CSCI4110: High Performance Computing Implement TicTacToe MiniMax Search in Parallel using Java 8. Binary Tree/General Tree


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Consider a general binary tree (an unorganized binary tree, not a binary search tree). You are familiar
with the postorder traversal of a general binary tree where both of the children (if the node has both a left
and a right child) of a particular node are visited before the node itself is visited. Suppose you wanted to
find the largest item stored in the tree. For a given subtree in the binary tree, you make a recursive call on
the left child to get the largest item in the left subtree and a recursive call on the right child to get the
largest item in the right subtree. The larger of these two items is compared to the item stored in the parent
of the subtree to find the overall largest item in the subtree. The largest item from that subtree is then
returned to its parent for similar tests, and so forth until the largest item is returned from the root node.
Now consider that each node can have any number of children, not just two or fewer as in a binary tree.
This is a general tree, but finding the largest item in this tree is still a postorder traversal as discussed
above. Theonly difference is that a parent will need tostore the pointers to its children in a list or asimilar
data structure. Recursive calls aremade on all the children, identifying thelargest item amongst them all.
Now suppose the general tree only stores items in the leaves, rather than at each node. This simplifies the
postorder traversal for the largest item as now the traversal simply returns the largest item amongst the
children rather than comparing this item to the item stored at the parent node as well.
MiniMax Tree
Consider a very simple two player game where “Max” can make one of three possible moves (A, B, or C).
If Max selects move A, its opponent, “Min”, can respond with
three moves of its own (X, Y, Z). After Min takes its turn, the game is over, and the score of the game can
be determined. Max is trying to maximize the score while Min is attempting to minimize the score.
Suppose the results for Min’s three possible moves when Max has selected move A are (9, 5, 11). Thus, if
Max selects move A, Min should select move Y to minimize
the opponent’s possible score. This isthe optimal move for Min to take in thissituation. For Max to find its
optimalmove, it needs to figure out how Minwill respond to each of its possiblemoves (A, B, or C) and
select the movegenerating the maximum possible result.This analysis works when it is Min’s turn as well,
except that Min will be selecting the smallest value from its possible moves.
Of course, in selecting its move, Max is assuming that Min will play optimally, which may not be the
case. Thus, in games that have many more turns for each player, Max must recompute its optimal move
every time it is Max’s turn to be sure that it is always maximizing its possible score for the current state of
the game which can include suboptimal moves by Min.
A MiniMax Tree is a tree designed to find the optimal move in a two player game such as Tic­Tac­Toe,
Othello, Checkers, etc. Each node in the tree represents a move by Max or Min, the two players in the
Consider a two player game as a general tree where all the possible game scores representing the different
choices that Max and Min can make are stored in the leaves of the tree. If it is Max’s turn to select a
move, the optimal move that Max should make is a postorder traversal of the tree where selecting the
maximum of the children or the minimum of the children alternates as you move through the levels of the
Tic­Tac­Toe MiniMax
The goal is to have a computer playing Tic­Tac­Toe optimally as either X or O. Let’s use the MiniMax
Tree scheme to achieve this.
If Max is the Xs player and Min is the Os player, the MiniMax Tree is a general tree where the root node,
an empty 3×3 grid, is Max’s turn as Xs go first in Tic­Tac­Toe. The root node has 9 children, and Max
must eventually examine all 9 to find its best move. First, Max places an “X” in the (1,1) location of the
grid. Now Min (“O”) has eight locations that it can move. This process of playing the game continues
until a leaf is reached and a value is assigned to that leaf, called a terminal state.
Note that the “general tree” is represented by the 3×3 Tic­Tac­Toe grid being filled up as moves are
taken by Max and Min.
With Max as Xs, then the game outcome at the terminal states of the MiniMax Tree is positive if Max has
three Xs in a row, negative if Min has three Os in a row, and 0 if neither Xs nor Os has three in a row and
all 9 spaces of the board are occupied. Further, if Max determines it can win by traversing the MiniMax
Tree, Max should be encouraged to complete its three Xs in a row as quickly as possible. The value (10 ­
turn) as the game outcome where turn is the depth of the MiniMax Tree (that is, how many turns have
been taken by both players) will achieve this. For example, a win by Max in 5 turns is valued as +5 while
a win by Max in 9 turns is +1.
As discussed as a postorder traversal, Nonterminal/nonleaf nodes are either selecting the largest values
returned by their children or the smallest, depending on whether it was Xs turn or Os turn as that node.
The selected value is returned to the parent once all children have been analyzed. Eventually, a result
makes it to the root. Now Max (“X”) knows that it can win with a move in the (1,1) location on the grid.
However, X may be able to win more quickly in some other location, so X must still examine all possible
places that it can move. Thus, X next tries the (1,2) location in the grid. This requires that moves be
removed from the board once analysis of that move is completed so that the grid is once again empty for
Xs next move analysis. Also, numerous copies of the board/grid are created so that the branches do not
overwrite one another’s selected moves.
Once X knows the best place for its initial move, it sends the move to the Tic­Tac­Toe game, and that
move becomes permanent. Now O takes its turn at the root and finds its best choice, but X already
occupies one spot on the board, so O only has to consider 8 moves. Thus, the computer player can find its
optimal move whether it is playing Xs or Os (or both).
Parallel Tic­Tac­Toe MiniMax
Even a simple game like Tic­Tac­Toe can result in an extremely large MiniMax Tree. It is possible to
take advantage of parallelism in a MiniMax Tree traversal to speed up the computation. A postorder
traversal does not care the order in which the children are visited, it only matters that all children are
visited so all of the results can be compared to one another before the traversal gives the result to the
Thus, when X is deciding on its first move, we can start up several (up to 9) separate threads (fork) to
potentially speed up the speed of the traversal by a factor of 9. These threads will each take a different
amount of time to finish as the depth of the minimax tree depends on the location of the test move.
Therefore, we must wait (join) for all of the threads to finish before returning the result.
The order that threads finish is output in the console. For the serial case, these values are in ascending
order. For the parallel case, any thread can finish at any time. The sequence will rarely repeat. It does
appear that certain threads generally take longer than others. Why?
With Java 8, it is straightforward to convert the above algorithm into one that automatically uses multiple
processors if available. However, we must identify the part of the algorithm that can safely be run in
parallel. For TicTacToe MiniMax, the order that we examine each spot that max (or min) can select on
their turn does not matter. However, we must wait for the analysis of all of the possible moves to
complete before reporting which one is best. When we allow each possible move to be processed
simultaneously (if processors are available), we refer to this as a fork. When we wait for the subtasks to
complete before reporting the optimal choice, we refer to this as join. Thus, only after all of the possible
move analyses have begun (fork) should we start to wait for them to complete and compare the results to
one another (join).