Abstract In this assignment, you will write a C++ program to simulate a computer system memory. This is the first of a multi-part assignment concluding with a simple computing machine capable of executing real programs compiled with g++. The purpose is to gain an understanding of a machine, its instruction set and how its features are used by realistic programs written in C/C++. 1 Problem Description To simulate a computer system’s memory, create a class to represent a memory whose size is defined at run-time via command-line argument. Your memory class will include utility member functions to load it by reading a binary file, print its contents with a hex dump, a method to determine if a given address is legal, and methods that allow a caller to read or write 8, 16 and 32-bit values from (or to) any legal address. Your program will accept parameters from the command line, read data from a file and print all of its non-error output to standard out (aka stdout) via std::cout and usage or file loading error messages to standard error (aka stderr) via std::cerr. (No other output may be printed to stderr. Note that check_illegal() warnings are neither simulator nor user errors and therefore they must be written to stdout.) 2 Files You Must Write You will write a C++ program suitable for execution on (or Your source files MUST be named exactly as shown below or they will fail to compile and you will receive zero points for this assignment. Create a project directory for this assignment and place within it the source files defined below. main.cpp Your main() and usage() function definitions will go here. hex.h The declarations of your hex formatting class will go here. hex.cpp The definitions of your hex class member functions will go here. memory.h The definition of your memory class will go here. memory.cpp The memory class member function definitions will go here. 2.1 main.cpp You will be provided the code for a suitable main() function for this assignment. Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 1 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator Do not alter the code it as its output must match the reference key or else your output will be graded as wrong. You must add Doxygen comments where appropriate. The provided usage() function prints an appropriate “Usage” error message and “Pattern” to stderr and terminates the program in the traditional manner as discussed here: usage() Function 1 static void usage () 2 { 3 cerr << ” Usage : rv32i [ – m hex – mem – size ] infile ” << endl ; 4 cerr << ” -m specify memory size ( default = 0 x100 )” << endl ; 5 exit (1); 6 } main() Function 1 int main ( int argc , char ** argv ) 2 { 3 uint32_t memory_limit = 0 x100 ; // default memory size is 0 x100 4 5 int opt ; 6 while (( opt = getopt ( argc , argv , ” m :”)) != -1) 7 { 8 switch ( opt ) 9 { 10 case ’m ’: 11 { 12 std :: istringstream iss ( optarg ); 13 iss >> std :: hex >> memory_limit ; 14 } 15 break ; 16 default : 17 usage (); 18 } 19 } 20 21 if ( optind >= argc ) 22 usage (); // missing filename 23 24 memory mem ( memory_limit ); 25 mem . dump (); 26 27 if (! mem . load_file ( argv [ optind ])) 28 usage (); 29 30 mem . dump (); 31 32 cout << mem . get_size () << endl ; 33 cout << hex :: to_hex32 ( mem . get8 (0)) << endl ; 34 cout << hex :: to_hex32 ( mem . get16 (0)) << endl ; 35 cout << hex :: to_hex32 ( mem . get32 (0)) << endl ; 36 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get8 (0)) << endl ; 37 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get16 (0)) << endl ; 38 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get32 (0)) << endl ; Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 2 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator 39 cout << hex :: to_hex8 ( mem . get8 (0)) << endl ; 40 cout << hex :: to_hex8 ( mem . get16 (0)) << endl ; 41 cout << hex :: to_hex8 ( mem . get32 (0)) << endl ; 42 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get32 (0 x1000 )) << endl ; 43 44 mem . set8 (0 x10 , 0 x12 ); 45 mem . set16 (0 x14 , 0 x1234 ); 46 mem . set32 (0 x18 , 0 x87654321 ); 47 48 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get8_sx (0 x0f )) << endl ; 49 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get8_sx (0 x7f )) << endl ; 50 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get8_sx (0 x80 )) << endl ; 51 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get8_sx (0 xe3 )) << endl ; 52 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get16_sx (0 xe0 )) << endl ; 53 cout << hex :: to_hex0x32 ( mem . get32_sx (0 xe0 )) << endl ; 54 55 mem . dump (); 56 return 0; 57 } 2.2 hex.h and hex.cpp These files will contain a class with some utility functions for formatting numbers as hex strings for printing. Your hex.h file must contain the following class plus header guards and appropriate Doxygen comments: hex.h 1 class hex 2 { 3 public : 4 static std :: string to_hex8 ( uint8_t i ); 5 static std :: string to_hex32 ( uint32_t i ); 6 static std :: string to_hex0x32 ( uint32_t i ); 7 }; Your hex.cpp file must contain the implementation of the three method functions. An observation: This class is to be used for simplifying the application. Your code must use it to format a hex value any time it needs to do so. Therefore the std::hex I/O manipulator must never appear in any file other than • std::string to_hex8(uint8_t i); This function must return a std::string with exactly 2 hex digits representing the 8 bits of the i argument. The following code snipit is one way to format an 8-bit integer into a 2-character hex string with a leading zero: std::string hex::to_hex8(uint8_t i) { std::ostringstream os; os << std::hex << std::setfill(’0’) << std::setw(2) << static_cast(i); return os.str(); } Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 3 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator Note that the static_cast is necessary here to prevent the insertion operator (<<) from treating the 8-bit integer as a character and printing it incorrectly. (The printing of other integer sizes does not have this problem and therefore can be printed without such a cast.) • std::string to_hex32(uint32_t i); This function must return a std::string with 8 hex digits representing the 32 bits of the i argument. • std::string to_hex0x32(uint32_t i); This function must return a std::string beginning with 0x, followed by the 8 hex digits representing the 32 bits of the i argument. It must be implemented by creating a string by concatenating a 0x to the output of to_hex32() like this: return std::string(“0x”)+to_hex32(i); 2.3 memory.h and memory.cpp Your memory.h file must include the following class definition plus header guards and appropriate Doxygen comments. Note that failure to implement this design accurately will cause significant problems with future assignments that you will implement by extending this one! class memory 1 class memory 2 { 3 public : 4 memory ( uint32_t s ); 5 ~ memory (); 6 7 bool check_illegal ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 8 uint32_t get_size () const ; 9 uint8_t get8 ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 10 uint16_t get16 ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 11 uint32_t get32 ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 12 13 int32_t get8_sx ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 14 int32_t get16_sx ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 15 int32_t get32_sx ( uint32_t addr ) const ; 16 17 void set8 ( uint32_t addr , uint8_t val ); 18 void set16 ( uint32_t addr , uint16_t val ); 19 void set32 ( uint32_t addr , uint32_t val ); 20 21 void dump () const ; 22 23 bool load_file ( const std :: string & fname ); 24 25 private : 26 std :: vector < uint8_t > mem ; 27 }; You should feel free to inline any methods where you think it is appropriate. Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 4 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator • memory(uint32_t siz); Allocate siz bytes in the mem vector and initialize every byte/element to 0xa5. Implement the following rounding logic (before allocating the siz elements) to make the job of formatting and aligning your last line of output in your dump() method much, much easier: siz = (siz+15)&0xfffffff0; // round the length up, mod-16 • ~memory(); In the destructor clean up anything necessary. • bool check_illegal(uint32_t i) const; Return true if the given address is not in your simulated memory. If the given address is not in your simulated memory then print a warning message to stdout formatted as shown below: WARNING: Address out of range: 0x00001000 and return true. Obviously, formatting this warning message will involve using your hex::to_hex0x32() function. • uint32_t get_size() const; Return the (rounded up) number of bytes in the simulated memory. • uint8_t get8(uint32_t addr) const; Check to see if the given addr is in your mem by calling check_illegal(). If addr is in the valid range then return the value of the byte from your simulated memory at the given address. If addr is not in the valid range then return zero to the caller. Note that this is the only code that will ever read values from the mem vector. • uint16_t get16(uint32_t addr) const; This function must call your get8() function twice to get two bytes and then combine them in little-endian1 order to create a 16-bit return value. Because you are using your get8() function, the job of validating the addresses of the two bytes will be taken care of there. Do not redundantly check the validity in this function. • uint32_t get32(uint32_t addr) const; This function must call get16() function twice and combine the results in little-endian order similar to the implementation of get16(). • int32_t get8_sx(uint32_t addr) const; This function will call get8() and then return the sign-extended value of the byte as a 32-bit signed integer. • int32_t get16_sx(uint32_t addr) const; This function will call get16() and then return the sign-extended value of the 16-bit value as a 32-bit signed integer. 1See RVALP and/or Wikipedia for a discussion of little-endian order. Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 5 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator • int32_t get32_sx(uint32_t addr) const; This function will call get32() and then return the value as a 32-bit signed integer. Hint: Do it like this: return get32(addr); • void set8(uint32_t addr, uint8_t val); This function will call check_illegal() to verify the the addr argument is valid. If addr is valid then set the byte in the simulated memory at that address to the given val. If addr is not valid then discard the data and return to the caller. Note that this, and the constructor, are the only code that will ever write values into the mem vector. • void set16(uint32_t addr, uint16_t val); This function will call set8() twice to store the given val in little-endian order into the simulated memory starting at the address given in the addr argument. • void set32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val); This function will call set16() twice to store the given val in little-endian order into the simulated memory starting at the address given in the addr argument. • void dump() const; Dump the entire contents of your simulated memory in hex with the corresponding ASCII2 characters on the right exactly, space-for-space in the format shown in the output section below. In order to format the ASCII part of the dump lines, fetch a byte from the memory and then use isprint(3) to determine if you are to show an ASCII character or a dot (.) when the byte does not have a valid printable value: uint8_t ch = get8(i); ch = isprint(ch) ? ch : ’.’; This code fragment will leave the character to be printed in the ASCII portion of the dump in the ch variable. The isprint() function is a standard C library function you can read about in the on line manual or google it. • bool load_file(const std::string &fname); Open the file named fname in binary mode and read its contents into your simulated memory. You may open a file in binary mode like this: std::ifstream infile(fname, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary); If the file can not be opened, then print a suitable message to stderr including the name of the file and return false: Can’t open file ’testdata’ for reading. 2See RVALP and/or Wikipedia for a discussion of the ASCII character set. Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 6 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator You must make certain that the file can fit into your memory! One simple way to do that is to read the file one byte at-a-time and check the byte address before you write to it by calling check_illegal(). If the address is valid, keep going. If the address is not valid, then print the following message to stderr, close the file, and return false: Program too big. If the file loads OK then close the file and return true. In order to read the file contents with the extraction operator (>>), you will want to set noskipws before reading from it like this:3 uint8_t i; infile >> std::noskipws; for (uint32_t addr = 0; infile >> i; ++addr) { … } • std::vector mem; A vector of bytes representing the simulated memory. Initialize it with the given size in your constructor. 3 Input Your program will accept an optional memory-size argument and a filename on the command line as shown in the main() code snipit above. The Usage statement for this application is: memsim [-m hex-mem-size] filename The optional -m argument is a hex number representing the amount of memory to simulate. When not present, the default size must be 0x100. The last argument is the name of a file to load into the simulated memory. Some test files may be provided for you. It is your responsibility to create your own test files as you see fit to verify the proper operation of your code. It should go without saying that you should try loading files with sizes that are less than, exactly equal to, and greater than the number of simulated memory bytes. 4 Output Your program’s output will be a dump of the simulated memory after it has been constructed then again after it has been loaded. Then and some lines of output from the test calls to the setX(), 3See for more information. Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 7 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator getX() and to_hexX() functions and another dump to know that the setX() functions are working properly. For example if your program is executed like this with a file that contains “hello world 1 2 3 4” on a line by itself then: ./memsim -m 2e will display the following output: Sample Run 1 00000000: a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 *…………….* 2 00000010: a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 *…………….* 3 00000020: a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 *…………….* 4 00000000: 68 65 6 c 6 c 6 f 20 77 6 f 72 6 c 64 20 31 20 32 20 * hello world 1 2 * 5 00000010: 33 20 34 0 a a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 *3 4………….* 6 00000020: a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 *…………….* 7 48 8 00000068 9 00006568 10 6 c6c6568 11 0 x00000068 12 0 x00006568 13 0 x6c6c6568 14 68 15 68 16 68 17 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x00001000 18 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x00001001 19 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x00001002 20 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x00001003 21 0 x00000000 22 0 x00000020 23 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x0000007f 24 0 x00000000 25 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x00000080 26 0 x00000000 27 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e3 28 0 x00000000 29 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e0 30 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e1 31 0 x00000000 32 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e0 33 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e1 34 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e2 35 WARNING : Address out of range : 0 x000000e3 36 0 x00000000 37 00000000: 68 65 6 c 6 c 6 f 20 77 6 f 72 6 c 64 20 31 20 32 20 * hello world 1 2 * 38 00000010: 12 20 34 0 a 34 12 a5 a5 21 43 65 87 a5 a5 a5 a5 *. 4.4…! Ce …..* 39 00000020: a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 *…………….* Note that if you create a test file on Windows, then the byte whose value is 0x0a (the newline character) might be different than shown above.4 Other examples may available on the course web site. 4Text files created on DOS/Windows machines have different line endings than files created on Unix/Linux. DOS uses carriage return and line feed (“\r\n”) as a line ending, while Unix uses just a line feed (“\n”). Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 8 of 9 CSCI 463 Assignment 3 – Memory Simulator 5 How To Hand In Your Program When you are ready to turn in your assignment, make sure that the only files in your project directory is/are the source files defined and discussed above. Then, in the parent of your project directory, use the mailprog.463 command to send the contents of the files in your project directory to your TA. For example, if your project directory is called memsim then run mailprog like this: mailprog.463 memsim 6 Grading The grade you receive on this programming assignment will scored according to the syllabus and its ability to compile and execute on the Computer Science Department’s computer. It is your responsibility to create your own test data files suitable for testing your program thoroughly. When we grade your assignment, we will compile it on using these exact commands: Compiling Your Assignment 1 g ++ – pedantic – Wall – Werror – Wextra -g – std = c ++11 -c -o main . o main . cpp 2 g ++ – pedantic – Wall – Werror – Wextra -g – std = c ++11 -c -o memory . o memory . cpp 3 g ++ – pedantic – Wall – Werror – Wextra -g – std = c ++11 -c -o hex . o hex . cpp 4 g ++ – pedantic – Wall – Werror – Wextra -g – std = c ++11 -o memsim main . o memory . o hex . o Your program will then be run multiple times using different memory sizes and test data files and the output compared against a reference implementation of this assignment. Copyright © 2020, 2021 John Winans. All Rights Reserved ~/NIU/courses/463/2021-sp/assignments/a3/handout.tex 2021-02-01 13:36:57 -0600 v2.0-903-gbbeeb9f Page 9 of 9