CSE423 Lab Assignment 2


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Question 1:
Use the Midpoint Line Algorithm to draw the last two digits with which your Id ends.
Design the Algorithms necessary for the zones that are required to draw the last two
digits of your Id.
18101110– Draw 10
18101171– Draw 71
18101133– Draw 33
Note: Remember to draw your Id with the necessary coordinates first on a piece of
paper. Once you have figured out the Coordinates of the lines required and the zones
that are essential. Design the Algorithm for those zones. And draw the lines required for
the last two digits of your Id. You will have to Use GL_POINTS
Question 2:
Draw the following Diagram of a House using Midpoint Line Algorithm, if your Student
Id ends with an Even Number. Example: 18101102.
Draw the following Diagram of a Boat using Midpoint Line Algorithm, if your Student Id
ends with an Odd Number. Example: 18101103.
Note: You will need to figure out the coordinates of the diagram yourself. It is
recommended that you figure out the coordinates first on a piece of paper. You are
required to draw either one of the Diagrams based on the number that your Id ends
with. You will have to Use GL_POINTS