CSCI 465 Assignment 7 – COBOL Tables and Subprograms 


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Because this is one of your final mainframe projects before graduating, it is important that you exhibit as
high a degree of professional-level mainframe programming as possible at this point in your education. The
quality and efficiency of your programming will be a large part of your grade. Please pay VERY close
attention to the Coding Guidelines provided near the end of this handout and any made previously available
for other assignments this semester.
In this assignment we are using single and multi-dimensional tables to process a business day’s worth of
broker deposit and sale data and create a single report for the company Washington & Lincoln Investments
which manages more funds than just the one with which we have worked in previous assignments.
Each business day, each of Washington & Lincoln Investments’ brokers is able to sell mutual fund shares
from any of those offered by the firm. The number of shares of each mutual fund sold by a broker each
business day depends on the closing price of each share of each mutual fund sold and, of course, the deposit
(in dollars and cents) for that mutual fund sold by a broker during that business day.
In addition to table processing, this project will involve one main COBOL program that calls two external
subprograms, one of the two subprograms will be written in COBOL and the other written in Assembler.
The main COBOL driver program, , will process the main sale file named
. The COBOL subprogram, , will read the file named
in this semester’s data PDSE to only just build the mutual fund table. The Assembler subprogram,
, will calculate both share amount and commission for each of a broker’s up to four sale in a
single day.
The data set member and sequential data set represent the following:
1) – The number and name of each mutual fund managed by
the firm, the price per share of that mutual fund and the percent commission paid to the broker for
selling shares of its fund.
2) – A PDSE member of broker daily deposits and sale.
The PDSE member, , is unsorted. Before you begin executing your COBOL program, you will need
to sort the data set using a JCL step that runs (see example). Sort the data set in ascending
order on the mutual fund number (first three bytes, zoned decimal). Write the sorted data to a temporary
data set which you will pass to the executing step of your program and use as input instead of member
In program , open and read the first file from beginning to end and fill, or “build”, the COBOL
table. The table needs to be a variable length table using an phrase. Note that
the variable’s clause should be a binary sync. The field must be initialized to 0 to start.
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After the table is “built”, you can open and begin processing the sequential file numbered 2) above from
beginning to end and create the “DAILY BROKER DEPOSIT REPORT”.
The Fund Table
Each entry of the fund table will hold the mutual fund number, the name of the mutual fund, the price per
share of the mutual fund and the commission percent paid to the broker for selling shares of the mutual
To “fill” this table, each record in the input file – already sorted by mutual fund number – each record from
this input file will provide the mutual fund information in the following format:
The above was taken directly from the member . The fund number is an integer value
between 1 and 199 and there CAN be up to 199 mutual funds. It must be indexed and, after being built,
will be in ascending order based on the fund number.
The fund table that you define in your will be partly defined by the
The above was taken directly from the member . You will need to define the 01- and
05-levels of the table yourself but the above lines are to be “plugged in” using the statement.
The Sale File
Each record of the sale file contains a one-dimensional table. This means that there will be a onedimensional table definition under the FD for this file.
At the beginning of each sale record are the city name and broker name. The following is the sale record
The above was taken directly from the member . Following the broker name is where
the one-dimensional table that is built into the input sale record is found. Although a bit unrealistic
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but done to simplify things, a broker can only make up to four different mutual fund sale per day. (Note
that there may be repeated mutual funds in these up to four sale!)
Along with the city, or branch, name and broker name, adding up to 50 bytes, these four 13-byte sets of
fund sale information make up 102 bytes total. Note that one or more of these four fund sale sets of data
may contain all zeros if the broker makes fewer than four mutual fund sales during the day. If the fund
number is set to zoned decimal zeros, you can ignore the rest of the data on the record and move on to the
next sale record in the file.
For each record representing a broker’s sale for the business day, you must first move his or her city name
and broker name to the detail line of the DAILY BROKER DEPOSIT REPORT.
You will then parse each of the four 13-byte fund sale sets of data. For each that has a fund number greater
than 0, do a binary search (COBOL’s ) using the sale record’s fund number as the search key
into the Fund Table. If a match is found, move the fund number and the fund name from the Fund Table to
the detail line following the broker’s name.
Note that the broker’s city, or branch, name, and the broker’s name should only appear on the first detail
line for his or her first, or perhaps only, sale of the day.
Then, move the deposit amount and calculated number of shares to the detail line. Finally, move the
calculated commission amount paid to the broker for this particular sale to the detail line. Remember that
each mutual fund has its own commission percentage stored in the Fund Table.
The first detail line for each broker will have the following information from left to right: branch name,
broker name, fund number, fund name, deposit amount, share amount and commission amount (for just that
sale). If the first fund number is not found in the table, the fund number will be followed by the not found
message (see #10 under Details About the Report below) and then the deposit amount followed by a $0.00
in both the share amount and commission amount fields.
Note: Your detail line is going to be tight. The exact output provided is probably the best way to set up your
report headers, column headers, hyphens and detail lines.
The possible second, third and fourth partial detail lines for each broker will have only the following
information from left to right: fund number, fund name, deposit amount, share amount and commission
amount (for just that sale). If any of the second, third and/or fourth fund numbers are not found in the table,
the fund number will be followed by the fund not found message, just like the first line, the deposit amount
and zeroes in both the share amount and commission amount fields.
Count the number of brokers reported, count the number of sales (including those with no matching fund
found), accumulate the grand total of all of the deposits and accumulate the grand total of all of the
commissions to be paid as you process the sale file.
Do not worry about calculating and reporting the number of shares processed but you WILL be calculating
the average total deposit across all brokers. This means that you need to add each broker’s deposits to a
grand running total across all sales for all brokers. At the end you will divide this total by the number of
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The High Sale File
As before, you will write a record to a temporary data set for each of the up to four sales that a broker has
sold more than 10,000.0000 shares of a particular mutual fund. The following is the High Sales Record
The above was taken directly from the member .
You will declare the Fund Table in the main program named and you will pass the address of the
Fund Table to a COBOL Subprogram named that you will call dynamically. will
open the file sorted from , fill the table with the mutual fund data and will then return to .
The Assembler CALCAMTS Subprogram
As you process each broker sale of some number of shares of a mutual fund, you will search for a match of
the mutual number number in the Fund Table. When you find a match, you will then call an Assembler
subprogram named statically. Pass this program the addresses of five fields: deposit amount of
the current sale, share price of the mutual fund found in the Fund Table, a field into which will
place the share amount calculated, the commission percent of the mutual fund found in the Fund Table and,
finally, a field into which will place the commission amount calculated. Once these calculations
are complete, will then return to so that the share amount calculated and commission
amount calculated can move the amounts to the detail line and write it.
JCL Jobstream
Your jobstream is going to look complicated but we are going to simulate a somewhat realistic external
program linkage scenario. Set up your JCL steps as follows:
1. of the input mutual fund data in PDSE member .
2. COBOL Compiler for .
3. Assembler for .
4. Binder (Linkage Editor) for the two object modules created in steps 2 and 3 above which creates a load
module containing both and because is being called statically(!). The
output program object of this step MUST have the same name as the main calling program, .
5. COBOL Compiler for .
6. Binder for which creates a program object of only and adds this to your load
library PDSE.
7. Fetch and execute . Remember that you will have to use a here to reference the load
library PDSE where both your main driver program, ‘s and the program module for the
dynamically called program are stored.
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Details About the First Report
1. Center the titles under one another at the top of each page, including the totals pages. This should
include the name of the mutual fund investment company in the first header and “DAILY BROKER
DEPOSIT REPORT” as a subtitle in the second header.
2. Each page should have the date in MM/DD/YYYY format at the far left of the first header line and
‘PAGE: ‘ with page number in format ZZ9 at the far right of the first header line.
3. Each page should have the time in HH:MM with AM/PM format at the far left of the second header
4. Double-spaced after the second of the page headers, or titles, should be an appropriate column header
(which can be two lines if necessary) and, single-spaced after that, a line of appropriately placed
5. Maximum of 17 double-spaced broker detail lines per page. It is permissible to page break while listing
a broker’s four possible sale for the day.
6. Use the full 132 bytes available to spread out your headers and detail lines.
7. All arithmetic calculations for dollars and cents should be rounded to two decimal places. All
calculations for share amounts should be rounded to four decimal places with a fourth decimal place
set to 0 when displayed.
8. All numeric-edited fields should be correctly edited with a floating dollar sign (when dollars and cents),
commas between the thousands, and decimal points.
9. Remember to ONLY print the broker’s city name, and broker name on the first of the four possible
detail lines reporting his or her daily sale(s).
10. If the binary search for a matching mutual fund in the Fund Table returns a not found condition, move
the numeric-edited mutual fund number (the one that’s not been found in the table, that is) to the fund
number field in the detail line and the following 25-byte text to the fund name field in the detail line:
Then move the deposit amount to the detail line following this not found message. Note that you
SHOULD also add the deposit amount to the grand total of deposits in spite of not being able to find a
matching fund. Move 0 to both the share amount and commission amount columns.
11. At the end of this report and at the top of a new page, double space and center a third title (second
subtitle, that is) of ” “. Double-spaced after this third header, center
your column headers and, single-spaced after that, a line of appropriately placed hyphens. Doublespaced below this display the number of brokers, the total of all deposits rounded, of course, to two
decimal places, and the average deposit per broker reported rounded, of course, to two decimal places,
and then the total of all commissions rounded, of course, to two decimal places. Remember that the
average of the deposits is all of the broker deposits added to a single grand total and divided by the
number of brokers counted.
Details About the Second Report
This report is pretty much the same as previous high sales reports but now you will have up to four broker
names repeated and you will have to add the fund number to the detail line. Refer to the exact output for
formatting and headers. For the totals, only accumulate and report the number of brokers (not records) in
the high sales file. Print 17 detail lines per page. Subtitle this report “BROKER HIGH SALES REPORT”.
Coding Guidelines
1. No printing of headers prior to the loop processing the sale records.
2. No COBOL arithmetic verbs allowed unless adding 1 to a broker counter, page counter, sale counter,
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subscript, etc.
3. Only allowed for arithmetic calculations.
4. ALL statements must include either , , or .
5. NO printing blank lines allowed.
6. Numeric fields that will be printed must be declared as .
7. Numeric fields that are only used for arithmetic and will never be printed must be declared
8. Names of fields declared as indexes must end with and names of those declared as subscripts
must end with .
9. Fields declared as subscripts must be declared as .
10. The headers for the main report should appear within the read loop and nowhere else.
11. The headers for the totals page should appear after read loop and nowhere else.
12. There can be up to 999 brokers and sale so declare the broker and sale counters appropriately.
13. Move 0 to the COBOL special register right before the in both COBOL
14. In the Assembler program, set register 15 to zero as a return code and do not restore register 15 in the
exit linkage.
15. No extra, unnecessary and/or unused variables allowed.
16. Inefficient coding in any of the four programs will be penalized appropriately.
Other Notes
It is required that you use each of the members , , and in
copy library, or “copylib”, PDSE named in your program.
Send the data to the Assembler subprogram in packed decimal format and do all of the arithmetic
in in packed decimal. Return the data in packed decimal.
Note that you might have to add some filler after the lines of code copied in from the members
to equal 80 bytes for any of them related to input records for and 102 bytes for any of them related
to input records for member .
is necessary for this program for member (Make it the first step of your job).
Call the COBOL intrinsic date function only once in your program and NOT inside of a loop.
Do NOT put a long string of COBOL commands within any part of the binary search
structure. You can a new paragraph or two, if necessary, at that point.

Be careful to follow the guidelines above and the guidelines in the course notes book about COBOL,
Assembler and JCL documentation and submit the .txt file with the above four steps on Blackboard.