For this assignment, you’re going to create a new class named “Fraction” for
managing rational numbers (fractions). (Do not submit a main program with
the Fraction class; however, you’ll definitely want to write one (or more) for your
own testing purposes.) Details are as follows:
Fraction(int num,int denom) creates a new number whose value is
Fraction(int num) creates a new number whose value is num/1
METHODS (assume x is a Fraction):
Fraction x.add(Fraction n) Returns x+n in reduced form
Fraction x.sub(Fraction n) Returns x-n in reduced form
Fraction x.mul(Fraction n) Returns x*n in reduced form
Fraction x.div(Fraction n) Returns x/n in reduced form
double x.toDouble() Returns x as a double-precision
floating point number
int getNum(),int getDenom() Returns numerator or denominator
String toString() Return a string representing the fraction,
as described below
(OPTIONAL) You may also want to make a private method:
private x.reduce() Adjusts num and denom so num/denom
is in simplest form (as described below)
We’ll discuss in class how to operate on rational numbers: addition, multiplication,
etc. For reducing a fraction to simplest form, we’ll use Euclid’s Algorithm, which will
also be reviewed in class. You must write this yourself: don’t use a built-in GCD
Fractions with denominators of 0 are arithmetically undefined, so if such a number
is created, you should somehow note internally that the number is undefined. Note
that any operations involving a undefined number result in an undefined
If toDouble() is used on an undefined number, return Double.NaN
You should create a method String toString() for treating Fractions as a String. A
number of the form D/1 should convert as simply D (no “/1”). Care should be used
with rationals with a negative num or a negative denom. For example, if num=1 and
denom=-2 you should return -1/2 (not 1/-2); If num=-1 and denom=-2, you should
return 1/2 (not -1/-2). An undefined number should return”NaN”
“Simplest form” means (a) eliminating any common integer factors from both num
and denom; (b) adjusting num and denom so denom is not negative; and (c)
changing 0/x to the form 0/1 (unless x=0, in which case this results in NaN).
This assignment will be worth 100 points, and will be graded as follows:
Functional Behavior: 85 points
Perfect: 85 points
Most functions implemented, but some errors or glitches: 70 points
Some functions work perfectly, but many are unimplemented or barely
present: 50 points
Most functions inoperable, but basic pieces are in place: 30 points
Very little usable code, or nothing submitted: 0 points
Documentation: 10 points
Header block present; code is cleanly written; each method is described in
detail; non-obvious lines are commented: 10 points
Header block present, some useful comments but more needed: 7 points
Very little commenting, header block present: 3 points
No header block: 0 points
Submission: 5 points
I want to make sure you can follow submission instructions etc., so 5 points if
your .tar file is correct. If it deviates from the specification, you may
lose up to 5 points.
Testing of your Fraction class is up to you, but you should do some tests in a main
program to confirm the desired behaviors. Here is some code I may use to test your
public class FractionTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Fraction a=new Fraction(1,2); // a=1/2
Fraction b=new Fraction(4); // b=4
Fraction c,d,e;
System.out.println(“5/2: “+new Fraction(125,50));
System.out.println(“1: ” + new Fraction(1,2).mul(new Fraction(2)));
System.out.println(“9/2: “+c);
System.out.println(“-7/2: “+c);
System.out.println(“7/2: “+c);
System.out.println(“2: “+c);
System.out.println(“4: “+c.mul(c));
d=new Fraction(3); // d=3
e=new Fraction(4); // e=4
System.out.println(“3/4: “+c);
System.out.println(“4/3: “+a);
c=a.mul(b); // c=16/3
System.out.println(“16/3: “+c);
System.out.println(“1/3=0.33333…:”+ new Fraction(1,3).toDouble());
System.out.println(“1/0 (NaN): “+new Fraction(1,0));
a=new Fraction(1,2); // a=1/2
b=new Fraction(1,2); // b=1/2
c=a.sub(b); // c=0
a=a.div(c); // a=1/0
System.out.println(“NaN: “+a.toDouble());
a=c.div(c); // a=0/0
System.out.println(“NaN: “+a.toDouble());
System.out.println(“NaN: “+new Fraction(-1,0).toDouble());
Submit your assignment as a single pa1.tar file containing your file
and any other files you feel like you need to include. This assignment can definitely
be done with a single class (, but if you wish to define other classes,
feel free to do so. Do not include a main method.
Also, for those who are prone to fancier things:
• do not use a package statement
• put all your .java files in one directory
• create the .tar file from the directory containing your .java files, i.e.
cd dir;tar cvf pa1.tar *.java
as opposed to tar cvf pa1.tar deepdir/subdir/sourcedir/otherpaths/*.java
• do not include .class files in your .tar file
Make sure the methods described above are implemented as described, since I’ll be
using my own code to test their behavior. If you’re in doubt, please ask in the
discussion forum on Canvas.