CSCI605 Week 2 Assignment 2


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Your assignment is to read and understand the code in You must comment each of the methods in the file to show that you understand what they are testing.

In the main method of the program you will see some comments such as,

// all possible trues for equalityTest1


For each of those comments you must write all of the method calls that would produce a true result when abcV1 is used as the first argument for that particular method. You must be able to explain why this is the case to the grader.


Your file should be named


You may only use basic java types.


Correctness: You can lose up to 20% if your solution is not correct
Quality: You can lose up to 20% if your solution is poorly designed
Testing: You can lose up to 20% if your solution is not well tested
Explanation: You can lose up to 40% if you cannot explain your solution during the grading session