CSCI 6515 Assignment 2– Introduction to sklearn for Machine Learning SOLVED


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1. [40 marks] This Assignment requires you to write a Python script file called
1.1. [5 marks] Import the iris dataset (load_iris) from sklearn datasets and place them in a
variable iris (iris is a dot-accessible dictionary or a bunch object). Similar to the example in the
course manuscript (section 2.4), apply a Linear SVM on the iris data and name the model svc_iris.
Then build two models for sepal and petal features and name them as svc_sepal and svc_petal
respectively. Finally, use these three models for predicting the labels for the classes and save them in
predicted_iris, predicted_sepal, and predicted_petal arrays. What is the role of the
fit and predict methods?
1.2. [25 marks, 20 marks for Grads ] Calculate and show the quantities Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and
F1-score as well as the confusion matrix for all three models (hint: you might use score method in the
sklearn.metrics module). Compare the results and explain why there are differences in the metric
values? (Hint: You might refer to the question 1.9 of assignment 1 and check with the confusion
1.3. [10 marks] Estimate the accuracy of a linear SVM on the iris dataset (all data, sepal, and petal) using 10-
fold cross validation and show the mean and standard deviation of the accuracy (hint: sklearn provided
you the model_selection.cross_val_score function). Explain briefly what k-fold cross
validation is and what it is used for. Repeat the experiment with 5-fold cross validation and compare the
1.4. [Required for Grads – 5 marks, Bonus points for UnderGrads – 5 marks] Without using sklearn
methods related to cross validation, write a function to implement cross validation and compare the
2. [30 marks] This Assignment requires you to write a Python script file called
2.1. [5 marks] Import the 20 newsgroups text dataset (fetch_20newsgroups) from sklearn
datasets. Read through the fetch_20newsgroups help and come to understand how you can
load training and test sets with different categories. Use the subset, shuffle, and random_state
parameters to load training and test data into bunch objects called train_20news and
test_20news. What is the role of the categories parameter?
2.2. [10 marks] If you want to apply machine learning methods on text data, you should convert the text
contents into the numerical feature vectors. The sklearn.feature_extraction.text submodule has provided functions to convert text contents into feature vectors. Explore
CountVectorizer and TfidfTransformer as well as TfidfVectorizer classes as well as
fit, fit_transform and transform methods to figure out how to convert text contents into
feature vectors. Explain briefly how these modules and methods perform the conversion. Convert the
training data and the test data into feature vectors and place the results in train_vectors and
test_vectors. Hint: for the test_vectors, you should call transform instead of
2.3. [5 marks] Similar to section 2.5 in the manuscript, apply a random forest classifier with 50 trees in the
forest on the train_vectors and calculate and show Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-score
quantities as well as confusion matrix of the model on the test_vectors.
2.4. [5 marks] The Pipeline class is provided by sklearn to sequentially apply a list of transforms and a
final estimator. Using the Pipeline class, apply a random forest classifier with 50 trees in the forest on
the training data. Then calculate and show Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-score quantities as well
as confusion matrix of the model on the test data.
2.5. [5 marks] Repeat the 2.4 question using MLP classifier with 3 hidden layers with size 10, 20, and 10,
and maximum iteration 10. Hint: use sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier.
3. [30 marks] This question requires you to write a Python script file called Please download the file and extract it to the directory for this assignment. Read through the wine_names.txt file and
come to understand the problem and the wine data contained in the wine.train dataset. Train one of the
models SVM, MLP, or RF to develop the best possible model for classifying the wine data in the hold-out
test data set of 58 records in the wine.test file given the training data. You must submit a list of 58
classifications (as a separate *.csv file) for the hold-out test set in the same order as received and we will use
your answers to score how well your model performs. Describe your methodology for determining the best
model. Deploy your best model by developing one final model using the best choice of learning parameters
and all the training data. Everyone will be ranked based on how well they do on their classification of the
hold-out test set and a maximum 5 additional marks will be given to each person based on their ranking.