CSE 1729 – Introduction to Principles of Programming Lab 13 – Final Exam Practice


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The tasks here are problems for you to practice. They vary a good deal in difficulty. These
are not to be submitted.
The solutions will be published before the final, but not long before.
Expressions in SCHEME
Write a SCHEME expression to evaluate:
1. the sum of 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42
2. the product of 653, 854, 321 and 241, 304, 201
3. 5+4+(2−(3−(6+
1. Simple Functions
(a) Define a SCHEME function which takes a number as a parameter and returns the
absolute value of that number.
(b) Define a function to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and another to
convert in the other direction. The two formulas are F =
C +32 and C =
(F −32).
(c) Define a SCHEME function named discount which takes a product’s price and discount (as a percent) and returns the discounted price of the product.
(d) Write a procedure to compute the tip you should leave at a restaurant. It should take
the total bill as its argument and return the amount of the tip. It should tip by 20%,
but it should know to round up so that the total amount of money you leave (tip plus
original bill) is a whole number of dollars. (Use the ceiling procedure to round
(e) Most latex paints cover approx. 400 sq. ft. of area. Stains and varnishes cover 500
sq.ft. of area. Write a SCHEME function that takes the length and width (or height)
of an area to be covered as well as if the area is to be painted or stained (a boolean
parameter would be useful here) and returns the number of gallons required to finish
one coat.
(f) Suppose you are contacted by a client who lives in a house where all of the ceilings
are hemispheres; he would like a SCHEME function that takes the radius of a ceiling
(in feet), plus whether it is to be painted or stained, and returns the number of gallons
required to paint one coat on the ceiling. Feel free to use your function from part (e)
as a helper.
2. Recursion
(a) (Towers of Hanoi) The Towers of Hanoi is a famous puzzle with a recursive solution.
There are many versions of the legend. One version of the description tells of a
temple where the monks spend their days transferring large disks of different sizes
between three pegs (each forming a tower). Disks can only be moved according to
the following rules:
1. Can only move one disk at a time
2. Disks must be properly stacked, disks may only be placed on larger disks
3. All disks but one must be on one of the three pegs
The recursive solution to this problem labels the three pegs as the source, destination
and temporary pegs. The recursive decomposition follows the following form; a stack
of n disks on the source peg can be moved to the destination peg by moving the top
n − 1 disks to the temporary peg, moving the largest disk to the destination peg and
then moving the n−1 smallest disks to the destination peg. This gives us the following
algorithm for a function that takes four parameters. The pegs labeled source, temp
and dest as well as the number of disks to be moved.
(define (towers-of-hanoi n source temp dest)
1. (towers-of-hanoi n-1 source dest temp)
2. move disk n from source to dest
3. (towers-of-hanoi n-1 temp source dest))
Define a SCHEME function that lists steps one can follow to solve the Towers of Hanoi
puzzle. You can use the SCHEME function display to print a message indicating
which disk to move and which pegs to move it from and to (step (b) in the algorithm
above). Parameters representing pegs can accept integers identifying each of the pegs
(e.g. 1 2 and 3).
3. Tail Recursion
(a) Write 2 SCHEME functions that takes a list of numbers as a parameter and returns the
number of non-negative numbers. One should be tail-reursive, the other should not
(b) Write a SCHEME function that takes two integers as parameters and returns their
greatest common divisor (GCD) using Euclid’s Algorithm. From Wikipedia: “The
GCD of two numbers is the largest number that divides both of them without leaving
a remainder. The Euclidean algorithm is based on the principle that the greatest
common divisor of two numbers does not change if the smaller number is subtracted
from the larger number. For example, 21 is the GCD of 252 and 105 (252 = 21 ×
12; 105 = 21×5); since 252 – 105 = 147, the GCD of 147 and 105 is also 21. Since the
larger of the two numbers is reduced, repeating this process gives successively smaller
numbers until one of them is zero. When that occurs, the GCD is the remaining
nonzero number.”
4. Higher-Order Functions
(a) (SICP Exercise 1.43) If f is a numerical function and n is a positive integer, then we
can form the n
th repeated application of f , which is defined to be the function whose
value at x is f (f (…(f (x))…)). For example, if f is the function x 7→ x + 1, then
the n
th repeated application of f is the function x 7→ x + n. If f is the operation of
squaring a number, then the n
th repeated application of f is the function that raises
its argument to the 2n
th power. Write a procedure that takes as inputs a procedure
that computes f and a positive integer n and returns the procedure that computes
the n
th repeated application of f . Your procedure should be able to be used as follows:
(( repeated square 2) 5)
Hint: You may find it convenient to use compose from exercise 1.42.
(b) (SICP Exercise 1.44) The idea of smoothing a function is an important concept in
signal processing. If f is a function and d x is some small number, then the smoothed
version of f is the function whose value at a point x is the average of f (x − d x),
f (x), and f (x +d x). Write a procedure smooth that takes as inputs a procedure that
computes f and a number d x and returns a procedure that computes the smoothed
f .
List Processing
1. Pairs
(a) Define a function that takes two pairs, representing two points, as parameters and
returns a pair consisting of the slope and y-intercept of the line intersecting those two
(b) (Unusual Canceling) The fraction 64
16 exhibits the unusual property that its reduced
value of 4 may be obtained by “canceling” the 6 in the numerator with the 6 in the
denominator. Define a SCHEME function which takes a fraction represented as a pair
and returns a boolean value indicating whether the value of the fraction remains
unchanged after this unusual canceling.
If x y is the two digit number (e.g. if n = 64 then x = 6 and y = 4) then
1. n = 10x + y
2. x = (floor (/ n 10))
3. b = (modulo n 10)
2. Lists
(a) Write a function that computes the largest distance between any two adjacent elements of a list.
(b) Write a function that, given a list (a1
. . . ak
), returns the list (b1
. . . bk−1
) so that bi =
ai+1 − ai
(c) Write a function which takes a list of numbers as parameters and returns a pair representing the range of the numbers in the list. That is, the first in the pair returned
should be the minimum element of the list and the second should be the maximum.
(d) Define a SCHEME function which uses the solution to the Pairs question b to produce
a list of pairs representing all of the fractions which exhibit the unusual canceling
property. Note: you may limit yourself to fractions which have only two digits in
their numerators and denominators.
(e) (The Knapsack problem.) You and a friend are going backpacking, and must bring
along a bunch of equipment. You’d like to split the equipment between the two of
you as evenly as possible. Write a SCHEME function to do this. Specifically, given a
list of weights (w1 w2
. . . wn
), find a subcollection of the weights (a1 a2
… ak
) so that
is as close as possible to half the total weight of the wi
(f) Define a SCHEME function list-insert, taking three arguments: a list, the new
item, and the numerical position where you want the new item to be, starting at 1.
So (list-insert ’(a b c) ’d 4) evaluates to (a b c d), and (list-insert
’(a b c) ’d 1) evaluates to (d a b c). This function should use no destructive
(g) Define a SCHEME function list-insert!, taking three arguments: a non-empty
list, the new item, and the numerical position where you want the new item to be,
starting at 1 (if the position is larger than the length of the list the item should be
put at the end of the list. This should add the item using destructive modification, so
any variable that refers to the list and any structure containing that list (the tail of an
append, e.g.) will be changed. Example:
> ( define a ‘( a b c ))
> ( define b ‘( d e f ))
> b
( d e f )
> ( define c ( append a b ))
> c
( a b c d e f )
> ( insert-list ! b ‘z 1)
( z d e f)
> b
( z d e f)
> c
( a b c z d e f )
> ( insert-list ! b ‘w 4)
( z d e w f )
> d
( a b c z d e w f )
Hint: draw a box-and-arrow diagram first.
(h) (The Josephus Problem) The Josephus problem resembles the game of musical chairs,
a version of the problem is as follows:
A travel agent selects n customers to compete in the finals of a contest for a two week
vacation in Maui. The agent places the customers in a circle and then draws a number
m out of a hat. the game is played by having the agent walk clockwise around a circle
and stopping at every mth customer and asking that customer to leave the circle, until
only one remains. The one remaining customer is the winner.
Define a SCHEME function that takes a circular linked list as a parameter, generates a
pseudo-random number and follows the Josephus algorithm to eliminate all but one
node in the list and returns the value in the last remaining node in the list. Note:
you will need to build a circular linked list by setting the cdr of a list to the list itself
(using set-cdr! – you should probably write a function that takes a list and turns
it into a circular list.
3. Trees
( define ( maketree v left-tree right-tree )
( list v left-tree right-tree ))
( define ( value T ) ( car T ))
( define ( left T ) ( cadr T ))
( define ( right T ) ( caddr T ))
( define ( insert x T )
( cond (( null ? T ) ( make-tree x ‘() ‘()))
(( eq ? x ( value T )) T )
(( < x ( value T )) ( make-tree ( value T ) ( insert x ( left T )) ( right T ))) (( > x ( value T )) ( make-tree ( value T )
( left T )
( insert x ( right T ))))))
(a) Define a SCHEME function named count-one-child which returns the number of
internal nodes of a binary search tree which have exactly one child.
(b) Define a SCHEME function named count which given a binary search tree and a value,
returns the number of occurrences of the value in the tree.
(c) Given a heap as defined in lecture, where all of the h-min values are positive, write a
SCHEME function that returns the maximum value in the heap.
4. Streams
(a) Write a function that, given a stream containing numbers (a1a2
. . .), returns the stream
(b1 b2
. . .) so that bi = ai+1 − ai
. This should work for both finite and infinite streams,
and should be written in terms of stream operators.
(b) (Sieve of Eratosthenes) In ancient Greece, Eratosthenes gave the following algorithm
for finding all prime numbers up to a specified number M:
1. Write down the numbers 2, 3, . . . M.
2. Cross out the numbers as follows:
(a) Keep 2 but cross out all multiples of 2 (i.e. cross out 4, 6, 8, . . .).
(b) Keep 3 but cross out all multiples of 3 (i.e. cross out 6, 9, 12, . . .).
(c) Since 4 is already crossed out, go on to the next number that is not crossed
(d) Keep 5 but cross out all multiples of 5.
Modifying this approach to streams, we can get the stream of all primes. Write a
SCHEME function that generates the stream of prime numbers using the Sieve of
Eratosthenes as follows: starting with the stream of all integers from 2 up, return
primes-from that stream. primes-from takes a stream and cons-stream’s the
stream-car of that list with the result of calling primes-from on the stream with
all multiples of the stream-car filtered out.
Note: we saw the code in lecture, but better if you write this from scratch and really
understand how it works.
5. Objects
(a) Modify the following code from Lab 8 to require a password (by adding another
parameter) for balance inquiries, deposits and withdrawals on the (new-account)
object. The password should be set as an additional parameter to the new-account
( define ( new-account initial-balance )
( let (( balance initial-balance )
( interestrate 0.01))
( define ( deposit f)
( begin
( set ! balance
(+ balance f ))
balance ))
( define ( withdraw f )
( begin
( set ! balance
(- balance f ))
balance ))
( define ( bal-inq ) balance )
( define ( accrue ) ( begin ( set ! balance
(+ balance
(* balance
interestrate )))
balance ))
( define ( setrate r) ( set ! interestrate r ))
( lambda ( method )
( cond (( eq ? method ‘ deposit ) deposit )
(( eq ? method ‘ withdraw ) withdraw )
(( eq ? method ‘ balance-inquire ) bal-inq )
(( eq ? method ‘ accrue ) accrue )
(( eq ? method ‘ setrate ) setrate )))))
(b) Add a method to the new-account object to change the password. It should take
the old password and new password as parameters.
(c) Write a SCHEME function that implements an object representing a rational number.
It should use the GCD function (number b in the Tail Recursion question) to reduce
the fraction represented by the object.
(d) Define a SCHEME object to model a traffic-light that is always in one of four states,
represented by the symbols ’red, ’yellow, ’green, and ’flashing-red. A traffic light can
respond to four messages:
show: which returns the current state.
emergency! , which sets the state to ’flashing-red, regardless of what it was before.
set-light , which takes one argument – one of the symbols ’red, ’yellow, or ’green –
and sets the state to that symbol.
cycle , which has no effect if the current state is ’flashing-red, but changes a ’green
state to ’yellow, a ’yellow state to ’red, and a ’red state to ’green.