Dynamic Memory Allocation
In this lab, we will learn how to allocate memory dynamically and de-allocate memory that is allocated dynamically.
Recall the syntax for the operators new and delete.
Pointer = new DataType;
Pointer = new DataType [IntExpression];
delete Pointer;
delete [] Pointer;
int *a = new int;
char *b = new char[5];
float *c = new float[3*someVariable+1];
double **d = new double*[10];
delete a;
delete [] b;
delete [] c;
delete [] d;
Before you begin: Create a C++ project. A project contains all the relevant files such as source codes, header files,
and relevant resources. Also, under CodeBlocks, you can only debug your program under a project; single-file
program debugging is not supported. Follow the steps below to create a project.
1. File ⇒ New ⇒ Project… ⇒ Console Application ⇒ Go.
2. The “Console Application” wizard appears:
a. Next
b. Select “C++” ⇒ Next.
c. In “Project Title”, enter the name you want to assign to the project (for example lab01). In “Folder to
create project in”, set to your working directory, (for example d:\labs). Accept the default for the rest ⇒
Next. A project directory “lab01” will be created under “d:\labs”, with a project configuration filename
of “lab01.cbp”. You could later create more projects under this working directory “d:\labs”.
d. In “Compiler” field, accept the defaults of “GNU GCC Compiler” ⇒ Finish.
3. Under the “Management” pane ⇒ Choose “Projects” tab ⇒ Expand the project node “lab01” ⇒ Expand
“Sources” node ⇒ Double-click “main.cpp”, which is an example program to print “Hello, world!”.
4. To build the program, select “Build” menu ⇒ Build.
5. To run the program, select “Build” menu ⇒ Run.
Task 1: Using the new operator, allocate an integer array of user specified size (the user gives the size of the array as
input). Assign values to the array elements by taking user inputs and then print the values. Finally de-allocate the array
using the delete operator.
Task 2: Using the new operator, allocate a two dimensional character array. Again the number of rows and columns
are going to be provided by the user as input. All of the rows are the same size. Take character strings as input from
the user and then print the strings. Finally de-allocate the array using the delete operator.
Task 3: Using the new operator, allocate a two dimensional integer array. The number of rows and columns are going
to be provided by the user as input. However, in this task, all of the rows are not the same size (the array is uneven).
The user will specify how many elements the individual rows will have. Assign values to the array elements by taking
user inputs and then print the values. Finally de-allocate the array using the delete operator.