CSE1322 Module 3B–Coding Assignment


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Create a application that acts as a simple calculator.  Create buttons for 0-9 and a text field that displays the concatenation of the current digits as they are clicked.  Add buttons for operators “+”, “-“, “*”, and “/”.  Add a final button for “=” that calculates the computed value with the value entered in the text field.  For instance, clicking buttons 7, +, 8, =  one-by-one, then it should display 15.



Start writing the code from your pseudocode:

Code the solution from your pseudocode. Compile and debug all parts of your program to ensure it is correct.





Now make sure that your code is the best it can be.

Check your formatting, comments, and make sure your output is correct and communicates what is happening in your code.



What to Turn In

Follow submission guidelines on this page: http://ccse.kennesaw.edu/fye/Submission%20Guidelines.php