some highend smartphone cameras such as Samsung Galaxy S also provide unprocessed data that are applied any image
processing operations such as white balance, demosaicing, and so on. Such unprocessed data are called RAW images
and provided in camera vendors’ own formats, e.g., CRW (Canon RAW format), ARW (Sony Alpha Raw), and Adobe
DNG (Adobe Digital Negative Format).
Compared to JPEG images, RAW images provide several benefits:
⚫ They allow users to adjust image processing parameters in a more delicate way.
◼ E.g., you can change the white balance, tone and color manually using software tools such as Adobe
Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.
⚫ JPEG compression is a lossy compression algorithm, which means that some information is lost after
compression. In contast, RAW images provide uncompressed original data.
⚫ RAW files usually use 12 or 14 bits to store light intensities, while JPEG files use 8 bits. Thus, RAW files
provide richer information. This allows users to obtain JPEG images with different exposure settings from a
RAW image even after the image was captured.
Due to these benefits, many professional photographers often capture images using RAW images, and then later
develop JPEG images from them to produce high-quality results.
In this assignment, you will implement your own version of a very basic image processing pipeline for the
development of a JPEG image from a RAW image. Specifically, you need to implement:
⚫ White balance
1 The term “image signal processor” is also often used to refer to the image processing pipeline to develop a JPEG
image from a RAW image.
2 The term “development” comes from the analogy with the process of developing film into a photograph. The word
is translated to a Korean word “인화”. (사진을 인화하다.)
⚫ CFA interpolation
⚫ Gamma correction
These three operations are the most essential operations to develop a JPEG image from a RAW image. More details
about white balance and gamma correction will be provided later. For white balance, you need to implement an
automatic white balance algorithm based on the gray world assumption, which is also described in the following.
Suppose that you are in a room with a yellowish lamp and some white objects. The lamp radiates yellow light rays,
and some of them are reflected on the surface of the objects and go to your eyes, so you can perceive the objects. The
reflected light on the surface is yellowish because it is a combination of the yellow light radiated from the lamp and
the color of the surface of the objects. Nevertheless, we can still recognize the color of the white objects as white
because our brain automatically cancels out the color of the light source. This is called color constancy. The color
constancy will be covered in more detail later in one of the classes.
Then, suppose that you take a picture of the white objects in the room. Your camera will simply capture the incoming
light, so the objects in the picture will be yellowish, making the picture look unnatural. To avoid this, cameras also try
to cancel out the color of the illuminant and adjust the colors of objects. This processing is called white balance. If the
camera automatically figures out the parameters for white balance, it is called automatic white balance. White balance
can be easily implemented using a simple transform, which can be expressed as follows:
] = [
] [
] (1)
In this equation, (R,G,B) are the color components at each pixel of an input image, and (𝑅
, 𝐺
, 𝐵′) are the color
components after white balance. (𝑆𝑅, 𝑆𝐺, 𝑆𝐵
) is the color of the illuminant. Most cameras provide users a way to
manually change the white balance parameters (𝑆𝑅, 𝑆𝐺, 𝑆𝐵
). For example, the figure below shows a screenshot of
white balance setting of the camera app of Samsung Galaxy S10.
Manual white balance can be done either using choosing a camera preset based on lighting or using an object in
photograph whose color is white. Specifically, most cameras provide presets to users as shown below. On the other
hand, when there is a white object, we can figure out the color of the illuminant from the captured color of the white
object. Then, we can cancel out the color of the illuminant from the captured image using the equation (1).
Automatic white balance automatically finds the white balance parameters. One of the most widely used algorithm
for auto white balance is the gray world assumption algorithm, which is based on the gray world assumption that
assumes that the average color of the world is gray. Specifically, the algorithm performs automatic white balance
using the following equation:
] =
𝑅𝑎𝑣𝑔 ⁄
𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 ⁄ ]
where 𝑅𝑎𝑣𝑔, 𝐺𝑎𝑣𝑔 and 𝐵𝑎𝑣𝑔 are the average intensity of the red, green and blue color channels, respectively.
CFA interpolation is one of the most important step for the visual quality of images. For more effective CFA
interpolation, a countless number of approaches have been proposed including recent deep learning-based approaches.
In this homework, you can implement a simple algorithm for CFA interpolation such as bilinear interpolation. Bilinear
interpolation can be implemented by simply computing the average of 4 neighbors as shown below.
Cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, which were widely used in the past, had a non-linear response curve, i.e., the images
displayed on them had non-linearly distorted brightness. Specifically, images are displayed darker on CRT displays
as shown below.
The response curve of a CRT display is often approximated as:
′ = 𝐼
where 𝛾 = 2.2 is a constant. Thus, to resolve this issue, gamma correction was introduced, which transforms pixel
values by
′ = 𝐼
Gamma correction is also called gamma encoding when the exponent (1/γ in the equation above) is smaller than 1.
Gamma correction was originally applied to digital images to correctly show the images on CRT displays. Even though
CRT displays are no longer used these days and LCD displays do not have this issue, all digital images used in
computers must be still gamma encoded to be properly displayed. The figure below describes the effect of gamma
Another benefit of using gamma correction is that it better reflects the human perception. The human perception is
non-linear to the brightness, i.e., human eyes are more sensitive to dark tones than bright tones. Thus, to better reflect
this, we can non-linearly assign bits to the brightness, i.e., assign more bits to dark tones using gamma encoding.
The actual gamma encoding curve used by camera ISPs differ among different camera vendors and models as shown
Camera vendors use their own proprietary formats to store RAW images, and you cannot directly read such RAW
images using typical image libraries such as OpenCV. Instead, there is a command-line tool called dcraw3
. Using this
tool, you can convert a camera RAW file into a .tiff file, which you can read using OpenCV or in Matlab. After
having installed dcraw, you can run the following command:
dcraw -4 -d -v -T [RAW_filename]
While dcraw also provides functions for producing JPEG images from RAW images, in this homework, you use the
tool only for extracting raw data.
You need to implement a command-line tool for JPEG development from a RAW image. Specifically, your program
takes a .tiff file as input and produces a .jpg file as described below.
# ./ image.tiff
# ls
image.tiff image.jpg
Your program must perform the three operations listed below:
⚫ Automatic white balance (gray world assumption)
⚫ CFA interpolation
◼ You can implement any simple algorithm, e.g., bilinear interpolation
⚫ Gamma correction
Two RAW images are provided. You need to produce JPEG images from them and discuss their results in your report.
I also highly recommend you to take RAW images using your own camera and include their results too.
You need to write a report that includes:
⚫ Detailed discussion on your implementation
⚫ Detailed discussion on the results of each step
⚫ Detailed discussion on the final results of your program compared to other methods for JPEG development
(e.g., dcraw, native camera ISPs, Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom,)
You must upload a single zip file that contains the following to the LMS:
⚫ code/ – a directory containing all your code for this assignment
⚫ images/ – a directory containing your input images and their results
⚫ report.pdf – your report as a PDF file
You can use any programming language for your implementation. I recommend you to use one of the followings:
⚫ C++ and OpenCV
◼ OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library that provides many useful features.
⚫ Matlab
◼ You will need to install Image Processing Toolbox
⚫ Python
◼ There are several useful libraries, e.g., a python binding of OpenCV, scipy, numpy, …
Due: Oct. 17
th, 23:59
Penalty for late submission
⚫ 1 day: 70%
⚫ 2 days: 30%
⚫ 3 days: 0%
⚫ 20 pts: White balance
⚫ 20 pts: CFA interpolation
⚫ 20 pts: Gamma correction
⚫ 40 pts: Report
Your homework will be scored based on your report, and I am not going to compile or run your code. Thus, your
report must include all necessary details of your implementation and results.