CSE 1325 Homework #7 Custom Windows solved


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This homework will require you to prove your knowledge of creating GUIs. This homework will
be based off HW5.
Window and Main Menu
Turn the CLI from Homework 5 and turn it into a window with a menu bar.
The window does not need to have any other content besides the menu bar.
The menu bar must have a “File” menu containing exit, an “Courses” menu containing functions
to add/remove Courses and change the properties of courses (such as instructor, and adding as
student), and a “View” menu containing all operations that display courses in all the ways that a
catalog can display the courses.
All other operations, such as taking in input and displaying results, can still be in “pop up” dialog
Bonus 1 – Content in the Window (X Points where X = 100 – Sum of bonus on prev.homeworks)
Show the contents of the Catalog in a table on the Window. You may use multiple tables for the
different courses. If the list grows too big to fit on the screen, make the window scrollable.
You will turn in a zip file containing all files necessary to compile your program. Follow proper
naming conventions. Files named incorrectly result in a loss of 5 points each.
The code should compile and run when the command make is typed in terminal.