We use data compression all the time: music is compressed by the MP3 algorithm, videos are
compressed by the MP4 algorithm, and photos are compressed by the JPEG algorithm. A
fundamental part of compression is to remove repeated patterns and replace them with a code.
For example, “compress” was used repeatedly in this paragraph and could be replaced with a
code (a pair of numbers). If you do that often enough, you can save a lot of space.
Consider the following traditional ditty:
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old.
Using a relatively simple algorithm, that compresses to the string:
“Pease porridge hot,\(20,15)cold,\(21,15)in the p(48,4)Nine days
(42,3).\\Some like it(82,6)(18,13)(80,6)(19,13)(78,26)”
Here, we are using the backslash character (“\”) to represent a carriage return (or new line
character) and a pair of numbers to represent text that is repeated from earlier in the string: the
first number tells you how far to go back and the second tells you how many characters are
repeated from that starting point. You decompress the string by replacing each pair, in its turn,
with a substring from earlier in the decompressed part of the string. Finally, you replace each
backslash with a newline (“\n”).
For example, the pair (20, 15) is to be replaced by the substring obtained by going back 20
characters and copying 15 characters starting at that point. Going back 20 characters takes you
to the beginning and then you copy 15 characters to get the substring “Pease porridge “. Replacing the pair with this substring results in the (partially decompressed) string:
“Pease porridge hot,\Pease porridge cold,\(21,15)…”
(To save space, we have used ellipses (…) to represent the rest of the compressed string.)
For the next pair, you go back 21 characters to the beginning of the second line where you again
copy 15 characters, i.e. “Pease porridge “. Replacing the pair with this substring yields:
“Pease porridge hot,\Pease porridge cold,\Pease porridge in the
Next, the pair (48,4) takes you back 48 characters to the “o” in “hot”. The substring obtained
by copying four characters is “ot,\”. Replacing the pair with this substring gives you:
“Pease porridge hot,\Pease porridge cold,\Pease porridge in the
pot,\Nine days (42,3)…”
The pair (42,3) takes you back 42 characters to pick up the 3 characters “old”(from “cold,”).
The decompressed string so far is:
“Pease porridge hot,\Pease porridge cold,\Pease porridge in the
pot,\Nine days old.\\Some like it(82,6)…”
And so on.
Last week Google announced a new compression algorithm named Brotli. So what? For one, it
is 26% better than existing algorithms. Six years ago, Google’s disk space was estimated at an
exabyte (1018 bytes = 1,000,000 terabytes). The improved compression will save Google a
quarter of that space, or about 250,000 terabytes. Since terabyte disk drives cost about $100
each, the better compression will save Google approximately $25 million. The savings might be
much larger now since Google’s disk space has certainly grown in the past six years.
Assignment Specifications
You will develop a Python program that allows the user to decompress any number of strings.
The program will prompt for a string to decompress. As long as the user inputs a non-empty
string, the program will output the decompressed string. The decompressed string will have
proper carriage returns that replace the backslashes in the input string.
When the user presses the enter/return key without first inputting a string, the program will
display an appropriate termination message and halt. The decompression algorithm looks for a left parenthesis “(“. Note that the string method
find() is useful to locate a specific character, such as a left parenthesis. Then, use find() to
locate the next comma and grab the slice in between to extract the substring representing the first
number (which, of course, needs to be converted to an integer). Use find() to extract the
second number in a similar way. Now that you have the two numbers, work backwards in the
string and use slicing to obtain the substring you need to copy. Repeat.
We will make two simplifying assumptions: the only parentheses and backslashes in the
compressed string are for encoding (i.e. the original string does not contain any parentheses or
Assignment Notes
1. To clarify the project specifications, sample output is provided at the end of this document.
2. The coding standard for CSE 231 is posted on the course website:
3. Items 1-7 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project.
4. A useful pattern when working with strings is to start with an empty string and add characters
to it — something that works nicely here to build the decompressed string.
5. Slicing is useful in multiple places in this assignment. For example, it is useful for extracting
the string to be copied once you have extracted the pair of encoding numbers.
6. To simplify your program we will assume that parentheses are only used for encoding. That
is, if you find a parenthesis, you know that you have an encoding string of the format
(first_number,second_number). In addition, there will be no spaces within the
parentheses of the encoding string.
7. A useful first test case (from the famous soliloquy in Shakespeare’s Hamlet) has only one
substitution and is short enough to not have any carriage returns:
to be, or not (14,6)
8. There are two different approaches to solving this problem:
a. One uses a while statement for the main loop, using find() to look for indices of the
pair of numbers within the encoding ordered pair. One thing to consider is when to stop
the loop—how do you know when you don’t have any left parentheses left?
b. Using a for statement as the main loop is possible, but the logic is messier because you
need Booleans to keep track of when you are gathering characters for the two numbers in
the encoding ordered pair as well as a Boolean that keeps track of when you are working
on extracting numbers so you recognize that comma as separating the numbers.
9. Use the following symbolic constant for the backslash character. It is a double backslash
because a backslash has a special meaning (for example the \n used for carriage return).
Therefore, Python will interpret the double backslash as a single backslash.
Suggested Procedure Solve the problem using pencil and paper first. You cannot write a program until you
have figured out how to solve the problem. This first step can be done collaboratively
with another student. However, once the discussion turns to Python specifics and the
subsequent writing of Python statements, you must work on your own. Cycle through the following steps to incrementally develop your program:
o Edit your program to add new capabilities one at a time.
o Using the phrase from Hamlet’s soliloquy is a good way to begin. In fact, you
might start with it as a string defined in your program so you don’t have to keep
inputting it. o Use a divide-and-conquer approach to solving the problem. For example, start by
simply finding and printing the first number of the first encoding pair—print it.
Then find the second number of the first encoding pair—print it. Then use those
two numbers to extract the string to be copied and print it. Then modify your
program to handle the phrase from Hamlet’s soliloquy. Get that working before
trying to handle more complex cases.
o Use the handin system to submit the current version of your program.
Be sure to use the handin system to submit the final version of your program. Be sure to log out when you leave the room, if you’re working in a public lab.
The last version of your solution is the program which will be graded by your TA.
You should use the handin system to back up your partial solutions, especially if you are
working close to the project deadline. That is the easiest way to ensure that you won’t lose
significant portions of your work if your machine fails or there are other last-minute problems.
You would also be wise to save a copy of your completed program in your CSE file space (the H:
drive on the lab machines) before the project deadline. If you write your program at home and
turn it in from home, you should copy it to your CSE file space before the deadline.
In case of problems with electronic submission, an archived copy in the handin system or the
CSE file space is the only acceptable evidence of completion.
Sample Output