CSCI605 Week 10 Assignment 2


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Convert your elevator program from the previous week’s assignment to use lambdas where appropriate. You should also add a method name elevatorAndPersonSummary which you will call after all threads have started which uses a pipeline, or sequence of aggregate operations, to display even numbered people statistics and whether or not they are on an elevator.

An output of the method should follow the below format



Weight: <weight>

Status: <on/off>

# if on elevator

Weight Contribution: <percent contribution of weight to current weight on elevator>


Weight: <weight>

Status: <on/off>

# if on elevator

Weight Contribution: <percent contribution of weight to current weight on elevator>


Assignment 1 this week, for the most part, designs the use of lambdas for you. This assignment will require you to determine the best way to structure your code to make use of lambdas and aggregate operations.


Correctness: You can lose up to 20% if your solution is not correct
Quality: You can lose up to 20% if your solution is poorly designed
Testing: You can lose up to 20% if your solution is not well tested
Explanation: You can lose up to 40% if you cannot explain your solution during the grading session