CSE250 Assignment A4 – Huffman Coding


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Huffman coding is one of the most important and elegant techniques in information theory. For a given
sequence of input symbols, and their counts, it builds a binary tree that can be used to generate the optimal
binary encoding of each symbol. The basic algorithm to build a Huffman tree can be summarized as
1. Create leaf node for every input symbol and its count.
2. Take two nodes with the lowest count.
3. Attach them to a new parent node that stores a placeholder symbol with the count equal to the sum of
counts in children.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all nodes are connected.
Your task is to implement a function that will build a Huffman tree for a given input sequence of symbols, a
function that will print code-words encoded in the tree, and function to release the memory occupied by the
1. Create directory A4 where you will place your code.
2. Download A4handout.tar from piazza.
3. Untar handout, and move a4.cpp, a4.hpp and symbol.hpp to your A4 directory. These files provide all
functionality you will need.
4. Analyze symbol.hpp, which provides helper structures you will be using in your code.
5. In a4.hpp implement missing functions considering the following:
(a) The huffman_tree function should return a pointer to a root node of the Huffman tree for a
sequence of symbols in [f irst, last).
(b) Input symbols are represented via type symbol (inspect symbol.hpp).
(c) You can safely assume that the input range is valid: it contains at least two symbols, and count of
every symbol is greater than zero.
(d) Tree consists of nodes of type bnode (inspect symbol.hpp).
(e) For a given node in the resulting Huffman tree, the left child must store symbol that is “less than”
the symbol in the right child as prescribed by the operator< for symbol (inspect symbol.hpp). The value of a symbol (i.e. specific character) stored in the node should be minimum between the values of its children. (f) The release_tree function should release the entire memory used by tree root. (g) The print_dictionary function should print to os all code-words encoded in the Huffman tree represented by root. Each code-word should be printed as shown below. Note that std::ostream& os defines reference that essentially behaves the same way as std::cout. So for example, this code os « "A"; will have the same effect as std::cout « "A";. (h) To test your code you can use two files provided in the handout: dummy.txt and loremipsum.txt. You can see correct answers for both files in dummy.ans and loremipsum.ans. Note that the order in which you print your tree is irrelevant, however, code-words must match exactly. So for example, if you run ./a4 dummy.txt you should see (with lines possibly in a different order): B 000 U 001 H 01 A 1 Note that symbol and code-word should be separated by a single space and code-word should be written as a string of 0 and 1. Submission 1. Remove your binary code and other unrelated files (e.g. your test files). 2. Create a tarball with your A4 folder. 3. Follow to https://autograder.cse.buffalo.edu and submit A4.tar for grading. 4. You can make five submissions, and the last submission will be graded. 5. Any submission after the deadline will have 50% points deducted. Grading • 10pt: a4.cpp compiles with your a4.hpp, runs and has no memory leaks. • 90pt: If you pass the initial test, there will be nine benchmark tests. You will get 10pt for each correctly completed test. • If your code is extremely inefficient, for instance due to infinite loop, autograder will terminate your code and you will receive 0pt. Remarks • Make sure that you start working on the assignment early! If you wait to the very last moment, you may expect delays from autograder (overloaded by other students who like you waited with their submission). • If you are having trouble, have a public discussion on piazza! Before posting your question, ask yourself: Am I giving enough information where someone who is not looking at my code can still help? Can you describe tests that you have already tested? Do not, of course, share your code. 2