1 Overview
In this lab, you will write a program to read an undirected, unweighted graph from a text file
into an adjacency matrix and output the number of connected components in the graph.
2 Git and submission for Lab 8
The Github Classroom link for Lab 8 is available in the Lab 8 assignment on Canvas. There
is no skeleton code, so your repository will start out empty. You will begin by initializing a
gradle project in your repo, then you will implement a program to count connected components.
Whether or not you finish during lab, make sure to commit and push whatever code you have
at the end of the lab period to receive credit for attending lab.
3 Creating a Gradle project from scratch
In past assignments and labs, we’ve given you a skeleton repository with gradle all set up to
run and test the code. In this lab, you’ll set up a gradle project from scratch.
1. Start by cloning your (empty) repository.
2. Change into the repo directory and run gradle init. You will be prompted to answer
some questions about the project you’d like to create:
• Select application for project type. This will make a project with a run task that
executes some class’s main method.
• Select Java for implementation language. This tells Gradle that this is a Java project.
• Select groovy for DSL; specifies that the configuration file build.gradle will be
written in the Groovy language, which is the default and what we’ve been using this
• Select JUnit 4 for test framework. Although you won’t be required to write any
tests, this sets up a test task that compiles and runs JUnit tests stored in the test
source directory.
• Name your project lab8
• Use lab8 also for the source package; this means your code lives in the lab8 package
(i.e., has a package lab8; declaration at the top of each code file.
Take a look around your project directory – the init task has created a bunch of stuff
that should look familiar by now. To finish setting up your project like past labs and
assignments we need to do a few more things.
3. For Java Application projects, gradle defaults to creating a class called App, stored in
src/main/java/lab8/ Rename this file to be called Edit the
file and replace the App class name with Components (and change the main method to
create an instance of Components instead of App).
4. Likewise, Gradle auto-generates an JUnit test class called src/test/java/lab8/
We won’t be asking you to write any JUnit tests here, so you can delete this file if you’d
like. If you wanted to write some unit tests, you’d want to rename the file to and write test cases in there.
5. The last thing we need to get something running is to tell Gradle that the name of the
class whose main method we want to run with the run task is Components instead of
App. Edit the last line of build.gradle to set mainClassName to lab8.Components.
6. At this point, try the gradle run task. You should see Hello world printed under the
:run task.
7. When running programs with command-line input or output, it’s often annoying to have
gradle’s progress bars and output get in the way. To make some of this go away, create a
file called and include the following line:
8. You can also control the amount of output (the log level) using command-line flags, such
as -q for quiet (no output), -i for info (lots of output), and -d for debug (more output
than you know what to do with).
9. Now seems like a great time to commit your changes to git! Because the repo started out
empty, we need to add all the files to our repository. Be sure you git add the following
to your repo:
• build.gradle
• settings.gradle
• .gitignore (this file tells git that you don’t want to add the build directory and
the hidden .gradle directory where gradle caches local state)
• src/main/java/lab8/
Gradle init also generated a wrapper, which allows your gradle tasks to be run on systems
that don’t have gradle installed. On linux, you use the gradlew script and on Windows
you’d use gradlew.bat. These scripts make use of the .jar file in the gradle directory to
run tasks without help from a local gradle installation. It’s standard practice to include
the necessary wrapper files in your git repository, so also git add the following:
• gradlew
• gradlew.bat
• gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
• gradle/wrapper/
10. Here are a couple of other noteworthy changes that we’ve used in build.gradle for past
assignments that are not relevant to this lab, but you may find helpful to know about:
• If you want your program to accept user input from the command line, you need to
tell gradle about this by adding something like the following to build.gradle:
run {
standardInput =
• If you want to print stuff in JUnit test cases and have it actually show up on the
console, you need to specify:
test {
testLogging {
showStandardStreams = true;
• A great deal of additional customization is possible by specifying your preferences
in build.gradle. You can learn more from the gradle documentation at http:
4 Problem Specification
Implement your program in the Components class. The program takes a single command line
argument specifying a filename. The given file adheres to the format specified below. The
program should: read the file and create an adjacency matrix representation of the graph, then
compute and print the number of connected components in the graph.
You are not required to implement error checking, e.g., for malformed input files or bad
command line arguments.
4.1 Input File Specification
Nodes in this undirected graph are numbered sequentially from 0..|V |. The first line of the
file contains a single integer, specifying the number of |V |, and each remaining line in the file
contains two integers indicating that an edge exists between the two nodes.
4.2 Example
Here’s an example of the program’s behavior. The graph drawing is only for illustrative purposes
– your program does not need to parse or produce drawings.
Graph drawing: input.txt: Sample invocation:
0 4 5 $ gradle run -q –args “input.txt”
| | 0 1 2
1 – 2 3 3 4 $
1 2
Note that “$” denotes the shell prompt, indicating that the program has printed “2” followed
by a newline and then terminated.
4.3 Implementation Hints and Guidelines
In this lab, you are given no skeleton code and less specific guidance than usual. First focus
on parsing input correctly; then get a correct implementation of the core algorithm; then use
the algorithm to find connected components. Leave efficiency considerations until last: 8/10
points are based on correctness. Please comment your code well: if we cannot understand your
implementation, we can’t give full credit for it.
5 Submission
Be sure that all the requisite files listed in Section 3 are included in your repository. Then,
simply commit your final changes and push to GitHub as usual.
Setup: 2 points for correct gradle project setup
Correctness: 6 points for a correctly working program.
Efficiency: 2 points if runtime is O(v
Possible deductions:
• Up to -5: Code does not compile or generates runtime errors when given valid input.
• Up to -5: Inadequate commenting.
• Up to -2 per violation: Other coding style issues