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You are going to set up a simple system for showing images using React. It includes a slideshow feature with adjustable speed, as well as links for routing within the single-page application. BASIC SYSTEM (25%) (Done in Lab 4) Build a simple image system to display an array of image files. The file names and relevant information of each file are stored as a variable in an JS array, as specified in Lab 4. The React components in the basic system are structured in this manner: The images are shown in a group of Bootstrap cards with width 200px each, using the map() function to render multiple components. The filename and year are shown along with the image. MOUSEOVER EVENT (25%) In the optional materials in Lab 4, you are instructed to set up an onClick event to enlarge the image card to 100% width when clicked. The file remarks are shown as well. This is be done using the onClick event to change the state selected to the index of the image.