CSCI B505 Programming assignment 2


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Insertion Sort vs. Merge Sort vs Deterministic Quicksort
Implement Insertion Sort, MergeSort and Deterministic QuickSort (as described in CLRS, Chapter
7.1). You can use one of the following programming languages: C/C++, Java or Python.
For Python users, if your code runs out of stack for some of the larger input sizes, just report it as such.
Your input will be a sequence of n numbers x1, x2, . . . , xn given in an input file in this order. Each number will
be an integer between 1 and n. The output should be a file containing these integers sorted in non-decreasing
For each of the first 4 input types below you should plot the running time of each algorithm for inputs
of size n = 5000, 10000, 15000, . . . up to 30000. Plot all three algorithms on the same chart so that it is easy
to compare. For the last input type (small random inputs) see instructions below. When measuring the
running time you should only measure the time of sorting, not the time spent generating the data.
Input/Plot 1: Large random inputs. Generate each xi to be a uniformly random integer between
1 and n. On random inputs that you generate: For each data point take the average of 3 runs (each time
generating a new random input).
Input/Plot 2: Non-decreasing inputs. Generate each xi to be a uniformly random integer between
1 and n and sort the resulting sequence in non-decreasing order (x1 ≤ x2 ≤ . . . ≤ xn). Then run each of the
sorting algorithms again and measure its performance.
Input/Plot 3: Non-increasing inputs. Generate each xi to be a uniformly random integer between
1 and n and sort the resulting sequence in non-increasing order (x1 ≥ x2 ≥ . . . ≥ xn). Then run each of the
sorting algorithms again and measure its performance.
Input/Plot 4: Noisy non-decreasing inputs. Generate input in two steps:
1. Generate input as in Plot 2.
2. Repeat the following 50 times: Pick two random integers i and j and exchange xi and xj .
For each data point take the average of 3 runs (each time generating a new random input).
Input 5: Small random inputs. Generate 100,000 inputs as in Input/Plot 1 for n = 50 (i.e. you need
to generate 100K sequences of random numbers between 1 and 50, of length 50 each). Measure the overall
runtime of sorting these sequences. There is no plot for this type of input, just compare the two resulting
Explain your choices: Explain any platform/language choices that you made for your code and plots.
How did you create and store the data you used to make the plots. Did you run into any difficulties or made
any interesting observations?
Conclusions: The last two algorithms have asymptotic running time of O(n log n). Does the first plot
reflect this? How do the three algorithms compare in terms of the running time? How about the second
plot? Which algorithm do you think is the best one here? How does the third plot compare to the first and
second? What about the fourth plot? What kind of functions do you think you’re observing in the three
plots (linear, logarithmic, quadratic, exponential, etc.)? Would you use these algorithms for real data and if
so why?