CSCI390 Assignment 6 Decision Tree


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Given three attributes, A, B, C and one Boolean outcome Z as the class
a) WITHOUT calculation, which attribute would information gain choose as the root of the
tree? And why? (2 points)

b) Draw the decision tree. (2 points)

c) Classify the examples below as “True” or “False” using your decision tree. (1 points)

Note: if your decision tree is wrong, then your answers for (c) and (d) are NOT considered.
 What class is [A=0, B=0, C=2]? (just answer “True” or “False”)
 What class is [A=1, B=1, C=1]? (just answer “True” or “False”)
0 0 0 True
1 1 0 True
0 1 0 True
1 0 1 True
0 0 1 False
1 1 2 False
0 1 2 False
1 0 2 False