CSCI1120 Assignment 5: Computing Income


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In a company, there are three different types of staffs and they earn their income differently.
Normal staffs are permanent staffs who earn monthly salaries. Contract staffs are employed on oneyear contracts from January to December.

They earn monthly salaries, as well as a contract-end
gratuity which is a percentage (the gratuity rate) of their total monthly salaries. Part-time staffs are
like contract staffs, but they enjoy different benefits. One such benefit is the transport subsidy

A normal staff is eligible to apply for transport subsidy if his/her annual income is less than
$125,000; a contract staff is eligible if his/her annual income (including the gratuity) is less than
$130,000; and a part-time staff is eligible if his/her lowest monthly salary in the year is less than
$8,300. In this assignment, you will apply inheritance and polymorphism to write three classes
Staff, ContractStaff, and PartTimeStaff to model normal staffs, contract staffs, and parttime staffs respectively, and a client program to read the salaries and gratuity rates (if any) of the
staffs from a data file and determine whether each staff is eligible to apply for transport subsidy.

Program Specification

You have to write your program in four source files (1) Staff.cpp, (2) ContractStaff.cpp, (3)
PartTimeStaff.cpp, and (4) calcIncome.cpp. The first three files are for implementing the
corresponding classes organized in an inheritance hierarchy.

The fourth is a client program of these
classes. You are given three header files Staff.h, ContractStaff.h, and PartTimeStaff.h.
Do not modify their contents. You are recommended to write the files in order (1, 2, 3, 4). Implement
the member functions of each class and test them individually one by one. Your four files will be
graded separately, so you should not mix the functionalities of them. Also, you cannot declare any
global variables in all your source files (except const ones).

Class Staff (Staff.cpp)
The Staff class models normal staffs. Its interface is given as follows.
class Staff {
Staff(string sid = “00000000”);
string getID() const;
double getSalary(int m) const;
void setSalary(int m, double wage);
virtual double annualIncome() const;
virtual bool transportSubsidy() const;
string id;
double salary[12];

CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++
Private Data Members
string id;
The staff ID of the staff, which is a string containing eight digits.
double salary[12];
An array of double for storing the monthly salaries from January to December of the staff. Salary of
January is stored in salary[0]; salary of February is stored in salary[1]; etc.
Public Constructor and Member Functions
Staff(string sid = “00000000”);

The parameter sid is supposedly the staff ID for initializing the data member id. However, sid can
be a string with any possible contents. You have to remove all non-digit characters from it. Then if it
has not enough digits (< 8), add enough ‘0’s to the front to make it eight-digit. If it has more than eight digits, trim it to retain only the rightmost eight digits. (E.g., suppose sid is “dq689a358sdc964569”, then id should be initialized as “58964569”.)

Besides, the salaries of all 12 months should be initialized as 0.0. string getID() const; Returns the staff ID of the staff. double getSalary(int m) const; Returns the salary for month m of the staff. You can assume that parameter m is always 1–12, meaning January–December. void setSalary(int m, double wage); Sets the salary for month m to the parameter wage. However, if wage is less than 0, then set the salary for that month to 0. If parameter m is not 1–12 (January–December), then this member function does not set anything. virtual double annualIncome() const; Returns the annual income of the staff, which is the sum of his/her salaries from January to December.

For example, suppose the staff earns $12000 from January to July, and $13500 from August to December, then the member function should return 151500.0 (= 12000 × 7 + 13500 × 5). virtual bool transportSubsidy() const; Returns true if the staff is eligible to apply transport subsidy, i.e., the annual income of the staff is less than 125000.0; returns false otherwise.

Class ContractStaff (ContractStaff.cpp) The ContractStaff class models contract staffs and is a subclass of Staff. Its interface is given as follows. CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++ class ContractStaff : public Staff { public: ContractStaff(string sid = “00000000”, double gr = 0.0); double getGratuityRate() const; void setGratuityRate(double gr); virtual double annualIncome() const; virtual bool transportSubsidy() const; private: double gratuityRate; }; Private Data Members double gratuityRate; The gratuity rate of the contract staff.

Public Constructor and Member Functions ContractStaff(string sid = “00000000”, double gr = 0.0); The parameter sid is supposedly the staff ID of the contract staff. This constructor (1) calls the constructor of its superclass Staff and (2) initializes the gratuity rate as the parameter gr or 0.0, whichever is higher. double getGratuityRate() const; Returns the gratuity rate of the contract staff. void setGratuityRate(double gr); Sets the gratuity rate of the contract staff to the parameter gr. However, if gr is less than 0.0, then set the gratuity rate to 0.0. virtual double annualIncome() const; This member function overrides the one in its superclass.

It returns the annual income of the contract staff, which is the sum of his/her salary from January to December plus a percentage (the gratuity rate) of this sum. For example, suppose the contract staff earns $11000.0 from January to May, and $12400.0 from June to December, and has an 8% gratuity rate (0.08), then the member function should return 153144.0 (= (11000 × 5 + 12400 × 7) × 1.08). virtual bool transportSubsidy() const; This member function overrides the one in its superclass.

It returns true if the contract staff is eligible to apply transport subsidy, i.e., the annual income of the contract staff is less than 130000.0; and returns false otherwise. Class PartTimeStaff (PartTimeStaff.cpp) The PartTimeStaff class models part-time staffs and is a subclass of ContractStaff. Its interface is given as follows. CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++ class PartTimeStaff : public ContractStaff { public: PartTimeStaff(string sid = “00000000”, double gr = 0.0); virtual bool transportSubsidy() const; }; Public Constructor and Member Functions PartTimeStaff(string sid = “00000000”, double gr = 0.0); The parameter sid is supposedly the ID of the part-time staff. This constructor simply calls the constructor of its superclass ContractStaff. virtual bool transportSubsidy() const;

This member function overrides the one in its superclass. It returns true if the part-time staff is eligible to apply transport subsidy, i.e., the lowest monthly salary of the part-time staff in the year is less than 8300.0; and returns false otherwise. Client Program (calcIncome.cpp) Your main program is a client of the three classes Staff, ContractStaff, and PartTimetaff with the following flow.

1. Prompt the user to enter a string, which is the name of the data file to be read from. (Use getline(…), not cin >> …;.)
2. Then, use the file name to open the data file and read the staffs’ income data for the company.
You can assume that the data file has the following file format:
 The first line contains a positive integer 𝑛 denoting the total number of staffs in the

 Subsequently, there are 𝑛 lines of data. Each line of data denotes the data of one staff, and
contains 14 or 15 space-delimited fields, depending on the type of the staff.
 The first field denotes the staff type, which must be either “NS”, “CS”, or “PT”, denoting
normal staffs, contract staffs, or part-time staffs respectively. The second field is the staff ID.

 The third to 14th fields are the monthly salaries from January to December. The 15th field
exists for contract staffs only (including part-time), denoting the gratuity rate. These fields
must always be numbers (can be non-integers).

You can see some sample data files in Blackboard.

3. In case the data file cannot be opened successfully, print a warning message “Cannot open data
file. Program exit!” and then terminate program execution with the function call exit(1).
4. Create an vector of 𝑛 pointers to (super)class Staff as follows:
vector staffs(n); // Vector of superclass pointers

5. Read the data from the data file. Create objects of Staff, ContractStaff, or
PartTimeStaff accordingly, and set up the pointers staffs[i] to aim at these objects one
by one. To create the objects and set up the pointers, you can write either one of the followings:

 staffs[i] = new Staff(…);
 staffs[i] = new ContractStaff(…);
 staffs[i] = new PartTimeStaff(…);

Note that (1) the constructors are responsible for handling the case where a staff ID is not 8-digit
long; and (2) the new operator returns a pointer which can be assigned to staffs[i].
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++

6. Set the January–December monthly salaries and gratuity rate (if applicable) for the objects
accordingly. The setSalary(…) and setGratuityRate(…) member functions are
responsible for handling the range validity checking.

7. Then, the program should call the virtual member functions annualIncome() and
transportSubsidy() of the objects to compute and print out the annual income and
transport subsidy eligibility of all the staffs in the following format:

 There are 𝑛 + 1 lines of output, where 𝑛 is the number of staffs. The first line is a header
line and the subsequent 𝑛 lines are the annual income and eligibility of the 𝑛 staffs.
 In each of the subsequent 𝑛 lines, there are three fields separated by spaces. The first field is
the 8-digit staff ID. The second field is the annual income of the staff in two decimal places.
The third field is either “Eligible” or “Ineligible”, denoting whether the staff is eligible to
apply transport subsidy. You can use cout << fixed << setprecision(2); to control
the printing of the annual income in two decimal places.

Program Output

The following shows some sample program output given some sample data files which can be found
in Blackboard. The bold blue text is user input and the other text is the program output. You can try
the provided sample program with some other data files as well. Your program output should be
exactly the same as the sample program (i.e., same text, same symbols, same letter case, same
number of spaces, etc.). Otherwise, it will be considered as wrong, even if you have computed the
correct result. Note that all printout should be printed from the client program (calcIncome.cpp),
not the classes.

Enter file name: allstaffs1.txt↵
Annual Income of 5 staff(s):
46709394 220206.80 Ineligible
05201314 91585.07 Eligible
25277177 123331.88 Eligible
25266366 125019.90 Ineligible
34567890 98692.90 Eligible
Enter file name: allstaffs2.txt↵
Annual Income of 10 staff(s):
92932838 135353.13 Eligible
02976121 132547.81 Ineligible
35790796 133746.12 Eligible
00088636 128233.70 Ineligible
00252126 121108.30 Eligible
00013165 119927.64 Ineligible
00020970 146431.09 Ineligible
00066296 127865.10 Ineligible
00036831 128472.05 Eligible
00005090 133284.80 Ineligible

CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++

Submission and Marking

 Your program file names should be Staff.cpp, ContractStaff.cpp, PartTimeStaff.cpp,
and calcIncome.cpp. Submit the four files in Blackboard ( You do
not have to submit the .h files.

 Insert your name, student ID, and e-mail address as comments at the beginning of all your
source files.

 Besides the above information, your program should further include suitable comments as

 You can submit your assignment multiple times. Only the latest submission counts.

 Your program should be free of compilation errors and warnings.

 Plagiarism is strictly monitored and heavily punished if proven. Lending your work to others is
subjected to the same penalty as the copier.