CSCI 470/502 Assignment 5 – Payroll Birthday Bonus Program


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In this program, you will modify the payroll system code provided to you with this assignment on
Blackboard in a folder designated Starter Code.
• Add a private instance variable to the class.
• Use class – also provided to you with this assignment on Blackboard – to represent an employee’s
• Add get methods to class .
• Assume that payroll is processed once per month.
• Create an array of variables to store references to the various employee objects.
• In a loop, calculate the payroll for each (polymorphically), and add a $100.00 bonus to the
person’s payroll amount if the current month is the one in which the ‘s birthday occurs.
• Use the sample output provided to test your program.
Submit your .java files on Blackboard as before. DO NOT INCLUDE THE SAMPLE OUTPUT, .java~ or
.class files!