CSE 6242 / CX 4242 Homework 2 : D3 Graphs and Visualization


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Q1 [10 points] Designing a good table. Visualizing data with Tableau.
Imagine you are a data scientist working with the data for the Men’s Gymnastics World Championships and the
Summer Olympics. Perform the task a to help the Championships committee analyze the Men’s Gymnastics
data and task b to help the Olympics Committee better understand the overall Medals by Country.
a. [5 points] Good table design. Create a table to display the details of Men’s Gymnastics World
Championships provided in worldchamps_mens_gymnastics.csv
. You can use any tool (e.g., Excel, HTML) to
create the table.
● The table should contain data from the following columns: Name, Overall Rank, Nationality, Apparatus,
Total Score
● Save the table as table.png.
You may reorder the columns while creating the table. Keep suggestions from lecture in mind when
designing your table. You are not required to use only the techniques described in lecture. For OMS
students, the online lecture video pertaining to this topic is Week 4 ­ Fixing Common Visualization Issues
­ Fixing Bar Charts, Line Charts). For campus student, please review slide 43 and onwards of the lecture
b. [5 points] Tableau: Visualize the Summer Olympics data as a stacked bar chart. Your chart should display
the Count of Medals for Olympic using the dataset summer_olympics.csv
(in Q1 folder). (Optional reading: the
effectiveness of stacked bar charts is often debated ­­­ sometimes, they can be confusing to understand and
may make data series comparison challenging.)
Our main goal here is for you to try out Tableau, a popular information visualization tool. Thus, we keep
this part more open­ended, so you can practice making design decisions. We will accept most designs
from you all. We show one possible design in the figure below, based on the tutorial from Tableau, and
you are not limited to the techniques presented there.
Please follow the instructions below:
● Your design should visualize the Count of Medals during the years 1992­2012 (inclusive) for the
countries: France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, and China.
● Your design should design a stacked bar chart to show the count for each type of medal (Bronze,
Silver, Gold) for the following Sports: Aquatics, Athletics, Football, Gymnastics, Rowing.
● For each country, there should be two stacked bars (one for each gender). Make sure the bars are
grouped by country.
● Your design should have clear label axes and chart title. Include a legend for your chart.
● Save the chart as barchart.png.
Tableau has provided us with student licenses for Tableau Desktop, available for Mac and Window. Go to
tableau activation and select “Tableau Desktop”. After the installation, you will be asked to add an
activation key. The Desktop Key for activation is available on the course github repository as “Tableau
Desktop Key­Fall 2018” at download. This key is for your use in this course only. Do not share the key
with anyone.
If you do not have access to a Mac or Windows machine, please use the 14­day trial version of Tableau
1. Visit https://www.tableau.com/trial/tableau­online
2. Enter your information (name, email, GT details, etc)
3. You will then receive an email to access your Tableau Online site
4. Go to your Site and create a workbook
Figure 3: Example for scatter plots, on a single HTML page.
Q1 Deliverables:
The directory structure should be as follows:
● table.png ­ An image/screenshot of the table in Q1.a (png format only).
● barchart.png ­ An image of the chart in Q1.b (png format only), Tableau workbooks will not be
graded!). The image should be clear and of high­quality.
● worldchamps_mens_gymnastics.csv and summer_olympics.csv ­ the datasets
Q2 [15 points] Force­directed graph layout
You will experiment with many aspects of D3 for graph visualization. To help you get started, we have provided
the graph.html file (in the Q2 folder).
Note: You are welcome to split graph.html into graph.html, graph.css, and graph.js. Please also make certain
that any paths in your code are relative paths. Nonfunctioning code will result in a five point deduction.
a. [3 points] Adding node labels: Modify graph.html to show a node label (the node name, i.e., the source) to
the right of each node. If a node is dragged, its label must also move with the node.
b. [3 points] Coloring links: Color the links based on the “value” field in the links array. Assign the following
If the value of the edge is equal to 0, assign the color blue to the link.
If the value of the edge is equal to 1, assign the color red to the link.
c. [3 points] Scaling node sizes:
1. Scale the radius of each node in the graph based on the degree of the node (you may try linear or
squared scale, but you are not limited to these choices).
Note: Regardless of which scale you decide to use, you should avoid extreme node sizes (e.g., nodes
that are mere points, or barely visible, as well as very large nodes). Failure to due so will result in a poor
quality visualization.
d. Pinning nodes (fixing node positions):
1. [2 points] Modify the code so that when you double click a node, it pins the node’s position such that it
will not be modified by the graph layout algorithm (note: pinned nodes can still be dragged around by the
user but they will remain at their positions otherwise). Node pinning is an effective interaction technique
to help users spatially organize nodes during graph exploration.
2. [2 points] Mark pinned nodes to visually distinguish them from unpinned nodes, e.g., pinned nodes
are shown in a different color, border thickness or visually annotated with an “asterisk” (*), etc.
3. [2 points] Double clicking a pinned node should unpin (unfreeze) its position and unmark it.
Q2 Deliverables:
The directory structure should be as follows:
graph.js, graph.css (if not included in graph.html)
● graph.html ­ the html file created.
● graph.(js / css) ­ the js / css files if not included in graph.html
Q3 [15 points] Scatter plots
Use the dataset
[3] provided in the file movies.csv (in the Q3 folder) to create a scatter plot.
Refer to the tutorial for scatter plot here.
Attributes in the dataset:
Feature 1: Id of the movie
Feature 2: Title
Feature 3: Year
Feature 4: Runtime (minutes)
Feature 5: Country
Feature 6: IMDb Rating
Feature 7: IMDb Votes
Feature 8: Budget (in USD)
Feature 9: Gross (in USD)
Feature 10: Wins and nominations
Feature 11: Is good rating? ( value 1 means “good”, value 0 ­ “bad”)
Optional: to learn more about IMDb, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMDb
a. [8 points] Creating scatter plots:
1. [6 points] Create two scatter plots, one for each feature combination specified below. In the scatter
plots, visualize “good rating” class instances as blue crosses, and “bad rating” instances as red circles.
Add a legend to the top right corner showing the symbols’ mapping to the classes.
■ Feature 10 (Wins and nominations) vs. Feature 6 (IMDb Rating)
● Figure title: Wins+Nominations vs. IMDb Rating
● X axis (horizontal) label: IMDb Rating
● Y axis (vertical) label: Wins+Noms
■ Feature 8 (Budget) vs. Features 6 (IMDb Rating)
● Figure title: Budget vs. IMDb Rating
● X axis (horizontal) label: IMDb Rating
● Y axis (vertical) label: Budget
2. [2 points] In explanation.txt, use no more than 50 words to discuss which feature combination is
better at separating the classes and why.
Note: Your scatter plots should be placed one after the other on a single HTML page, similar to the example
image below (Figure 3). Note that your design need NOT be identical to the example.
b. [3 points] Scaling symbol sizes. Create a scatter plot (append to the HTML page) using the feature
combination specified below. Set the size of each symbol to be proportional to the value of Feature 10 (Wins and
nominations); use a good scaling coefficient to make the scatter plot legible, visually attractive and meaningful.
Visualize “good rating” class instances as blue crosses, and “bad rating” instances as red circles.
■ Feature 7 (IMDb Votes) vs. Feature 6 (IMDb Rating) sized by Feature 10 (Wins+Nominations)
● Figure title: Votes vs. IMDb Rating sized by Wins+Nominations
● X axis (horizontal) label: IMDb Rating
● Y axis (vertical) label: IMDb Votes
c. [4 points] Axis scales in D3. Create two plots for this part (append to the HTML page) to try out two axis
scales in D3: the first plot uses the square root scale for its y­axis (only), and the second plot uses the log scale
for its y­axis (only). In explanation.txt, explain when we may want to use square root scale and log scale in
charts, in no more than 50 words.
Note: the x­axes should be kept in linear scale, and only the y­axes are affected.
Hint: You may need to carefully set the scale domain to handle the 0s in data.
■ First Figure: uses the square root scale for its y­axis (only)
● Figure title: Wins+Nominations (square­root­scaled) vs. IMDb Rating
● X axis (horizontal) label: IMDb Rating
● Y axis (vertical) label: Wins+Noms
■ Second Figure: uses the log scale for its y­axis (only)
● Figure title: Wins+Nominations (log­scaled) vs. IMDb Rating
● X axis (horizontal) label: IMDb Rating
● Y axis (vertical) label: Wins+Noms
Figure 3: Example for scatter plots, on a single HTML page.
Q3 Deliverables:
The directory structure should be organized as follows:
scatterplot.(html / js / css)
● scatterplot.(html / js / css) ­ the html / js / css files created.
● explanation.txt ­ the text file explaining your observations for Q3.a.2 and Q3.c.
● scatter_plots.pdf ­ a PDF document showing the screenshots of the five scatter plots created above
(two for Q3.a.1, one for Q3.b and two for Q3.c). You may print the HTML page as a PDF file, and each
PDF page shows one plot (hint: use CSS page break). Clearly title the plots as instructed
(see examples in Figure 3).
● movies.csv ­ the dataset.
Q4 [15 points] Heatmap and Select Box
Example: 2D Histogram, Select Options
Use the dataset provided in heatmap.csv (in the Q4 folder) that describes the number and types of Charms cast
by each of the wizarding houses across J.K. Rowling’s 7 Harry Potter books. Visualize the data using D3
a. [5 points] Create a file named heatmap.html. Within this file, create a heatmap of the number of
spells, for each spell type used in each book for the wizarding house ‘Gryffindor’. Place the Spell Type on
the heatmap’s horizontal axis and the Book on its vertical axis.
b. [1 point] The color scheme of a heatmap is a very important part of its design. The number of Spell
Types for each Book should be represented by colors in the heatmap. Pick a meaningful color scheme
(hint: color gradients) with 9 color gradations for the heatmap.
c. [3 pt] Add axis labels and a legend to the chart. Place the name of the Book (“Sorcerer’s Stone”,
“Chamber of Secrets”, “Prisoner of Azkaban”, etc.) on the vertical axis in the order of publication (the
earliest book goes to the top). Place the Spell Type (“Hex”, “Counter Spell”, “Jinx”, etc.) on the horizontal
axis. Order the Spell Types alphabetically, from left to right.
d. [6 pt] Now create a drop down select box with D3 that is populated with the wizarding house names
(“Gryffindor”, “Hufflepuff”, “Ravenclaw”, “Slytherin”). When the user selects a different house in this select
box, the heatmap and the legend should both be updated with values corresponding to the selected
house. Note the differences in the legends for house “Gryffindor” and “Ravenclaw” in Figure 4a and
Figure 4b below. While the 9 color gradations in the legend remain the same, the thresholds values
are different. The default house when the page loads should be “Gryffindor”.
1. The Harry Potter dataset being used here has been synthetically generated. It doesn’t accurately
resemble the count of spell types used per Wizarding House across different books in the Harry Potter
2. The data provided in heatmap.csv would need to be “reshaped” in such a way that it can produce the
expected output. All data reshaping must only be performed in javascript; you must not modify
heatmap.csv. That is, your code should first read the data from heatmap.csv file as is, then you may
reshape that loaded data using javascript, and then use it to create the heatmap.
3. The threshold values should not be hardcoded. They do not necessarily have to match the ones
provided in the screenshots below.
The screenshots provided below serve as an example only. You are not expected to produce an exact copy of
the screenshots. Please feel free to experiment with fonts, placement, colors, etc., as long as the output looks
reasonable for a heatmap.
Figure 4a: Number of spells of each type used by house Gryffindor for all books.
Figure 4b: Number of spells of each type used by house Ravenclaw for all books.
Q4 Deliverables:
The directory structure should look like:
heatmap.(html / js /css)
● heatmap.(html / js/ css) ­ the html / js / css files created.
● heatmap.csv ­ the dataset
Q5 [20 points] Interactive Visualization
Use the dataset
[4] provided in the dataset.txt file (in the Q5 folder) to create an interactive bar chart. Each line in
the file represents population growth (per year) of an US city over the past five years, starting with total
population of year 2012.
You will copy the data contained in dataset.txt and paste it, directly into your code as is, as an array
variable named data, similar to what is shown below.
Note: You must NOT modify or reorder the content of the data file; what you paste into your code should be the
same content that the data file contains. If you believe you want to sort or order the data in any way (e.g., by
population), do so using javascript.
Example: var data=[];
a. [5 points] Create a horizontal bar chart with its vertical axis denoting the city names (ordered by
population) and its horizontal axis denoting the total cumulative population (with “,” as the thousand separator) at
the end of 2017. Each bar should have its associated total population shown on top of it. Refer to the example
shown in Figure 5a.
Note: The vertical axis of the chart should use city names as labels.
Figure 5a. Bars representing total population of each city
b. [10 points] When hovering the mouse over a bar, a smaller line chart representing the population growth of
that city for each year (2013­2017) should be displayed in the top right corner. For example, Los Angeles has a
growth value of 0.84%, 0.79%, 0.78%, 0.70%, 0.47% for the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017
respectively. On hovering over the bar representing Los Angeles, a line chart depicting these 5 values in % is
displayed. See Figure 5b for an example.
The calculation to show the percentage of population growth is:
Figure 5b. On hovering over the bar for Los Angeles, a smaller line chart representing its percentage of growth per year in
decimal over the past 5 years is displayed at the top right corner.
c. [3 points] On mouse out, the line chart should no longer be visible.
d. [2 points] On hovering over any horizontal bar representing a city, the color of the bar should change. You
can use any color that is visually distinct from the regular bars. On mouseout, the color should be reset.
Q5 Deliverables:
The directory structure should be as follows:
interactive.(html/js/css) ­ The html, javascript, css to render the visualization in Q5 (dataset.txt is NOT required
to be included in the final directory structure as the data provided in dataset.txt should have already been
integrated into the “data” variable in your code).
Q6 [20 points] Choropleth Map of County Data
Example: Unemployment rates
Use the provided dataset
in education.csv, us.json and education_details.csv (in the Q6 folder) and visualize
them as a choropleth map.
● Each record in education.csv represents a county and is of the form
<id,name,percent_educated>, where
○ id corresponds to the county id
○ name is the county name
○ percent_educated is the percentage of educated people living in that county
● The education_details.csv file contains a list of records, each having four fields:
○ an id field corresponding to a county in the United States,
○ a qualified_professionals field corresponding to the number of professionals in the
○ a high_school and a middle_school_or_lower fields corresponding to the number of
high school students and middle school students respectively.
● The us.json file is a TopoJSON topology containing three geometry collections: counties, states, and
a. [15 points] Create a choropleth map using the provided datasets, use Figure 6 below as a reference.
1. [10 points] The color of each county should correspond to the percentage of educated people in that
county, i.e., darker colors correspond to higher percentage in that county and lighter colors correspond to
lower percentage in that county. Use gradients of only one particular hue. Use d3­queue (in the lib folder)
to easily load data from multiple files into a function
. Use topojson (present in lib) to draw the
choropleth map.
2. [5 points] Add a legend showing how colors map to percentage of educated people. Create the
legend using a threshold scale as shown in the figure. The domain used for the legend should be [0,90]
(inclusively) with a step size of 10.
b. [5 points] Add a tooltip using the d3.tip library (in the lib folder) that, on hovering over a county, shows
the (1) county name, (2) percentage of educated people, (3) number of qualified professionals, (4) high school
graduates, and (5) middle school or lower graduates, each on a separate line each. The tooltip should appear
when the mouse hovers over the county. On mouseout, the tooltip should disappear. Use Figure 6 below as a
reference. We recommend that you position the tooltip some distance away from the mouse cursor, which will
prevent the tooltip from “flickering” as you move the mouse around quickly (the tooltip disappears when your
mouse leaves a county and enters the tooltip’s bounding box). Please ensure that the tooltip is fully visible (i.e.,
not clipped).
Note: You must create the tooltip by only using d3.tip.v0.6.3.js present in the lib folder.
Figure 6. Reference example for Choropleth Maps
Q6 Deliverables:
The directory structure should be organized as follows:
● q6.(html /js /css)­ The html/js/css file to render the visualization.
● education.csv and education_details.csv ­ The datasets used.
● us.json ­ Dataset needed to draw the map.
Q7 [5 points] Pros and Cons of Visualization Tools
This an open­ended question. Your answer will depend on what you have learned from working through the
questions in this assignment, and your personal experience.
Pick a visualization system/tool/library/framework that you are familiar with (R, R Shiny, Python, Plotly, Excel,
JMP, Matlab, Mathematica, Julia, etc.), then using no more than 150 words in total, compare it with Tableau and
D3 in terms of:
1. Ease to develop (for developers)
2. Ease to maintain the visualization (for developers)
3. Usability of visualization developed (for end users)
4. Scalability of visualization to “large” datasets
5. System requirements to run the visualization (e.g., browsers, OS, software licensing) (for end users)
We recommend formatting your answers as bullet lists for better readability. For example:
1. Ease to …
Seaborn: …
Tableau: …
D3: …
2. Ease to …

Q7 Deliverables:
The directory structure should be as follows:
● analysis.txt ­ comparison of visualization tools.
Important: folder structure of the zip file that you submit
You are submitting a single zip file HW2­GTUsername.zip (e.g., HW2­jdoe3.zip, where “jdoe3” is your GT
username), which must unzip to the following directory structure (i.e., a folder “HW2­jdoe3”, containing folders
“Q1”, “Q2”, etc.). The files to be included in each question’s folder have been clearly specified at the end of each
question’s problem description above.

scatterplot.(html / js / css)
heatmap.(html / js /css)

Version 1
[1] Source: https://www.kaggle.com/cjdaffern/gymnastic­champs­mens­all­round
[2] Source: https://www.kaggle.com/the­guardian/olympic­games
[3]Source: derived from a “movies” dataset prepared by Dr. Guy Lebanon, for an earlier version of OMSCS CSE 6242 (the
source raw data is available at the following URL; you do not need to download it when working on this question
[4] Source: US City Populations
[5] Source: Derived from USDA.
[6] d3­queue evaluates a number of asynchronous tasks concurrently ­­ in this question, each task would be loading one
data file. When all tasks have finished, d3­queue passes the results to a user­defined callback function.