CSE344 –Homework #1 – v2 File I/O and file based interprocess communication


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The homework consists of 2 parts.
Instance 1 of
Program A
Instance 2 of
Program A
Instance 1 of
Program B
Instance 2 of
Program B
file3 file4
Instance of
Program C
Sorted file4
Part I
You’ll code 2 programs, program A and program B. Each will be executed twice in arbitrary order,
so there will be 4 processes running in parallel. Instances of program A will read from distinct
input files, and write to a common destination file, while both instances of program B will read
from program A’s common destination file, modify it, and write to another destination file. All will
happen at the same time.
Program A will receive 3 command line arguments:
./programA -i inputPathA -o outputPathA -t time
inputPathA and outputPathA are absolute file paths and time an integer in [1,50].
inputPathA must denote the absolute path of a non-empty ASCII-encoded text file.
Program A will open in readonly mode the file denoted by inputPathA.For every 32 bytes that
it reads, it’ll convert them to 16 complex numbers; e.g. if it reads the characters “a5”, since their
ASCII equivalent is 9753, it’ll convert them to the complex number “97 +i53”. Then program A
will write those 16 complex numbers to the ASCII file denoted by outputPathA as a single line
of 16 comma separated complex numbers, at the first available empty row. A row is considered
empty if it contains nothing or just the ‘\n’ character. After writing a line, the program will call the
sleep system call and go to sleep for time milliseconds. Once Program A reaches the end of
inputPathA or if the file doesn’t contain 32 more bytes then it will exit and close the file
denoted by inputPathA.
Two instances of program A will be executed (in arbitrary order), with distinct inputPathA
arguments, but with the same outputPathA parameter. So in practice, we expect two processes
reading simultaneously two distinct files, and filling together the same output file with lines
containing 16 complex numbers each.
Program B will also receive 3 commandline arguments:
./programB -i inputPathB -o outputPathB -t time
of the same type as the parameters of program B. The input file of Program B will be the output file
of program A.
inputPathB = outputPathA
Two instances of program B will be executed (in arbitrary order, before, after or between the
program A executions), with the same inputPathB and outputpathB arguments. So in
practice, we expect two processes reading simultaneously the same file, removing lines from it, and
writing simultaneously to the same output file.
Program B has a simple task. It will open inputPathB, and then, it will read a random line from
the file. In case of an empty line, it will search linearly for a non-empty line (wrapping around to
the beginning of the file if necessary). The same definition of emptiness as before applies.
When a non-empty line is found, it’ll read those 16 complex numbers, delete that line by
overwriting it with a ‘\n’ and then calculate the discrete Fourier transform (using the FFT algorithm)
of those 16 numbers, and write the calculation output to the file denoted by outputPathB as
comma separated 16 complex numbers at the first available empty line. Then it’ll sleep for time
milliseconds. If there is no filled line by program A yet, then it’ll sleep for time milliseconds, and
try again.
If the instances of program B have finished processing all the content produced by the instances of
program A (meaning that both program A instances have finished reading their respective input
files) then both instances of program B will exit; and the last instance of program B exiting, will
also close the files denoted by outputPathB and inputPathB.
If everything works out alright, if inputPathA files contain each 32x+y and 32a+b bytes, then the
file denoted by outputPathB will contain exactly x+a lines, each with 16 complex numbers.
• processes writing/reading at the same time to/from the same file is a disaster waiting to
happen unless you use locking.
• you’ll need to figure out a way to distinguish between the case where an instance of program
B cannot find an empty line because program A instances haven’t got a chance to write yet,
and the case where program A instances have terminated.
• you’ll need to also figure out a way to know when an instance of program B is the last alive
of the two, so that it’ll close the files denoted by outputPathB and inputPathB files
once it decides to terminate.
• Test your program thoroughly before submission, with large files, small files, small sleep
times, large sleep times, different orders of execution for the 4 processes, etc.
Part II
Program C must admit a single commandline argument: the path of the output file filled in by
program B’s instances: outputPathB = inputPathC
./programC -i inputPathC
If everything went alright before, it’ll now contain a certain number of rows of 16 complex numbers
in each. Program C will run as a single instance, and sort the lines in ascending order of the file
denoted by inputPathC using mergesort. The lines will be compared with respect to their
cumulative magnitude. The sorting must be done in-place, in the file, not in memory (except for
the lines being compared).
• use the getopt() library method for parsing commandline arguments.
• Use system calls for all file I/O purposes, don’t use standard C library functions.
• All file operations must be fully synchronized. No buffering of standard C library
operations, no kernel buffering of system calls. No buffering, period. I want to be able to see
LIVE the files change their content while all the processes execute.
• Your programs are not allowed to crash due to any foreseeable reason. In case of an error,
exit by printing to stderr a nicely formatted informative errno based message.
• if the command line arguments are missing/invalid your program must print usage
information and exit.
• All mathematical operations will be realized with an accuracy down to 3 decimal points.
• Do your best to produce a robust program that will not crash even with the most evil user
executing it.
• Don’t use any IPC/synchronization methods/techniques/tools, besides file blocking, and
certainly none of the IPC or synchronization methods not yet covered in class and/or not
explicitly described in this document.
• Compilation must be warning-free.
• You will provide a demonstration of your program to the course assistants. They will
provide the details.
• No late submissions will be allowed.
• Close all files and free all resources explicitly.
• your source files, your makefile and a report on how you solved the issues in this
Part I: 70 points.
Part I+II: 100 points.
Don’t submit part II if you aren’t submitting also part I.
• Does not compile: -100
• Does not run or crashes with normal input: -100
• Runs with normal input, but the final output is incorrect -100
• The program runs with normal input but can crash for n reasons: -10 * n
• Violating the homework rules: -100
• No report: -30
Good luck.