This homework will investigate model building in IPython. It revolves around predicting the fare
of a taxi ride given information including a pickup and a drop off location. Our goal is to explore
the data and uncover interesting observations about the New York Taxi operations.
Data downloading
Please find the dataset “taxi_fare.csv” attached on Blackboard under “Assignment 2”. Below is a
description of the data:
● key – Unique string identifying each row in both the training and test sets. Use it as a
unique ID field.
● pickup_datetime – timestamp value indicating when the taxi ride started.
● pickup_longitude – float for longitude coordinate of where the taxi ride started.
● pickup_latitude – float for latitude coordinate of where the taxi ride started.
● dropoff_longitude – float for longitude coordinate of where the taxi ride ended.
● dropoff_latitude – float for latitude coordinate of where the taxi ride ended.
● passenger_count – integer indicating the number of passengers in the taxi ride.
● fare_amount – float dollar amount of the cost of the taxi ride. You are predicting this
value for the test set.
Python in Google Colab
Please use the notebook template “cse351_hw2_template.ipynb” attached on Blackboard to
complete this assignment. The template provides a layout of the required tasks. Open the
notebook in Google Colab, insert code cells to run code and text cells to write explanations and
answers. Feel free to use any libraries in Python to complete the tasks.
The scikit-learn library is useful for this assignment. Please find its documentation at the
following link:
Tasks(50 points)
1. Take a look at the data. There may be anomalies in the data that you may need to factor
in before you start on the other tasks. Clean the data first to handle these issues. Explain
what you did to clean the data. (5 points)
2. Split the data into training set and test set. Save them as “taxi_fare_train.csv” and
“taxi_fare_test.csv”. Explain how you divided the dataset. (5 points)
3. For the training set, compute the Pearson correlation between the following: (6 points)
● Euclidean distance of the ride and the taxi fare
● time of day and distance traveled
● time of day and the taxi fare
Which has the highest correlation?
4. For each subtask of (3), create a plot visualizing the relation between the variables.
Comment on whether you see non-linear or any other interesting relations. (9 points)
5. Set up a simple linear regression model to train on “taxi_fare_train.csv”, and then predict
taxi fares for instances in file “taxi_fare_test.csv” (Note that you need to drop the
“fare_amount” column in the test set first). Use your generated features from the
previous task if applicable. How well/badly does the model work? (Evaluate the
correctness of your predictions based on the original “fare_amount” column)
What are the coefficients for your features? Which variable(s) are the most important
one? (10 points)
6. Now, try to build a better prediction model that works harder to solve the task. Perhaps it
will still use linear regression but with new features. Perhaps it will preprocess features
better (e.g. normalize or scale the input vector, convert non-numerical value into float, or
do a special treatment of missing values). Perhaps it will use a different machine
learning approach (e.g. nearest neighbors, random forests, etc). Explain what you did
differently here versus the simple model. How does the model perform? (10 points)
7. Visual Appeal and Layout – For all the tasks above, please include an explanation
wherever asked and make sure that your procedure is documented (suitable comments)
as well as you can. Don’t forget to label all plots and include legends wherever
necessary as this is key to making good visualizations! Ensure that the plots are visible
enough by playing with size parameters. Be sure to use appropriate color schemes
wherever possible to maximize the ease of understandability. All output must be laid out
and clearly shown in a python notebook(.ipynb). (5 points)
1. This assignment must be done individually by every student. Your code will be checked
thoroughly to detect copying/plagiarism. Do your own work!
2. Please use Piazza to ask any questions.
3. Submit everything through Blackboard. You will need to upload:
1. The Jupyter notebook all your work is in (.ipynb file)
2. Python file (export the notebook as .py)
3. PDF (export the notebook as a pdf file)
These files should be named with the following format, where the italicized parts should
be replaced with the corresponding values:
1. cse351_hw2_lastname_firstname_sbuid.ipynb
3. cse351_hw2_lastname_firstname_sbuid.pdf
1. Part of the instructions are courtesy of Professor Steven Skiena (CSE 519)