CSE4020 Computer Graphics, Lab Assignment 7


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1. Write a program that draws a color-changing cube.
A. Set the window title to your student ID and the window size to (480,480).
B. Start from the code in 7-Lighting&Shading slides. Draw a flat-shaded cube. Make sure
C. Use the following light setting:D. If you press or repeat a key, the diffuse & specular color of the light and the ambient &
diffuse color of the object should be changed as shown in the Table:
Key Action
A Change the light color to red
S Change the light color to green
D Change the light color to blue
F Change the light color to white
Z Change the object color to red
X Change the object color to green
C Change the object color to blue
V Change the object color to white
E. Files to submit: A Python source file (Name the file whatever you want (in English).
Extension should be .py)
2. Write a program that draws a smooth-shaded cube.
A. Set the window title to your student ID and the window size to (480,480).
B. Start from the code in 7-Lighting&Shading slides. Make sure camera manipulation
C. Use glDrawElements(), not glDrawArray(). Refer the code in 6-Viewing&projection2, Mesh
i. Hint: In Gouraud shading, one vertex has only one normal. This makes using
glDrawElements() easier.
D. Use the following normal vector data:E. If you press or repeat a key, the ambient & diffuse color of the object should be changed
as shown in the Table:
Key Action
R On/Off the object color of red
G On/Off the object color of green
B On/Off the object color of blue
F. Expected result: Uploaded LabAssignment7-2.mp4
G. Files to submit: A Python source file (Name the file whatever you want (in English).
Extension should be .py)