Project 8 (C++) : K-Curvature edge detector as taught in lecture and in lecture notes. A very easy project.
You will be given four data files: dataA, dataB, dataC, and dataD, run your program four times for each data
Include in your hard copy:
– cover page
– source code
– outFile1, outFile2, outFile3 for dataA
– outFile1, outFile2, outFile3 for dataB
– outFile1, outFile2, outFile3 for dataC
– outFile1, outFile2, outFile3 for dataD
Language: C++
Project points: 10 pts
Due Date: Soft copy (*.zip) and hard copies (*.pdf):
10 on time: 5/11/2021 Tuesday before midnight
-1 for 1 day late: 5/12/2021 Wednesday before midnight
-2 for 2 days late: 5/13/2021 Thursday before midnight
-10/10: 5/13/2021 Thursday after midnight
– 5/10: does not pass compilation
0/10: program produces no output
0/10: did not submit hard copy.
*** Follow “Project Submission Requirement” to submit your project.
I. Inputs: There are two inputs.
a) inFile (argv[1]) : A text file contains a list of boundary points of an object in an image.
The format of the input is as follows:
#rows #cols minVal maxVal // image header
label // the label of the object
r1 c1
r2 c2
r3 c3
b) K (from console): ask the user for K to be used in the K-curvature computation.
II. Outputs: There are three output files.
a) outFile1 (argv[2]): The result of the K-curvature of the object boundary points.
The format of this output file is as follows:
#rows #cols minVal maxVal // image header
label // the label of the object.
#pts // the number of boundary points
r1 c1 1 // not a corner
r2 c2 9 // a corner (use 9 for corner indicator for the K-curvature)
r3 c3 1 // not a corner
b) outFile2 (argv[3]): Pretty print (displaying)of the result of the K-curvature corner detection, as in an
image, where corner points are printed as 8 and non-corner points are printed as 1.
c) outFile3 (argv[4]): for all debugging output
III. Data structure:
– An image class
friend of kCurvature class
– numRows (int)
– numCols (int)
– minVal (int)
– maxVal (int)
– imgAry (int**) // a 2D array for display, initially set to 0
– constructor(…)
– plotPt2Img (…) // put each point (x, y)’s corner value (1 or 9) at ImgAry(x, y)
– reformatPrettyPrint (…) // reuse code from your previous project
– A boundaryPt class
friend of kCurvature class
– (int) x
– (int) y
– (double) curvature
– (int) localMax
– (int) corner // 1 means it is not a corner or 9 means it is a corner
– A kCurvature class
– (int) K // Ask the user from console
– (int) numPts // # of boundary pts
– Q (int) // an index of the array, initially set to 0
– P (int) // an index of the array, initially set to K
– R (int) // an index of the array, initially set to 2*K
– (boundaryPt *) PtAry // an 1D array of boundaryPt class size is numPts,
// need to dynamically allocate.
// use mod function to compute the curvature for the beginning of
// the K points without extending the tail of the array,
– constructors (…)
– initialization (…) // See algorithm below
– cornerDetection (…) // See algorithm below
– (int) countPts (…) // reads and returns the count of the boundary points in the input file.
– storePt (x, y, index) // the x, y to PtAry[index]
– computeCurvature (Q,P,R) // taught in class
– computeLocalMaxima (PtAry)
// P(i) is a local maxima if in its 1 X 5 neighborhood if the curvature
// of p(i) is >= the curvatures of
// its linear neighbors: p(i-2), p(i-1), p(i+1), p(i+2)
// returns 1 if yes, returns 0 if not.
– (int) markCorner (PtAry) // go thru the entire PtAry, i = 0 to numPts -1
// set PtAry[i]-> corner to 9
if a) PtAry [i] is a local maxima &&
b) in its 1X5 neighborhood, only PtAry [i-1] or PtAry [i+1] can be a local maxima
// otherwise, set PtAry[i]-> corner to 1
– printBoundary(outFile1)
// output only (x, y, corner) of the entire PtAry to outFile1 in format given in the above.
– display(…) // plot PtAry to imgAry
– printPtAry(outFile3) // For debugging, print the content of the entire PtAry to outFile3
IV. main ()
// Algorithm may contain bugs, debugging is yours and report bugs to Dr. Phillips.
Step 0: inFile, outFile1, outFile2, outFile3 open input files
numRows, numCols, minVal, maxVal get from inFile
label get from inFile
K ask the user from console
imgAry dynamically allow
Step 1: initialization (inFile)
printPtAry (outFile3)
Step 2: cornerDetection (…)
Step 3: computeLocalMaxima (PtAry) for all point in PtAry[index], index from 0 to numPts-1
Step 4: markCorner (PtAry)
Step 5: printBoundary(outFile1)
Step 6: plotPt2Img() // put each point (x, y)’s corner value (1 or 9) at Img(x, y)
Step 7: reformatPrettyPrint (imgAry, outFile2) // output imgAry to outFile2
Step 8: close all files
V. initialization (inFile)
// Algorithm may contain bugs, debugging is yours and report bugs to Dr. Phillips.
Step 1: numPts countPts (inFile)
Step 2: close inFile
inFile open the input file the second time.
Step 3: index 0
Step 4: (x, y) read from inFile
Step 5: storePt (x, y, index) // store x, y to PtAry[index]
Step 6 : index ++;
Step 7 : Repeat step 4 – step 6 until inFile is empty
VI. cornerDetection (…)
// Algorithm may contain bugs, debugging is yours and report bugs to Dr. Phillips.
Step 0: Q 0
R 2* K
Step 1: index P
Step 2: curvature computeCurvature (Q, P, R)
Step 3: PtAry[index]->curvature curvature
Step 4: outFile3 print Q, P, R, index, x, y, curvature of PtAry[index] // for debugging to see the curvature.
Step 5: Increment Q, P, R by 1 // each need to mod with numPts
Step 6: repeat step 2 to step until P == K-1