CSE1322 Module 2B – Coding Assignment


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Write an abstract class called Vacation includes a budget and a destination.  It has an abstract method returning by how much the vacation is over or under budget.  This class has two non-abstract subclasses:


All-Inclusive Vacation

brand (such as ClubMed, Delta Vacations, etc)

a rating (you can use # of stars)



Piecemeal Vacation

set of items (hotel, meal, airfare, etc)

set of corresponding costs (hotel cost, meal cost, airfare cost, etc.)



Review your pseudocode:

Make any changes you need to based on the feedback you received from grading.



Start writing the code from your pseudocode:

Code the solution from your pseudocode beginning with part (a).  Remember that part (a) will be used in part (b), so make sure you write the code in a way that it can be used in part (b).  Code part (b). Compile and debug all parts of your program to ensure it is correct.


Now make sure that your code is the best it can be.  Check formatting, prompts to the user, and make sure they are clear and help the user interact with your code in an easy manner.




Test your code with at least two sets of input (one of which should be the inputs included as part of this problem statement.)


Now make sure that your code is the best it can be.  Check your formatting, prompts to the user, and make sure they are clear and help the user interact with your code in an easy manner.



What to Turn In

Follow submission guidelines on this page: http://ccse.kennesaw.edu/fye/Submission%20Guidelines.php