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In this homework you will write programs to exercise with loops, functions and pointers.
Please do not forget that your program should work exactly as the example runs given below
the part definitions. Submit your homework via KADI.
In this part of the homework, you will use Taylor series to calculate sine and cosine.
���� = (−1)*
2� + 1 !
= � − �4
− ⋯ ��� ��� �
���� = (−1)*
2� !
= 1 − �.
− ⋯ ��� ��� �
The user will enter an integer as degree and another integer that defines the first n elements of
the series. You are not allowed to use math library functions for calculations, that is you
must write your own functions with the same input/output format of the math library
function. In addition, use the following function signatures to make your program modular:
double cosine(int degree, int n);
double sine(int degree, int n);
void getInputs(int* degree, int* n, int* exit);
The function named getInputs will wait for user to enter the degree and n value. If ‘E’ is
entered instead, the exit variable will be 1, otherwise 0.
#sample run
30 4
sin(30) where n is 4 = 0.4998
cos(30) where n is 4 = 0.8662
60 2
sin(60) where n is 2 = 0.8556
cos(60) where n is 2 = 0.4522
45 3
sin(45) where n is 3 = 0.7069
cos(45) where n is 3 = 0.7077
In this part of the homework you will get a positive integer from the user and print out a
simple ASCII art. An example run of the program is given below. The program will not print
out any message and wait input from the user. Beside the number to be printed, the user will
enter the width of the border and the character to be used while printing.
Regardless from the input data, each digit will be printed in an area of 7×7 (rows and
columns) as shown below. User should enter at most 5-digit integer, your program should
print nothing if integer is higher than 99999. The program will wait for the input from the user
until he enters a negative number. Use the getInputs() function described below to read input
from the user.
void getInputs(int* num, int* borderWidth, char* borderChar);
int printNumber(int num, int borderWidth, char borderChar);
Both functions’ parameters are the number to be printed, the border width and the character to
be used while printing. Number formats are defined below, you must use them as defined.
printNumber function returns 0 if number is invalid, otherwise 1.
#sample run:
User input: 693 Border width: 1 The character is ‘#’
693 1 #¬
User input: 693 Border width: 2 The character is ‘8’
693 2 8¬
Note that spaces are shown as ‘·’.
• You should not send your main function. You should send the functions
described above and your helper functions if you have any.
• Use the structures you learned such as loops, conditions and functions whenever
needed. The usage of these structures is as important as the correct execution of your
• The assignment must be your original work. Duplicate or very similar assignments are
both going to be considered as cheating.
• Ask your questions via moodle.